
Full Name: Aaron Charles Carter
Nick Names: AC, Airboy, Cyclone, Aar Bear, Big "A", Lil Devil, Banshee, MC AC, Baby Backstreet
Age: 14 Date Of Birth: Monday, Dec. 7, 1987 at 8:02AM
Weight At Birth: 7 pounds, 11 ounces. [Aaron and fraternal twin sister Angel, weighed the same and broke a record at the Tampa General Hospital for being the largest set ever born there. That record has since been broken.]
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Height: About 5'9"
Weight: About 120 pounds
Hair: dirty blonde
Eye: brown
Shoe Size: 10½
Religion: Christian
Birth Place: Tampa Bay, Florida, General Hospital Raised In: Tampa & Ruskin, Florida [From birth to about age 10]
Current Residence: Marathon, Florida
Older Homes:Aaron has/had various homes in California, and Florida such as... Key West - FL, Marina Del Rey - CA, Santa Barbara - CA, Santa Ynez - CA, Palos Verdes Estates - CA. [Aaron needs to move often because fans end up finding his house!]
Pets: Aaron has alot of pets... BIRDS: Goliath, Lady DOGS: Zena [Black Doberman], Pepper, Pharaoh [Rottweiler], Simba, JoJo, Oscar Buntin Carter [Wiemereiner], Merlyn, Precious [Pug], Bear, TJCATS: Bandit, Lucky. Those are the ones I know of, he has about 26 pets all together.


Fav Shampoo-Infusium 23
Fav Store- Spencers
Fav Song on the cd "Oh Aaron"- Stride (Jump on the Fizzy)
Fav Childhood Memory- Fishing in Florida with his family.
Fav Music Video that's not his- "Bad" by Michael Jackson
Fav Snack- Fruit roll-ups
Fav Icecream Flavor- Chocolate
Fav Song that isn't his-Send Her My Love by Journey, (Jounrey is Aaron's fav band)
Fav Book(s)-Harry Potter
Fav Car-'67 Shelby Mustang GT500-Silver and grey, or yellow
Fav Candy-Jolly Rancher lolliepops
Fav TV Show-Frasier
Fav Animals-Tigers, especially white ones
Fav School Subject-Math
Least Fav School Subject-Social Studies
Fav Colors-Blue and Green
Fav Singer/bands-Journey, Sting, Nsynce, Christina Aguelira, Metallica, Michael Jackson
Fav Clothes-Tommy Hilfigure
Fav Clothing Designer-Sketchers
Fav Actor-George Clooney
Fav Actress-Sandra Bullock
Fav Cereal-Frosted Flakes, Lucky Charms
Fav Foods-buffalo wings, Mcdonalds, pizza, lasagna, banana cream pie, steak
Fav Movie-Shrek
Fav Holiday-Christmas
Fav Sports-Basketball, Motorcross, Football
Fav Football Team-Denver Broncos


Sisters: Bobbie Jean [BJ] (19), Leslie (15), Angel [Aaron's Twin] (14), Virginia [Ginger] (step sister from Bob's previous marriage) Brother: Nick (21) Parents: Jane, Robert [Bob] Aaron and Angel [twins] are somewhat telepathical. Aaron's sister, Leslie, is signed with Dream Works and is an up and coming singer. Look for her first single, 'Like Wow' soon... and an album to come out September 2001! Aaron's sister Angel is doing some modeling. Look for her in mags and on TV!


Other Facts

Cleans his room: Sometimes, most of the time pays Leslie to Clean it

Other info: Has a scar on the left side of his upper lip...bit by a dog

Has he gotten into a fight: Yes, One day in school he beat up the school bully!

