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Title: I'll Never Forget The Boys
Source: J-14
Date: September 2002
Topic: Other

Right now, some people are worried that the Backstreet Boys are over, but it's not true. The other guys are supporting me on my solo project, which is good. the transition from a group dynamic to being solo takes adjustment. I'm making a lot more decisions -- concepts for videos, everything. I've been with the group for ten years. Now that I'm 22, I really want to try something new, and that's basically what I'm doing now. On my solo debut, fans will get to see a side of me that I've been holding in for a long time. I can't stray too far away from what I've done with the Backstreet Boys, so I've stuck with that and also added a new element -- rock music. It will be really? interesting to see how the public accepts it.

I'm still doing stuff with Backstreet, too, experimenting with some new things. I've been recording my solo for a long time, which is why it's further along than the new BSB stuff, but don't worry -- I'm able to work on both!

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