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Title: AOL Chat
Date: October 5th, 2000
Source: American Online
Source: Ashely's Aaron Carter Page
Topic: Article/Interview

OnlineHost: Greetings and welcome to AOL Live, Aaron Carter!

Question: Do you enjoy traveling all over the world and meeting new people?

Aaron Carter: Yeah, I love doing it. It's one of my favorite things to do.

Question: When are you going to come to Michigan?

Aaron Carter: I am not really sure right now, but hopefully soon.

Question: Does it feel like you are in your brother's shadow sometimes when it comes to your parents?

Aaron Carter: Nope, not really.

Question: You are the best, but what boy band do you like the best?

Aaron Carter: If I had to pick anybody, I'd have to say *NSYNC.

Question: Are you and your sister opening for the BSB on their upcoming tour?

Aaron Carter: No.

Question: Hey, Aaron, I was wondering if you'd be doing any shows at venues specifically in Connecticut. Thanks -- Melissa, 13.

Aaron Carter: Hopefully I should be doing some on my upcoming tour in November.

Question: Aaron, I know you just put out the CD "Aaron's Party," but when do you think your next CD will be?

Aaron Carter: Hopefully this summer.

Question: What movies do you like?

Aaron Carter: Last night I saw the movie "What Lies Beneath." It's freakin' scary.

Question: What is it like to be on tour and away from home?

Aaron Carter: Sometimes itâ??s fun, but ya know, you get a little homesick. But when you're home, you want to go back on the road again.

Question: Where is your next concert?

Aaron Carter: I think it's in Knoxville, Tennessee, or we might be there right now. I am not sure.

Question: Hey, Aaron! Does it bug you that everyone knows you as Nick's little brother?

Aaron Carter: Yeah. But you know, I am used to it.

Question: How did you get into singing?

Aaron Carter: Ya know, I forget. I think I had a band when I was six years old. It was called Dead End. We played coffee shops.

Question: Hey, Aaron! I was wondering if you have any musical inspirations besides, of course, your bother Nick from the Backstreet Boys.

Aaron Carter: I think Justin from *NSYNC is another one of my influences, because he's just an awesome person and really cool to be around.

Question: Do you go to public school?

Aaron Carter: Nope.

Question: Are you on AOL? If so, do you check the message boards?

Aaron Carter: Yeah, I am on AOL. But I forget my screen name.

Question: Is there a competition between you and your brother Nick?

Aaron Carter: I don't think so, because the music we do is a lot different from each other. So we're in a different category.

Question: Have your ever got to open an act for your brother and the rest of the band before?

Aaron Carter: I think I did a long time ago in Berlin, Germany.

Question: What's your fav show on TV? -- Biggest Fan Ever

Aaron Carter: My favorite show is "Wonder Years," because it was like my life, but the opposite. But the way he thinks is similar to the way I think. So it's one of my favorite shows.

Question: Do you enjoy traveling all over the world and meeting new people?

Aaron Carter: Of course I do. But I kinda got a routine for it now.

Question: Hey, Aaron! So what kind of music can I hear on your CD?

Aaron Carter: You can hear pretty much everything you like. There are many styles. There's rap on it, Latin. It works out great.

Question: Hey, Aaron, what's your favorite food?

Aaron Carter: It depends on what kinda mood I am in. When we're driving in a car, it's McDonalds. But most of the time it's TGIF kinda food. Probably buffalo wings are my favorite.

Question: Where do you live?

Aaron Carter: I live in Everywhere. You name it, I've been there.

Question: Are you allowed to date? If so, do you have a girlfriend? If not, when will you be allowed?

Aaron Carter: Actually, no, not at the moment, I don't have girlfriend. I am allowed to date, but I choose not to because of the business I am in. It's difficult.

Question: Do you listen to your brother's music?

Aaron Carter: No, not really. I prefer *NSYNC.

Question: Who speaks as Candy on the CD?

Aaron Carter: I can't really remember.

Question: What is your favorite song on your CD?

Aaron Carter: I'd have to say "Tell Me What You Want" and "Real Good Time." And the single, ""Come Get It."

Question: How long did it take for you to record your second album?

Aaron Carter: It took about five months total to record it.

Question: How do you feel toward other younger artists your age, like Sammie?

Aaron Carter: I think -- I wish the best for them, and I hope all the little kids like me and Sammie and Bow Wow become famous. So many people are used to older people singing. And I think that other kids like me should be able to be played on MTV.

Question: What can you tell us about the Wal-Mart tour you're currently doing?

Aaron Carter: The more people there, the better. I can tell you that. Thanks for buying the record, and my gift back to you is performing at Wal-Mart.

Question: What grade are you in, and what is your favorite subject?

Aaron Carter: I'm in seventh, and my favorite subject is math.

Question: Aaron, who is your favorite female pop star?

Aaron Carter: I'd have to say Christina.

Question: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Aaron Carter: Hopefully in college studying marine biology.

Question: Do you go to Disney World a lot?

Aaron Carter: I used to go there for every vacation, but it got old. The weird thing, I used to live in Tampa, we never went to Busch Gardens, which is in Tampa. We used to drive five hours to go to Orlando.

Question: Do you plan to have any appearances on Rosie O'Donnell or TRL?

Aaron Carter: I did a show last Tuesday for her, Rosie. It was really cool.

Question: If you could have a dream car, what would it be?

Aaron Carter: It would be a Viper, most definitely.

AOLiveMC16: Many thanks for being with us and taking our questions, Aaron Carter.

Aaron Carter: I hope everyone likes my album, and hopefully I'll talk to ya soon.

AOLiveMC12: We want to thank Aaron Carter for joining us tonight! Best of luck, Aaron.

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