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Title: Surfing & sums...
Source: Massive!
Source: Submitted by nike_child19
Date: 1998
Topic: 1998 Article/Interview
Location: UK

Aaron Carter must be the only pop star around who is into fractions and who has to be in bed as early as possible!

The 10-year-old who had massive hits with crazy little party girl and I'm gonna miss you forever came up with his hottest single with 'Surfin' USA'. Despite his huge success, cuddly little Aaron manages to keep his pint sized feet firmly on the ground. He even tried to hide the fact that his big bro was in the Backstreet Boys from his school mates because he didn't want all the extra attention! Massive investigates...

First of all, how did it feel to turn ten-years-old in december?

It was great. Now I have a two digit number for my age!

Do you get to hang out much with your brother Nick when you visit Europe?

Yeah, we meet up with each other in different cities. Then sometimes he'll go home first and be a little mad because I got to stay behind a while! I love meeting up with Nick. Out of all the the pop stars I have met, Nick is my biggest idol because he's my brother and he always stands up for me.

What kind of girlfriend would be good for Nick?

I think a girl that likes him for who he is, and not just because he is a member of the Backstreet Boys.

And what does your dream girl look like?

She doesn't look like anything in particular, except that she will have to be pretty and she'll have a to have a nice personality. I really like European girls. I think Swedish girls are very pretty and really nice to talk to.

Have you ever kissed a girl?

Yeah, I think I have. But it was a long time ago. I kissed a girl called Erica when I was six-years-old.

Do you find it strage that girls scream at you because you are famous?

No, thats normal. Well, it's normal to me. When I was in Denmark recently there was a near riot. We were driving through this crowd in Denmark and the car was surrounded by girls. We couldn't move.

Were you scared?

Yeah, it was something of a problem. We couldn't do a signing because there was so many girls there. Sometimes I get a little bit scared because I'm afraid they may break the windows.

But isn't it every kid's dream to be famous? Yes, I enjoy it a lot. It's not too much for me. But Biscuit, my bodyguard, won't let me go up and talk to the fans too often because he thinks it could be dangerous. It could get out of hand.

How are you getting along at school?

Great. I've found something new that I like doing - fractions. I love Math. I've got a tutor called Mary and she's good. But there are some subjects I don't like.

Do you ever try to skip lessons?

Yeah, sometimes I hide in the bathroom for ages and play my GameBoy, but Mary always finds me. She wonders why I've been to the bathroom for so long!

What do your friends think of your different lifestyle and the fact your picture appears in magazines?

Well, at the beginning, I didn't tell my friends that I was Nick's brother so that they'd like me for being me. But then I started to make records and one guy found this magazine with a picture of me in it and the headline said: 'Aaron, Nick's Brother'.

And your cover was blown...

Yeah, he brought the magazine into school the next day and said: "Hey, look Aaron! This is a picture of you. You ARE Nick's brother! Ha ha!". And everybody in school found out, so it's not a secret anymore. Luckily, I was friends with them all first so I know they are good pals. I know they are not trying to be friends just because I am famous.

What is an average day like for a ten-year-old pop star?

I do interviews like this, and TV-shows and photo sessions. It's a lot of fun. But most reporters ask the same questions. They want to talk about Nick all the time and they give me letters to give to him.

How late are you allowed to stay up?

Well, it's supposed to be as early as possible because I have busy days, but I usually manage to stay up quite late. Sometimes, I stay up until ten o-clock. Sometimes, when I go to bed, I lie awake and think about what it would be like if I could fly. I love flying.

What are the coolest places you have visited through work?

I have been to so many: England, France, Spain, Denmark everywhere. I'ts been really good. I've been having lots of fun. I've been to Hawaii even. But out of all the places, I really like Munich. It was snowing, but not that cold. I love snow! I love hearing languages in Europe. It's strange but I have managed to pick some up. I can speak a little German, Dutch and Swedish now.

What are the best monuments that you have seen?

The best one was a big castle in Germany that looked like big brown church. It was really old. And in Paris I saw the Eiffel Tower. I went all the way to the top. That's the tallest building in France and there's a great view up there.

Which famous people have you met?

I've met Aqua, Robyn, Coolio, Jeff Goldblum, Genuwine, N-Sync - they came to my school party.

What do you wish for in life?

Peace on Earth, a four wheeler, some Ninja Turtles and a boat of my own, just a small sailing boat. And I wish I could be the King of the World! or President of the USA for one day and then I'd give as much money as I could to charity.

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