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Title: The Call
Source: Smash Hits
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Date: 2001
Topic: 2001 Article/Interview
Location: UK

Each week, SH makes a call on behalf of a pop star.

This week: Nick & Aaron Carter want a family portrait.

"Hello, Simms Snappers."

Hi, I represent the pop band Backstreet Boys in the UK and one of the members, Nick, would like a family portrait with his brother Aaron. If we were to come to you, could you be discreet?

"Sure, we have a private studio where I'm sure they'll feel comfortable."

Good. Now, they'll make their own way there. Are you easy to find?

"Yes, but we could fax you a map of the area if that helps."

Could you do it in big writing? That would help Nick.

"Um, OK."

Aaron's a little feisty, so promise me one thing - make sure, on pain of death, you don't give him any orange squash after 1pm. Do you understand?

"Er... yeah."

Have you got any cuddly toys to keep him entertained? A shark, say?

"Sure, we've got some teddy bears and kangaroos, that sort of thing."

Er, I didn't hear a shark mentioned.

"Well, I don't think we've got a shark..."

Oh dear, well that's no good at all. GOODBYE!

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