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A Day in the Life of a Crazy Intern

Okay, before I begin my story let me get a few things out in the air. First off, no I am not a Backstreet Boys fan. I do not hate them just their music, I choose to spend my free time listening to good music. I do not harbor a secret fantasy about the "Greek God" Kevin Richardson, as my sister-in-law Meredith likes to call him. No, I do not absolutely melt whenever Brian Littrell sings, speaks, sighs, says "hello", etc. I do not think that AJ McLean is "like the sexiest man on the face of the earth!" As my room mate Liz says. I am twenty two year old college student. I am majoring in radio broadcasting, and am currently interning at KISS 107.1 fm. I get paid shit, and I run around a lot. I am a "gopher" (go-fer). Meaning I am the bitch at everyones beckon call when they need something. And this is my story about how I met the Backstreet Boys.

I had arrived at the station about fifteen minutes early, my superior, Mr. David Frohmiller, had reminded me yesterday there was a staff meeting before the start of Valentine's show and I needed to be there early to set up the coffee and danish's. Oh, how I hate my job. I breezed into the conference room and was met with Mr. Frohmiller and an older man I had not met before. I was called over, and a brief recap of the conversation went like this:

"McKenna, I'd like you to meet someone." My boss called me over. I remember looking at him like he had four heads. Since when do I, the lowly intern, get to meet anyone? I walked over and stood beside the two extremely tall men. I admit, I'm not a short girl, 5'8, thank you very much. But these men were huge. I was quickly introduced to Mr. Scott Manning, executive manager from "The Firm". The Firm, I was racking my brain to figure out where I had heard that before.
"Hello miss, David tells me your an intern here at KISS?" I took his extended hand and shook it quickly, taking a moment to realize how my hand was swallowed.

"Yes sir", I replied nodding my head. What in the hell is going on here, I was asking myself.

"Well young lady. I have five very hungry, young men in the next room. And I was wondering if you could hop in there, and get their food orders, and get them something to eat?" Oh, so this is why Mr. David Frohmiller wanted me to meet the big executive man. He needed my wonderful skills of being the "bitch" for his clients. I managed my best, yes sir will do, smiled and practically bowed as I exited the room. I was fuming. I mean I am an intern, but come on. I am here to learn about radio broadcasting, not kiss ass to some top executive. I managed to put my things away in the employee lockers and straightened my tshirt before approaching the other conference room. The one that held the five very hungry young men. I whipped out the pen from my back pocket and proceeded inside. As I pushed open the door I came face to well, someone's neck. I backed up, and reached my eyes for the sky. My God was he tall. Nick Carter stood in front of me. I gulped and smiled, as he pushed past me. I looked around the room. They were all there, the "Greek God" Kevin Richardson, the "Sexiest man on the face of the earth", AJ McLean, the "One with the golden voice", Brian Littrell, and the "short one", Howie Dorough. I was in shock. I mean yeah, working at a radio station you tend to have some big names come through. But I never ran into any of them, let alone take their order for lunch. As I was making an ass of myself, Nick Carter ran back into the room and tackled Brian. As they were rolling around on the floor I began to introduce myself.

"Excuse me, um, excuse me." I was not getting anywhere, I looked around the room and decided if I was going to get anywhere I needed to be taller. I walked over to the table in the middle of the room, and climbed on it.

"Will you please be quiet!?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. The five grew quiet and turned to look at me. Their faces were identical, you could tell they weren't used to being told to shut up by some girl.

"Thank you. Now that I have your attention, my name is McKenna. I am an intern here at KISS, and am here to be your bitch. If you are hungry, tell me what you would like and I will be so happy to get it for you." I know, I was being at bit sarcastic, but come on. If you had to do this every day for the past six months, you would hate it too. I climbed back down from the table and poised my pen over the pad of paper I'd swiped from the front desk. Then began the quarrel. They couldn't agree what they wanted to eat. Kevin and Howie wanted Frischs, Brian wanted Wendy's and Nick and AJ wanted McDonalds.

"Listen, I have exactly three hours to get you your food, and then you eat it. I can go to all these places, but you have to tell me what you want." I said in a voice that I hoped sounded intimadating. I sat down and made them get in a line. Kevin was first, and my God can the man eat.
"I would like a super big boy, a large fry, a large vanilla coke, and a fudge brownie. Please." I know it seems like it was said really fast, but it took him about five minutes to get it out, there were a lot of "uhs", "yeahs" and "ums" that I left out. Next came Howie, I couldn't believe it, is he sweeter than people tell me he is. 


"Hi," I responded.

"May I get a cheeseburger, an order of onion rings, and a medium Sprite, please?" He winked and smiled and I think all I could do was nod. He smiled again, and next came Nick. It took him like ten minutes to get his order right, and when he did it took me like five minutes to write it all down. 

"Hey. Um, yeah I want a number 1, supersize with a Coke. An order of chicken nuggets. With honey sauce. You got that honey, not barbeque?" I nodded and he continued.

"Um, an Oreo McFlurry and.... thats it." I looked up at him.

"You sure bout that?" I asked smiling at him. He smiled and nodded. And then there were two. Mr. Littrell came next. And by george the man is short. I looked up at those blue eyes and felt my knees go weak. I tore my eyes from his and concentrated on the paper in front of me. 

"I decided that I didn't want Wendy's, and to make it easier I'm getting McDonalds." I looked up at his smiling face and grinned.

"You don't have to do that. This is my job, its okay." He shook his head, and began telling me his order.

