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Title: TOTP Interrogates... Aaron Carter
Source: Top Of The Pops
Source: Submitted by nike_child12
Date: 1998
Topic: 1998 Article/Interview
Location: UK

At ten years old, Aaron Carter may be the youngest member in pop, but not even that can save him from a ruthless quizzing by the TOTP iterrogates team.

The world of pop can be a scary place. Does it ever frighten you?

Yes, it is kinda scary butnot as much as I thought it would be. I'm not scared of touring or anything, in fact I'm really looking forward to it. Will I be singing live? Probably, it's much better to sing live as you learn more. Can I sing you something now? Sure, but I have a bit ofa cold so it may not be that good. Here goes...

Hmm, your voice is still quite high, do you worry about it breaking?

Yes, it does frighten me a little bit but I think that as I get older my voice will get even higher, like Nick's did. When he was nine his voice was low but by the time he was 12 his voice was high. He could sing higher than Michael Jackson.

Aren't you too young to be singing about girls and having crushes on people?

Well, I am very young, I'll be 11 soon [in December!] but age doesn't matter.

So have you ever been out with anyone then?

Erm, not properly but I have had a crush on someone. It was a girl at my schol but I never went out with her. Would I go out with her now? Oh no, it was five years ago when I was five. I do have time to go out with someone now but I'd rather just wait.

What would happen if you were told to record a single that you hated?

Oh, that's never happened but if it did I'd just say that I didn't like that song and could I record another one. I'm sure we could work something out.

Most pop stars celebrate having a Top 10 record by partying and drinking lots of shandy booze. What did you do?

I went out to a restaurant with some of my friends and met the fans who'd bough my records. I usually have to be in bed by 10pm but this one time I stayed up all night, that was because I was leaving the hotel at five in the morning s othere was no point sleeping. My mum's usually there to make sure I go to bed anyway.

You're not very rock'n'roll, are you?

Well, my mum doesn't like me going to parties but I really don't mind. Actually I'd rather go to bed and catch up on some rest, I'm not really missing out on anything. I prefer to go home and play on the computer or play with my sisters, if they were here. But I buy lots of toys so that I have something to do when I'm away. (Producing an Action Man Flight.) This is the last thing I bought. Let me show you what he does. (Throws the Action Man ten feet in the air across the crowded restaurant and it glides to the ground just missing a waitress carrying a tray of drinks - and giving his press officer a minor heart attack!)

What's the wildest thing you've done as a pop star?

I had the music up really loud when I was in a hotel room in Madrid once. The people next door called the desk and complained. I was listening to Metallica while jumping around on the bed and when the guy came and knocked on the door I hid. I let my mum take care of it. Where did I hide? I lifted the TV out of the cabinet and crawled in there!

Shouldn't you be doing normal things like going to school?

I do think it's important to learn, that's why my tutor travels with us and I have lessons for four hours a day. The last lesson I had was maths which is OK, although I enjoy English. What's the biggest word I know? Mississippi, (spelling it really quickly) M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i. What about Supercalorfragilisticexpealidocious? Is that a word? Yes? Super-alla-dacca-fracca-dacca, frall, dacca, nah, forget it!

OK, what about being able to play out with your friends and spending time with your family?

When I'm home I play with my friends a lot so I don't worry about it. Besides, my schedule isn't that bad, I only work four hours a day. My mum's with me all the time but I would prefer it if my dad was here too. I have the same opportunities as my family at home. But you know what, I love performing and I'm glad that I'm this age and I can do what I love doing.

Do you ever feel guilty that your twin sister Angel is left out?

No not really, as I talk to her on the phone nearly every day. She's starting her own group with her friends anyway. It would be funny if my sister was singing, maybe we'd do a duet together, I don't know. My sister Leslie plas guitar and I can play bass and Nick's good at drums. Angel and I are both good on saxaphone too. We're all good at something.

Would you have landed a record deal if Nick wasn't your brother?

No, because if Nick wasn't a singer, then I wouldn't be here. He supports me and is the one who ased me if I wanted to sing. I was interested in performing before but I think it would havebeen a lot harder. I'd already been in a commercial for a washing machine. It was funny, I had to run to the washing machine with a pair of pants and say 'These stink!' while putting them in. How many more questions are there?

Do you mind talking about Nick in interviews?

No, I don't mind but it's usually up to my mum. It's fun talking about him as I can tell on him and stuff. Like last time he was in trouble for not tidying his room. It was Christmas and he wanted to go play basketball but my dad grounded him. He was mad.

Which member of the Backstreet Boys are you most scared of?



Oh, because he's so old. He's 26 and that's like kind of grown up. But we do get along. I get on with all the guys but Kevin's the only one that, oh, I don't know. Do I mean he's sensible? Erm, no, I wouldn't say so. I have met bands like Hanson too. Zac's really nice. Do you know when his birthday is? October? He's 12 and he's really tall. He's up here (stands up and places his hand two inches over his own head). I think I'm tougher than Zac though, heh heh. My twin sister Angel is taller than him!

You're 10 at the moment, will you still be making records when you're 20?

Oh yeah. I think I have a long career ahead of me. I mean I could be making rock records or something but I'd much rather stick with pop, pop's much more fun. How many more questions? One? Cool, is there a McDonald's round here? I'm starving!

Yes, in a second. Now, have you lied during this interview?

Now, let me see. (Shaking head sideways.) Erm, no I haven't, it's all the truth. Do I ever tell lies? Yes, in some interviews.

Like when you told us your dog saved you from drowning?

That was true! I hit my head on the diving board and fell in the pool and my dog, Simba jumped in. He put his teeth around my wrist and pulled me to the side. I think I have a strange mind or something, that's why I lie. I just wrote a song called Fantasy but it's not finished yet. Can I have two cheeseburgers?

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