Fox Teen Choice Awards Interveiw

Aaron & Nick CarterAugust 2001 Interview done by PZO. Copyright© Fox, TCA, and PZO. All Rights Reserved worldwide.

Question: Where did the idea to do a duet together come from?

Aaron Carter: Well, we’re on the same record company so we got this song picked out by a songwriter in England and Nick came in and did his part. And from there it’s been going great.

Question: Nick, how is it to see your brother in the business with you?

Nick Carter: It’s weird because every time that I look at him I see myself when I was younger.

Question: What were you thinking for your outfits tonight?

Aaron Carter: I have no clue to be honest with you. It’s a bit of everything from the Vietnam.

Nick Carter: It’s a sort of tribute to Jimi Hendrix.

Aaron Carter: Well, Jimi Hendrix was against the war. And my brother is against me being little and competing against him so I guess it kind of collaborates with each other.

Question: Did you pick it out yourself?

Aaron Carter: Yeah.

Nick Carter: Basically. We just wanted to be crazy looking.

Question: Is everything set for your tour to restart?

Nick Carter: Yeah. We’re going back on the 24th of August. Everything is going to be cool and back together. AJ just got out.

Question: How is AJ?

Nick Carter: He’s good. All five of us just went out to lunch. We’ve been having meetings for the past two days. All five of us have been getting together since we’ve been here. We’re having meetings to get the tour back in order. Everything is good. He feels great and he looks great.

Question: Does this prove that celebrities aren’t unstoppable? How does this make you feel?

Nick Carter: You gotta always take care of yourself. That’s the number one thing.

Question: Aaron, what has the best advice that Nick has given you?

Aaron Carter: The best advice he has given me is...

Nick Carter: Your hair.

Aaron Carter: My hair?!

Nick Carter: No, tell them.

Aaron Carter: Meet my sidekick. Haha.

Question: What has been the best presents you’ve given to each other?

Aaron Carter: Punches and stuff.

Nick Carter: That’s the best present?

Aaron Carter: That’s my favorite present to give him.

Question: Did you know that you won the Choice Male Artist award when you were up there?

Aaron Carter: No. I thought they were going to give the award to someone else. I just started walking off stage.

Nick Carter: I did.

Aaron Carter: You knew?

Nick Carter: I knew when I saw them walk on stage.

Aaron Carter: Yeah, I’m sure you knew the whole time.

Question: Are there any new Backstreet Boy songs?

Nick Carter: Actually there are.

Aaron Carter: I’ve already heard them.

Nick Carter: Off of a new album.

Aaron Carter: Just kidding.

Question: How has your style changed over the years?

Aaron Carter: Well, it hasn’t really changed. I could go back to being in tights if you want me to. Just kidding. I like the cooler look, the whole army look. I just look tougher.

Question: Do you wanna go back to school?

Aaron Carter: Yeah, I wanna go back to school. I wanna study for marine biology, because that’s my dream. I just wanna learn more about the ocean. And have a big part with it and make it better.