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Title: Exclusive Aaron Carter Interview
Topic: Article/Interview
Source: ChasingFame.Cjb.Net
Date: February 17th, 2003

Chasing Fame: Hello. Welcome to the Chasing Fame Exclusive with Aaron Carter. Hello Aaron! How are you doing?

Aaron Carter: I'm good, just chillin!

Chasing Fame: What have you been doing lately, with your free time?

Aaron Carter: I've just been relaxing at home. Doing a little bit of acting. Lately I have been working with my acting coach.

Chasing Fame: How was your Valentine's day? Any special girl(s)?

Aaron Carter: Valentine's Day was awesome. I got a lot of emails, calls, and gifts from you guys, it was great! Thanks! The only girls in my life right now are my fans. Love you guys.

Chasing Fame: If any movie or song could explain your life, which one would, and why?

Aaron Carter: That's a good question. Uhh, ya know I don't really know. Get back to me on that one [Aaron laughs]

Chasing Fame: Will you tell us about your new movie?

Aaron Carter: The movie's called Camp Summer Stage. I play the lead character Tim who's basically the hero of the movie. It's with No Secrets. We start filming next month in the Jacksonville area, just right outside.

Chasing Fame: Are you expecting it to be in theaters anytime soon?

Aaron Carter: I don't know the date, but I'm sure you guys can wait right?!

Chasing Fame: When can we expect a new album, or tour? There were rumors about you doing the Radio Disney tour in the summer. Tell Chasing Fame readers about that.

Aaron Carter: I've been working on the new album. Nick's been helping me. As of right now I'm just doing my acting thing. We're looking at a tour as of summer.

Chasing Fame: What is the craziest experience you ever had with a fan?

Aaron Carter: I tell this a lot, but one time in Germany a girl hopped on the back of the bus and was hangin out there for a couple hours and we didn't realize it until we stopped. It was pretty gutsy. I gave her an autograph.

Chasing Fame: What is the weirdest gift a fan ever gave you?

Aaron Carter: Well you know at this one concert I got this hideous cactus named Melvin! Dude was hideous!

Chasing Fame: If you could be a fly on the wall, where would you go and why?

Aaron Carter: That's a good question. There's a lot of places, but like most guys probably the girls locker rooms huh [ Aaron laughs ]

Chasing Fame: Would you like to give any shoutouts to anyone in particular? and who?

Aaron Carter: No one in particular. Just to every single one of my fans. I love you guys! Thanks

This or that section:

LLAMAS or CACTUS? : cactus

POP or RAP? : how about both


MARY-KATE or ASHLEY? : mary-kate!


BLONDE or BRUNETTE? : blonde

HAVING A FAN THROW UP ON YOU or THROWING UP ON A FAN? : throw up on me! wouldn't wanna scare a fan into not liking me or something ha ha

COKE or PEPSI? : pepsi

BAWLS or RED BULL? : aaron carter dude

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