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Title: The Saturday Show
Date: 23 March 2002
Source: Transcript
Source: Submitted by nike_child19
Topic: Article/Interview
Type: Transcript
Location: UK

They start the show and Aaron is dressed as a Sumo(sp?) Wrestler and he has to fight The Big Show (7'4" wwf star) on a big rubber mat.

Dani: Aaron, be afraid, be very afriad. Anything you'd like to say to big show?

Aaron: I may be small, but I'm all heart, and all man.

Dani: You tell him Aaron, you tell him!

They have a big fight, Aaron's costume means he can't move well and he spends most of the fight falling over... some of the band members jump in and help him. He wins the fight. (Yay Aaron!)

Dani: We never could predict this.

Aaron: (breathless) Well, I knew I could do it.

After the fight, Aaron looks very pleased with himself and The Big Show pretends to be mad. They go to a cartoon and then interview Aaron...

Dani: Welcome to the Saturday Show, gut-buster star, Aaron Carter!

Aaron grins victoriously and puts his hands in the air in triumph.

Aaron: You know what, you know what? Personally, I knew I could take him. Because it wasn't that hard. He's so big, and I'm so little - you know, all I had to do was bite his ankles!

Dani: We've had loads and loads of emails, so do you mind if I read a few?

Aaron: Go ahead.

Dani: Okay, this is from Alex, from Brighton, thanks Alex. It says, does it bug you Aaron that you always get introduced as Nick Carter's little brother, rather than a great singer in your own right?

Aaron: Of course it bugs me, but you know, he is my brother, so I'm cool with it. You know, keep it all in the family.

Dani: Do you get all his fans?

Aaron: Of course. (cheeky grin)

Guy presenter (forgot his name lol): This ones from Albert, at 14, you're virtually an old pro in the biz, have you any advice for young upstarts like Gareth Gates?

Aaron looks slightly puzzled and Dani explains that Gareth Gates is a 17 year old UK pop star who recently had a number one single.

Aaron: I've heard of him, yeah. Well... I don't know, you know... just my advice to anybody who wants to be a singer or in the performing arts, you know, just set your mind to it, you know and er...

Dani: Determination.

Aaron: Exactly, determination and... conquer your fears, you know...

Guy: Do you like being famous at such a young age, and how has it affected you?

Aaron: I love, you know, being famous at a young age is... it's pretty cool, you get to see a lot of new things in the world and..

Dani: You get to meet everybody

Aaron: Exactly.

Dani: Do you not feel like you've missed out on a bit of your childhood?

Aaron: Of course I've missed out on things, but in return, they've missed out on things, that I do.

They show a picture of the presenter, Dani, when she was 15, when she was in a girl band and everyone laughs at it. For some reason Aaron seems to already know all about it (possibly from rehearsals?) and then after he says "Yo, can you show that again?", and they all laugh some more. Then the guy presenter explains that when he was 14, he had a paper route. Dani ask Aaron if he even knows what one is, but he ignores her and then the guy gives Aaron a bag of newspapers to deliver and he walks off camera. They call him back, because they haven't finished the interview...

Dani: Jimmy Neutron, brand new movie out from the states. What's your envolvment in it?

Aaron: My envolvement is the songs! I have three songs in it, I have 'Go Jimmy Jimmy', 'Leave It Up To Me'...

Guy: Shall we show everbody

Aaron: Yeah, go ahead!

Dani: What was the last one?

Aaron: 'AC's Alienation'

Guy: Aaron Carter everbody!

People cheer and they play the video.

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