Title: Is Aaron Snogging Nick's Girl?
Source: Smash Hits
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aaronintheuk/
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Date: 2000
Type: Letter
Topic: 2000 Other
Location: UK
"Is Aaron Snogging Nick's Girl?"
Dear John,
I recently read In The Sack with Aaron and have since become increasing worried about the li'l tyke's welfare. When asked if he'd ever had a crush on someone, Baby Carter said it'd been on a girl called Briana who he managed to kiss. This has worried me. I'm sure if you look back on similar Big Carter (Nick) interviews, he says that his first kiss was with a girl called Briana too. This cannot be a coincidence!!! I need to contact a private detective in Florida to get to the bottom of this and stop this potential cradle snatcher pouncing on another star-to-be!!! Unfortunately the phone call alone would cost me £25 so can you help me out?
Concerned BSB fan, by email
I think we'd better ask big brother Nick when we next see him. Have the star prize for your detective work...