"Would you please get me a number two, with no onion, medium sized with a Mr. Pibb, please?" I nodded not trusting my voice. I mean come on, as much as I want to say no, blue eyes that like have no effect on me, I'd be lying my fucking ass off. He smiled again, and that left me with one more order. 

"Aw, so its just you and me?" AJ tossed at me. I shook my head, trying to get those icy blue eyes from my mind and smiled at him.

"What can I get you?" He contemplated that for a moment then grabbed my hand.

"I'll tell you on the way there." Was his reply, and before I could protest he was telling his security he was running with me for food. I gawked at him, I didn't need nor did I want for him to come. As he dragged me from the station, he stuck on hand into his pants pocket and fished his keys out. Throwing them at me, he led me to his car.  I stood in awe at the Silver 2001 PT Cruiser. I looked at him and he smiled.

"I am NOT driving this car!" I spat at him. He looked at me amused and asked why not.

"It is a very expensive car. What if I ding it or something?!" I asked incrediously.

"Ding it?" He asked, eyebrow raised.
 He shrugged and hopped into the passenger seat leaving me outside like an idiot. He threw open his door again, and stood.

"Are you going to stand there or are we gonna get some food? I'm fucking hungry!" I sighed and slid into the drivers seat. I sat there, contemplating what to do. I mean the car was beautiful, my dream car and I was nervous as hell. I slowly stuck the key into the ignition and turned it. Suddenly, loud pulsating music blared from the twelves in the back. I covered my ears, and looked at him. He grinned sheepishly and leaned to turn it down. I sighed and shifted it into drive. He rolled his window down, slid into "G mode", leaned his seat back and lit a cigarette. I looked at him and laughed, he looked ridiculous.

"If you can smoke in here, does that mean that I can?" He nodded and as we waited at the light I lit a Marlboro Light, and inhaled deeply. I extracted the cigarette and held it with my left hand out the window while driving down Reading Road. I moved my head in time to the music that was coming from the speakers. I decided to go to McDonalds first, figuring since it was further from the station. I pulled into the drive thru, and waited for the three cars in front of me to move. AJ flicked his ciagrette then turned to me.
"So, McKenna. Interesting name. Anything else interesting about you?" He asked nonchalantly. I shrugged and pulled the car up, still two cars away from the box. 

'Well, we can play twenty questions if you like, but I'm giving you a chance to give me information so I don't have to beat it outta you." He laughed at his joke, and I merely smiled and shrugged,

"What do you want to know?" I asked all the time keeping my eyes in front of me. Every once in awhile raising the cigarette to my lips. 

"Anything. You know the usual. When you were de-virginized, last time you got some, boyfriend. Stuff like that!" I looked at him appalled and he laughed. His voice raspy from the smoking. 

"I was joking. I just want the normal. Age, where you live, what you do for fun. Stuff like that." I nodded that seemed reasonable.
"Well, McKenna Ashleen Johnson is my full title. McKenna will do sufficely though. I am twenty two, senior at UC, majoring in radio broadcasting. As you already know I am an intern at KISS. I live with my two roommates in an apartment not far from here. And for fun, I go bar hopping to pick up random men. And I love karoke nights at the student lounge." I said all in one breath, and he smiled at me. Finally, we reached the box and I shouted my order to the rude person and pulled up to the window. AJ wanted his normal, I won't give you the pleasure in writing it down. We pulled up to the window and I grabbed the three bags, three drinks and my change and we headed to Frischs on fifth ave. We rode in silence for a while until AJ looked at me expectantly.
"Yes?" I asked, my right eyebrow raised at him.

"Don't you want to know about me?" He asked, his voice holding a tinge of sadness. I looked at him, and he was peering at me from above his glasses, his lower lip stuck in a pout. I laughed and nodded.
"Okay. Alexander James McLean. AJ or Alex will do. I am also twenty two. I live in Florida with my two dogs, and my on again off again girlfriend Amanda. I travel the world sining and dancing, and I also love going bar hopping to pick up random men. I mean women." He too said that in all one breath, and we shared a laugh. I ordered Kevin and Howie's food. And almost an hour later we were back at the station. I, along with AJ ran into the conference room and threw their food at them. Laughing I watched them hurriedly eat and drink. Taking some time to go over the interview with each other. As I was leaving the room, Mr. Frohmiller waved me over.

"McKenna, I was wondering. Would you like to sit in on the interview?"
"You mean watch from the sound booth?" I was excited.
"No," he shook his head and I was almost disappointed.

"I mean, be in on the interview. You know, talk a little bit. Ask a few questions. The guys seemed realxed with you. I just thought it might do some good to get a little experience under your belt. Considering after you graduate you'll be promoted to helping Valentine with his show." He looked at me slyly, and waited for it to sink in.

"Oh my God. Do you mean it"? I asked excitedly. He nodded his head and I actually hugged him. I finally got a hold of myself and ran to tell Carrie, the only other female intern my good news. On the way to finding her I ran into Mr. McLean.
"Congrats!" He smiled at me, and reached his arms out for a hug. I laughed and allowed him to wrap his arms around me. I ran down the hall, a hooting and a yelling my head off. 

Almost an hour later I was sitting in the dj booth with a pair of headphones on my ears. I realized I probably looked like a giant bug, but I didn't care. I even got to introduce the guys and field a few telephone calls.

I guess in the end it was an awesome day. And I must admit, those five men are very cool guys. But, I still hate their music.

