Teen-Hollywood Interveiw

Aaron's Teen-Hollywood Interview

Aaron Carter is a very busy 12 (almost 13) year-old. Whether itÂ’s touring with Britney Spears, publishing his biography: Aaron Carter: The Little Prince of Pop, or promoting his new album, Aaron's Party (Come Get It), there isnÂ’t much Aaron Carter isnÂ’t doing. HeÂ’s pop musicÂ’s youngest superstar, has a rising single on the Billboard Hot 100, and is loved by young girls the world over. And, oh yeah, he’s the younger brother of Backstreet Boy, Nick Carter. Three things you should know about Aaron. He likes motorbikesÂ…a lot. He likes collecting pets, and he wants to be a pop star forever. Welcome to Aaron Carter's party, it's a wild and fun ride.
Question: How is the tour with Britney Spears going, Aaron?
Aaron Carter: It's going great. Everythings been fun, she’s a really nice person.
Question: Good. Do you hang out with her?
Aaron Carter: I haven't really hung out with her. I see her on and off every once in a while.
Question: Is your mom on tour with you?
Aaron Carter: Yes.
Question: Your life must be really busy right now?
Aaron Carter: It is a little busy. I get back for one day and then we go to Asia for three weeks.
Question: Have you been to Asia before? I'm sure you travel a lot.
Aaron Carter: Yeah, it's cool.
Question: What would you be doing if you were spending time at home right now?
Aaron Carter: I would just hang out and ride my motorcycles everyday. Be a normal kid, go to school.
Question: Why do you like motorbikes so much?
Aaron Carter: It's something different that nobody else does. I just wanted to do it.
Question: You recently moved out to California from Florida, how was that?
Aaron Carter: We actually didn't like it, so we moved back to Florida again.
Question: Are you living in the same place?
Aaron Carter: No, a different one.
Question: Aaron, you and your brother have definitely become musical successes, have you always anticipated finding the success you have?
Aaron Carter: I don't really know. I think it was just something that came to us.
Question: Are you still surprised by your stardom?
Aaron Carter: Oh yeah, of course.
Question: When was the last time you saw your brother, Nick?
Aaron Carter: When I was in England. He came from Sweden to England and they did a show with Elton John. AJ wasn’t there and Elton John had to take his place, it was really funny.
Question: Aaron, you have a twin sister Angel, does she share your musical talent?
Aaron Carter: Yes, she has her talents, shes more into acting and modeling though.
Question: What's your favorite song on your new album?
Aaron Carter: They're all great. I love them all.
Question: Do you get nervous before you go onstage to sing these songs?
Aaron Carter: Sometimes I do, but not really.
Question: What do you do to get ready for your performances?
Aaron Carter: We pray. That helps a lot. It gets us in the mood.
Question: You're probably a lot younger than the people you’re on tour with. Who do you hang out with?
Aaron Carter: I sometimes hang out with the dancers, but most of the time IÂ’m just by myself. I hang out and play Nintendo. TheyÂ’re all older and they donÂ’t like to like to play video games as much.
Question: Do you have a girlfriend back home?
Aaron Carter: I have many of them.
Question: I've read you have a lot of pets back home?
Aaron Carter: I have five dogs, six birds, eight cats, eight hamsters, and two iguanas.
Question: Why so many?
Aaron Carter: I don't know.
Question: They just keep showing up at your back door?
Aaron Carter: They do.
Question: Who takes care of all those pets when you’re gone? Aaron Carter: We have people, like housekeepers and stuff. Like 25 of them.
Question: 25 housekeepers, really?
Aaron Carter: Yeah.
Question: Do you think you'll always stay in the entertainment business, or are you too young to decide what you want?
Aaron Carter: Hopefully I will be in the entertainment business forever with all the other stars.
Question: What about writing your own songs. Have you started doing anything like that?
Aaron Carter: I'm getting into it a little bit, but not that much.
Question: You play bass guitar and probably a number of other instruments as well.
Aaron Carter: Yeah, saxophone too. I’m not that good.
Qustion: Aaron, what's your favorite soft drink?
Aaron Carter: Coke.
Question: Would you ever do a commercial for Coke?
Aaron Carter: I would.
Question: What about Pepsi?
Aaron Carter: Pepsi's actually better.
Question: You like Pepsi better but you drink Coke?
Aaron Carter: Uh huh.
Question: Ok, What about a TV show. I heard you were working on a pilot?
Aaron Carter: We were going to do something, but it hasn’t been planned that much yet. Its been written.
Question: But is anything taped?
Aaron Carter: Nothing has been taped yet, but hopefully we’ll be doing some stuff.
Question: Do you like to do anything artistic besides music? Aaron Carter: I like to ride motorcycles.
Question: Do you want to race your motorbikes?
Aaron Carter: I race them all the time. I have lots of friends through competitions.
Question: What kind of bike do you have?
Aaron Carter: It's called a KX 125.
Question: When did you start getting into all this?
Aaron Carter: Six years ago.
Question: Have you broken any bones while riding?
Aaron Carter: I've broken all my bones, pretty much.
Question: It's a pretty dangerous sport.
Aaron Carter: Very.
Question: What do you think of the nickname given to you by the media: The Little Prince of Pop”?
Aaron Carter: Actually, that was given to me by my mom. She came up with it about two years ago. But I prefer “Banshee” or something, that’s what my friends call me.
Question: Aaron, do you have anything you’d like to tell your fans wh’ll be reading this interview?
Aaron Carter: Well, my album is coming out September 26th, and my single is already released. I hope they like it.