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Title: Backstreet Boys? I prefer 'N Sync!
Source: Smash Hits
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Date: August 2000
Topic: 2000 Article/Interview
Location: UK

Is it a bird? Is it a very small plane? No, it's Aaron Carter on a scooter!

What have you been up to?

I'm in Singapore at the moment, and I've just been doing a lot of autograph signing - I did about 1,500 last week! Apart from that, I've been going all round the world - pretty much everywhere except Australia and South Africa. We should be going there soon though - they've got a lot of sharks round there, which will be cool!

Last time we saw you, you were bouncing round on shoes with huge springs on...

Yeah, my Mom bought me those. I think I can get about ten feet in the air now!

What else is cool at the moment?

I just saw a film with Adam Sandler, Deuce Bigalo: Male Gigolo; that was really funny. Trouble is, all the films on TV are in Japanese and Singapor-ish...

The last song of yours we heard was on the Pokemon film soundtrack. Are you a Pokefan?

Yeah, Pokemon is pretty cool. It's a bit old now, but I used to be really into it. I got given a book with a complete set of the original cards on this show I did, but Pikachu's always been my favourite, he's just really cute and funny looking.

If Pokemon's old, what's new?

The new craze is scooters. I've got nine!

Not with motors...?

No, those ones are my Dad's! Actually I was exaggerating when I said nine, I've just got one with a motor and four of the push ones. I was riding them round the airport the other day, it was cool.

Were you causing havoc?

Yeah! I hit loads of people!

How's your brother?

I haven't talked to him in a while, since we were in Sweden actually, but he was fine.

Are you still planning a duet?

We're still debating whether we want to or not, but I'd like to.

Who's better, Backstreet or 'N Sync?

Um, I like 'N Sync's music better...

Have you told Nick this?


Er, are you gonna get into trouble when he reads this article?


Sorry... Nick's always been popular with the girls - does it run in the family?

(Blushing) I guess you could say that... I don't have a girlfriend at the moment though, but I suppose I am looking. A bit.

You were on tour with Britney - do you fancy her?

(Blushing even more) Yeah, a bit I suppose, but she's a little old...

The Carter File

- Aaron and his twin sister Angel were born on December 7, 1987

- He's had four hits, the biggest being Crazy Little Party Girl (No7) in 1998.

- He's obsessed with sharks, but doesn't trust dolphins - "Their brains are bigger than ours."

- He's the only pop star we know who wants to be a marine biologist when he grows up.

- He tells fibs, "Every day, Biiig fibs!"

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