Title: Teen People Online Chat
Source: http://www.aaronandangelcarter.com/tpchat.html
Date: November 19, 2002
Topic: Article/Interview
Host: I'm Zena from TeenPeople.com, and tonight we're here with the one, the only, Mr. Aaron Carter.
Host: I know we've got a deluge of questions from both our AOL and Web users tonight, so we're going to get right into them...
Host: How are you, Aaron?
Aaron Carter: I'm just hanging out here with my brother, and we're having a great time!
Aaron Carter: We're about to go to the boat races and watch my brother's race.
Host: Speaking of your brother, I was with you guys when you did Sesame Street a couple weeks ago. What was that like?
Aaron Carter: That was very fun. I had a great time. It was cool, getting to see my childhood fun.
Aaron Carter: I used to watch that show all the time, so it was like wow!
Aaron Carter: It was pretty amazing to get to see that stuff.
Host: Well, we've got tons of other questions...
Host: From CrazyLittlePartyGirl...Who is your celebrity crush?
Aaron Carter: My celebrity crush-I think everone knows that it's Mary-Kate and Ashley.
Host: Both at once?
Aaron Carter: No-just Mary-Kate.
Host: From Nonstopflirt2003...hey aaron my name is abby and i was just wondering if ur gonna come out in a movie in the future? I LUV YOU AARON KISSES AND HUGS LUV ALWAYS UR #1 FAN ABBY
Aaron Carter: Actually, I'm going to be doing a movie in Febuary-and this if for sure, actually.
Aaron Carter: It's being done with No Secrets and Lindsay Lohan, it's all in the making now. It'll be out around fall. It'll definately feature a lot of different music of mine-more rap, rock.
Aaron Carter: My brother is helping me do my new album right now. He's been helping me a lot. He's helping me write some new songs for it.
Aaron Carter: He wants me to become a different Usher.
Host: So you're going to have your shirt off all the time?
Aaron Carter: That's all I've been doing right now-working out at the gym every day. I have a six-pack. Actually, it's an eight pack!
Host: No you don't!
Aaron Carter: Yes I do! I don't have an ounce of fat on me. But I've gained pounds because of muscle. I'm 140. I was 120 pounds six weeks ago. That's from working out three hours a day.
Host: What's your favorite workout music?
Aaron Carter: I don't really listen to music when I work out.
Host: From CHASINGFAME12...If you were older, would you get a tattoo? and of what?-xox Robin
Aaron Carter: If I was to get a tattoo, it would be of Tupac. He's a big idol of mine, in his rapping.
Aaron Carter: A lot of people think he was a bad person, but in reality, if you listen deep down, you can understand him, because all of his music was poetry.
Aaron Carter: He gives people a reason to understand life.
Host: What's your favorite Tupac song?
Aaron Carter: To My Unborn Child, and probably California Love.
Host: From Dessiree...Who is your role model?
Aaron Carter: Probably my brother. Think about it-most little brothers, their big brothers are their role model.
Host: From SuPeRsiNGeR101...so aaron. tell us what a normal day is for u?
Aaron Carter: Normal day - getting up at 2 in the afternoon, 2 hours of school, at 4, taking my boat for a ride, playing video games all night, and going back to bed.
Host: From Emgirlz...aaron, i am a huge fan!!!!!! i wanted to know: if you were to come live back in Tampa, what would you most likely do first. {besides go to the nearest fast food shop or beach} thank you!!!!!!!!
Aaron Carter: Go watch a Tampa Bay Bucs game.
Host: From AaronsGirl12...What is your favorite song on Nick's solo album?
Aaron Carter: Probably My Confession. I just like the beat and the way he sings it. He does it great.
Host: From IcEpRinCeSsAnm29...aaron, i just want to know what was the best part about making the new cd and why? amber from ky
Aaron Carter: The best part was having fun with all the producers. And getting in there and singing and just loving it.
Host: From BlindRider5555...hey aaron its me again aaron i love your performances i might be a boy, but your music rocks. how do you do it man? peace out
Aaron Carter: I know you! It's a great thing, man, that you love it because think about it-there's nothing better in life.
Aaron Carter: If you think about it, people have been healed by songs-Chicago, Journey, Survivor. It's inspirational, and that's my job-to cure people of any problems they have in their life.
Host: From BBALLLUVER1990...what do you look for in a girl? physically, spiritually, mentally, or personality?
Aaron Carter: Everything that she mentioned. I look for a girl who likes to have fun, who is a believer in God, who i up to having fun, going places, hanging with my friends, stuff like that.
Aaron Carter: Who understands what I do, and is high on life.
Host: From FLIPPY10...Do you like playing video games?
Aaron Carter: Yes! Zelda is my favoirte game-the Ocarina of Time on N64. I can beat that game in four hours.
Host: From LizGurl2723... Hi!!! I'm 13/f/Ga and I wanted to tell you that I love what you are going becuz you are so down to earth and very talented.. Are you still going to go into oceanology when you get into college ?
Aaron Carter: Actually, yes-I'm going into marine biology, but not when I'm 16-when I'm 19, 20.
Host: From Alybird517...where do you like to dirtbike?
Aaron Carter: Right in my backyard!
Host: From Laura_Ac1207...Hey Aaron! I love your new album! My favorite song is probably When It Comes To You! I was wondering what's yours?? And when do you think you'll have another tour?
Aaron Carter: Believe it or not, that's my favorite too! I like it because it reminds me of a lot of rock out now.
Aaron Carter: And it's a great song to listen to. It's fun-it's more of a story.
Aaron Carter: I'll tour probably in March.
Host: From Robin...Have you gotten any new pets lately? xox-Robin CT
Aaron Carter: We have a wolf named Akayia.
Aaron Carter: My brother got it for my dad this Christmas.
Host: From Jessica...Ok my question is that if you and your bro, Nick is going to tour together someday?
Aaron Carter: Actually, next year, we might. It's in the works now, but we're definately thinking about it.
Host: From Treil...I heard your dad was sick, hows he doin?
Aaron Carter: My dad was sick. He is not anymore, and he is doing great. He's much better. He's healthier than a bird. He's good to go.
Aaron Carter: Racing boats and having fun.
Host: On that happy not, Aaron, thanks for joining us!
Aaron Carter: Thanks for coming, guys.
Aaron Carter: If you don't have my album, please go get it.
Aaron Carter: Love you very much-good night! And I can't wait to see you.
Host: Good night!
Host: Thanks for joining TeenPeople.com's chat with Aaron Carter. For more on Aaron and your other favorite celebs, visit http://www.teenpeople.com. Good night!