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Title: Reviewer Missed Good Carter Show
Source: London Free Press
Source: Opinion Pages; Pg. A14; Letters to the Editor
Date: September 13, 2002
Topic: Summer 2002 Concert Review

James Reaney obviously does not have a daughter under 10!

Why did The Free Press not have someone under the age of 25 write the review for the Aaron Carter concert? After reading Reaney's review, Controlled spontaneity, (Sept. 10), I did not think we had attended the same show. I was at the concert on Monday night with my two children, ages six and nine, and we had a great time. Those "opening acts" Reaney implies were terrible had my kids grinning from ear to ear. These young performers and Aaron Carter were just "good clean fun."

Carter is the kind of boy I can only pray my daughter will bring home when she starts to date. No tattoos, piercings or stupid haircuts. Just a good-looking boy, singing and dancing and putting on a good show for his young audience.

Was the show worth the $90 plus I spent? Yes and maybe more.

Lorrie Baxter London

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