Aaron hasn't starting shaving and isn't really looking foward to it.
Aaron last kissed his sister's friend is Florida
One time when Aaron was in Spain he was a Mc Donalds and a girl ran up to him and asked him if she can have his straw, and he said "What'd you say"? and she goes "Can i have your straw"? and he's like "what?" and then he took it out of his coke and gave it to her.
One time when Aaron was chewing gum and he blew a really big bubble, and then threw it out the window and this fan ran up to his bus and otok it and yelled "I got his gum!!".
If Aaron could be locked in a room alone with someone, he'd pick Autstin Powers. "He'd be a Blast" says Aaron.
Two things Aaron doesn't want to do is Bungee-Jump, and maybe skydiving.
People call Aaron "Banshee" because its the name of his four-wheeler!
Aaron's favorite basketball team is the San Antonio Spurs.
One time at one of The Backstreet Boys' concerts Aaron asked his mom if he could go play on the bleachers and she let him and he started doing cartwheels and stuff and everyone started looking at Aaron and wasn't paying attention to The Backstreet Boys singing. [in like 1996 or 1997]
The best way to wake Aaron up is by pouring water on him
Aaron beat perfessonal motorcycle rider Brady Charmicheal in a race.
He describes his self as: hyper, fun, and annoying in the morning.
Aaron sleeps on his stomach.
Aaron is good at shadow boxing.
Some of Aaron's income is put in a trust fund that is inaccessible to him til he is 21.
Aaron wears Issey Miyake cologne
One very lucky girl that Aaron dated is Hillary Duff from the Tv show "Lizzie Mcguire." They met at Aaron's 13th Birthday party. Aaron was a fan of the show and invited Hillary to the party. They have broken up but are still good friends.
Aaron has been in the "Make A Wish" fondation for 3 years now
In August of 2001 Aaron wrote a song called Chances
The group that Aaron was in was called "Dead End" Aaron wanted the group to be called "dirty Drumsticks"
Aaron is thinking about going to college at either FSU or UCLA, for marine biology of course.
Aaron was born on Pearl Harbor Day and everytime he's bad his mom calls him her 'Little bomb'
After the 2000 Grammy Awards aaron peirced. The earing was circular and white. He took it out in June 2000.
Aaron wants 2 kids when he grows up.
Aaron wears Calvin Kline boxers
While Aaron was in germany, a girl jumped on the back of his tour bus and hung on it for about 2 hours! The bus stopped at a gas station and Aaron saw the girl swaying on the back of the bus. He told her he would give her an autograph if she got off.
Oscar, Aaron's dog, is his most prized possesion.
Aaron likes the rain he likes to run in it.
Aaron made up the dance for "The Clapping Song"
Aaron is right handed
Aaron has scars on his lip, cheek, leg, foot, and the bridge of his nose.
If the world was going to end in 2 days aaron would tattoo his body, get his ears peirced, shave his head, climb the highest mountain, and 1 minute before the world ends jump off.
Aaron says his ideal woman is Sandra Bullock
Aaron ignores people when they say he just got famouse from his brother, Nick Carter
Aaron gets mostly A+'s in school
Aaron often hears mothers saying they wish they were 17 so they could date Aaron
When aaron looks at older pics of him (with long hair) he thinks "good lord!" and doesn't like them
When Aaron gets older he would like to start his own record label and call it Static
Aaron has a motorcross license
If nick doesn't call Aaron worries that his big bro doesn't love him anymore
Aaron doesn't like airplane rides
Aaron doesn't want Nick to get married
Aaron swallowed a marble while recording his second albumn
Aaron jumped a 15ft ravine on his motorcycle. The bike made it but Aaron didn't. He fell 10ft and landed on his back
Aaron says he'll always be a solo singer.
Aaron is a prankster
Aaron is going to college for marine biology because he's obsessed with the ocean
Aaron uses rembrant toothpaste
Aaron is allergic to dairy products
Aaron plays guitar, piano, drums, and saxophone
Aaron accidently shot himself in the foot with a nailgun
Aaron played quarterback and linebacker on a little league football team.
During a concert Aaron tripped over a moniter and fell face first in the crowd.
At another concert Aaron was doing backflips and accidently flipped into a crowd of over 2000 ppl.
During the 1999 Nickelodean Tour a HUGE speaker fell on top of Aaron
Aaron had a baby blanket and still has it
Aaron is claustrophobic

Aaron and his twin sister Angel have the same initials~~A.C.C.
Aaron hates spiders
Aaron bites his fingernails
Aaron almost drowned when he was little. He fell into a pool around 1 1/2 years old but luckily his dad did CPR on him and got him breathing again!
His first time seeing snow was during the Crazy Little Party Girl video shooting
Aaron snores!
Aaron is in the Guiness Book of World Records for being the youngest recording star to have 4 consecutive top ten hits.
The last time he went to school was June 1997
Tells fibs
Temptations inspired him
He does not pick out the clothes he wears in concert or in music videos
He once did a commercial and he was at a laundry mat
He can speak German and Japanese
Likes to shark fish with his best friends
Aaron wrote the second verse of Aaron's Party (Come Get It)
Aaron first signed with Edel Records
The Carter's first family business was a retirement home called "The Garden Villa" in Florida
Aaron attended Franklin D. Miles Elementary school in Florida
Aaron's album "Aaron Carter" is gold in 12 countries and is platinum in Japan
"Aaron's Party (Come Get It)" is DOUBLE PLATINUM!!!
Aaron's pet lizards' names are Babyface and Mariah Aaron's pet parakeet's name is Chubby Aaron's pet birds' names are Goliath and Ladybird Aaron's golden retriever's name is Simba Aaron's pet Weimaraner's name is Oscar The Carters' mini-schnauzers' names are Pepper and Salty and they live with their grandparents The Carters' German Sheperd's name is Samson Bj's Shih Tzu's name is Merlin The Carters' rottweilers' names are Pharoah and Sky
Aaron's dream car is a black Viper
Aaron's been working on acting for a year
Lori Knight is Aaron's acting coach
Thinks he's more mature
Aaron has had a concussion!
the girl in the "I Want Candy" video was 17
when angel is sick aaron can feel it
aaron's fav doughnuts are glazed
aaron has never broken a bone
aaron's acting coach lori says the song Mombo #5 describes aaron's life

Serious and Silly Questions: