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Title: Aaron Carter Dealing With Stardom
Date: Nov 27, 2001
Source: The Associated Press
Source: Submitted By: HiC
Topic: Article/Interview

By The Associated Press

BALTIMORE (AP) - Being a pop star is a lot harder than Aaron Carter thought it would be.

"Honestly, I thought it was just being recognized and having everybody in the whole world love you," the 13-year-old brother of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter told AP Radio.

"But you know, you actually have a lot more enemies being a star than you do being a normal person, because some people get jealous, some people don't think you're fit for it, or some people just wanna be doing what you do."

Carter said he understands that other kids think his life of touring and performing is unusual. This spring, he appeared in the musical "Seussical" on Broadway.

"To me, this is my normal life," he said. "In a way, the other kids are wishing they could be where I am, and I'm wishing I could be where they are."

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