Title: Nikki's star shines brightly in Games afterglow
Source: Courier Mail
Source: NEWS; Pg. 5
Date: December 8, 2000
Author: Jacinta Koch
Topic: Other
POP singers can't fight the trappings of fame even when they're only 13 years old.
Pint-sized Olympic sensation Nikki Webster was enjoying her first serenade from a male singer in the Queen Street Mall yesterday, when a bystander yelled "What about Aaron, Nikki?" Yes, Webster's already having to deny rumours about a romance with American pop star Aaron Carter.
A true professional, Webster talked through a cluster of security officers to young autograph hunters keen to catch their first real-life glimpse of the kid who wowed the world at the Sydney Games.
"I'd like to write my own songs, yeah," she nodded. "I like a range of music. I'm an all-round performer. I'd like to be in movies and theatre too."
Her grandparents, who are travelling with her, watched with tears in their eyes.
"It's nice to see them," she smiled. "They're visiting from London."
Her fame looks certain to skyrocket with an album on John Farnham's record label, a cover on Barbie magazine, a Christmas train tour, and a Carols by Candlelight gig with Vanessa Amorosi and Olivia Newton-John.
Yesterday, Webster made a promotional appearance for Jager Cosmetics' It's a Girl Thing line -- giving a spirited performance in the mall.