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Title: AND THE WINNER IS . . .
Source: The Columbus Dispatch
Source: FEATURES - NOW!; Pg. 02H
Author: Lisa Schwartz
Date: August 13, 2002
Topic: Other

Recently, the NOW! section and Polaris Amphitheater teamed up to offer a chance for an 8- to 14-year-old to win tickets to see Aaron Carter perform in concert.

Congratulations to Lisa Schwartz, 14, of Hilliard who was the winner of the contest. Lisa's letter was drawn from more than 140 entries. Lisa -- and three of her guests -- attended Aaron's concert last Wednesday.

In addition to tickets to the concert, Lisa also won an autographed photo of the teen idol and two T-shirts.

Again, congrats to Lisa -- and thanks to all who participated in the contest. Lisa's a big fan, as you'll see from her letter:

I'm entering this Aaron Carter contest because this is a great opportunity for me! This is the first time in awhile that I haven't been able to get tickets and I'm so upset. This is the last way. I've liked Aaron since about fifth grade, and I know all my friends will testify to that. They know how much I talk about him and they can tell once they see my room and all the posters of him filling it. I've just always loved the way his music is so happy and jumpy. That's pretty awesome. And not to mention he is pretty cute!

My two favorite songs would definitely have to be Ain't That Cute and I'm All About You because they show that Aaron actually cares about his fans and that's an amazing thing considering the stars today.

He's just an awesome guy and I would love to get an opportunity like this. I even went to Cleveland just to see him! I'd say I'm a pretty dedicated fan.

GRAPHIC: Photo, CHRIS RUSSELL DISPATCH,, Lisa Schwartz, left, eagerly awaits the start of the Aaron Carter concert at, Polaris Amphitheater with her friends, Ashley Greenlee, 14, center, and Amanda, Gruett, 14.

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