Title: Crossroads Premiere
Date: April 17, 2002
Source: Smash Hits
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aaronintheuk/
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Topic: News
Location: UK
Smash Hits Plus One News From The Hottest Pop Parties!
What was the party?
The Crossroads premiere and after show party.
Where was it?
The Odeon Leicester Square followed by a party at the In And Out club, Piccadilly.
Were there any refreshments?
Chicken strips, king prawns, grape and brie kebabs.
What happened?
Britney locked herself in a VIP room where she invited Aaron Carter, Blue and a1 to party with her. The Blue boys were so over excited at meeting Miss Spears they ran down the corridor shouting.
Simon, Dunk, Lee and Thaila allSTARS got sweaty dancing on the stage in the VIP area. Kelli Liberty X hung out with MisTeeq, who were playing drinking games. Michelle Liberty X chatted to Coree Damage at the bar and Becky allSTARS tried to hurry the queue in the girls toilets by shouting at the engaged cubicles. And Tony Liberty X danced with us!