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Title: Interview After Capital Fourth
Date: July 4, 2002
Source: Aaron and Angle
Topic: Article/Interview

Aaron Interview //

*Thanx [X] Dan*

Aaron, thank you so much for taking time to sit down and talk with us!

AC: Sure, anytime!

D: So, the truth, what is it like being you?

AC: Its fun, never a dull moment, I like me

D: Ya, the million of girls groveling over you

AC: Ya, thats nice, * laughs*

D: Tonight i saw your performance with Kayla, what was it like teaming up with her?

AC: She was very nice and she is very talented, I like the song

D: me too

AC: Thanks

D: Sure! So i met your mom earlier, are any of your other friends or family with you?

AC: yes most of them

D: Your twin, Angel, whats she like?

AC: Mean, no not really, shes my sister, shes really cool

D: You glad to be at the capital on the 4th?

AC: Ya, its the place to be!

D: Having fun

AC: So far I am

D: Do you wish you could be home to celebrate?

AC: Um, ya, but its cool here almost as much fun, I mean I'm with my family and my friends so, thats all you need

D: Aaron, what is it like, tryin to keep friends and make them being you?

AC: well, my best friend travels with me, and I've come across some who really like me for me

D: Thats great! Are you friends with a bunch of showbiz people?

AC: Some, they generally understand what I do, but others I dont like

D: * laughs* SO aaron, I have to ask, are you taken?

AC: taken?

D: Come on, you got yourself a girlfriend?

AC: *smiles* Ya..

D: Lizzie Mcguire?

AC: Hilary? Noooo

D: Just kidding, a famous face?

AC: Nope* smiles*

D: Really? How'd the lucky girl get you then?

AC: Lucky? *laughs* no im just playing, I met her at a concert and got to know her more

D: She is lucky, i bet other girls would love to hear that

AC: Well i mean if I'm attracted to a girl and shes nice they always have a chance

D: But not right now

AC: No, not when I have a girlfriend, Im not into that

D: Is she here with you?

AC: No, she couldnt come

D: Is hard to see eachother?

AC: Ya, but I just saw her yesterday

D: So its not too hard then?

AC: In someways, but its worth it

D: Your a good kid! Enjoying summer?

AC: Ya, its been awesome

D: Your new tour, looking forward to it?

AC: I always do, I also have a new cd coming out called "Another Earthquake", you should check it out

D: Can you convince me

AC: You'll love it, promise!

D: Ok, your good

AC: *laughs* ya


D: one last question, anything we should be expecting on tour?

AC: A great show

D: Alright then, thank you aaron for your time

AC: Sure, it was fun!

D: Bye!

AC: bye!

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