Cara's Story-Why I Love Aaron

In the Beginning......

It started when I was watching T.V. I think I was about 8 or 9 years old, in 1998. I grew up with a brother and some guys that were friends, so the music that I listened to was rock. It had been about a year since I had started to like the band Creed in 1997. I didnt listen to pop music much, I liked a few songs here and there but that was about it. I was sitting in the living room playing with a rubix cube, you know, one of those cubes that you have to match the colors up and you get SO frusterated.....Anyway, I was getting so mad at the rubix cube and then, I heard a sound, a voice, I had never heard before. It rang through my ears and gave me chills. All at once I calmed down, closed my eyes, and listened to the music. I finally looked up to see what such a sound was coming from, and I saw a a lil boy about my age! He was singing soo good, in a way I've never heard before. All at once I envyed him, wanting to be like him. I know I was only 9, but for some odd reason I knew seeing that boy would change my life.....

I finally talked my parents into getting me his cd. I had found out that his name was Aaron Carter, and that he was about 1 year older than me. I would always listen to his CD and keep finding out more and more about him. I would play games and pretend I was a star. I would play his music, sing to them, dance, and even use a banana as a microphone! As I got older, I got all his cds and learned pretty much everything about him. I would collect articles about Aaron and interveiws. i still loved the band Creed also, but Aaron was also a lvoe of mine. But a lot of people don't understand why I love him in a way a lot of fans don't....



A lot of ppl tell me "oh you love aaron that way cuz you say your an Aaron Dreamer!" By Aaron Dreamer, I do not mean I dream about Aaron. I dream of being like Aaron, and I'm a dreamer period. I always practice singing and I write songs all the time. I also play guitar and piano. My parents have a studio and karaoke. I always dream of being successfull like Aaron, and I prolly always will. So, I'm a Dreamer.....


Why I Love Him

A lot of fans are teen age girls who say things like 'I love Aaron Carter because he is soo hott!' Well, I'm not that kinda girl. I have and always will, love Aaron for his talents, his courage, and for who he is. Now a lot of you are probably saying "what do you mean?" Well, I'll explain it to you later. Almost every girl fan of Aaron always says "I'm his biggest fan!" or "I love him more than anyone!" Those people oviously don't know what love is. I'll explain what it is about Aaron that makes me a big fan.

Aaron is one of the most talented celebraties there is. His career started at a very young age, and he is getting better and better. He can sing, he can dance, he can play instruments, he can do lots of things! He has a very unique voice, and a beautiful one at that. The only thing I regret about his music is that he raps a lot. In my mind, he is just wasting his great talents. He has a beautiful voice and should use it more often. Other than that, he is a VERY talented boy and I hope he stays that way.

The Little Prince of Pop also has a lot of courage. When he was young, I think about 6 or 7, he told his parents what he wanted to do in life is sing. His mother Jane pulled some strings and got to help her son along. Aaron was very brave for starting at such a young age. He is alos brave because he skips out on a lot of things other kids expeirience in life. He has given that up to be a pop star. Aaron is always on the run and has a schedule that would drive some people nuts! But he doesn't give up, and keeps it up.

Even though he is a big celeb, he still is a very down to earth person. Aaron treats everyone with respect, and is very out going. Some stars are stuck up snobs, but not Aaron! He's still a fun sweet little kid and he'll always be that way. He admits to showing off sometimes, but he never puts anyone below him or thinks he is better than anyone else. He is a very nice person.

So unlike a lot of fans, I don't love Aaron for his looks. I'm not saying he isn't hott cuz, man, he is! But I love him for many other reasons. So if you think you may be a giggly girl fan like that ask yourself, "do I REALLY love aaron?" I am not sure if I LOVE Aaron, but I adore him and wish I could be like him. So, all the girls that say omg I love Aaron Carter! No, thats not love, thats a celeb crush. I don't know what love is because I have never experienced it except for my parents, my brother, and my dog and other family. You can't love a guy you don't know. I owe soo much to aaron, none of you would understand the reasons that Aaron has helped me. If it weren't for him, I dont know what I would be like now, or if I'd even be here anymore. I care about him so much and he keeps me going. I just want to say I wish the best of luck to Aaron and I hope all his dreams come true, because he deserves it more than you think he does.....
