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undefined Hotlinkers
05:29 p.m. Monday, August 11, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey guys, I've been surfing around and I've seen some sites hotlinking our pics/audio. Please DO NOT hotlink! This is one of my pet peeves, and I just can't stand it! It takes up the bandwith and everything. Please if you are hotlinking the images right now, please save it and upload it to YOUR OWN server. I even saw a site where it didn't even give credit to TSO. I mean I know I didn't make most of the caps, but if you found it here, you should give credit. I mean at least don't hotlink! I'm not mad or anything, I just really do not like hotlinking.
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 05:29 p.m.
Here's The Deal
03:06 p.m. Sunday, August 10, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Here's the deal, if Danielle gets into the group, I'm going to turn this site into a fansite about the 5 who get in. I absoutely loved Dani's performance and I think she is the best out of the remaining six. She showed her stuff, she was never bad, out of tune, or choppy. So I think she deserves to get in. No need to worry, all of the content will still be here, I will just expand it so that it will feature, Lucy, Chauncey and whoever's the last one to get in. :)

I've been reading some reviews and I see at the end they put "Who should be the top 3" and "Who will be the top 3". Well I feel like doing that, lol! Here are my predictions:

Who should be the top 3:
1. Danielle White
2. Jordan McCoy
3. Chantel Kohl

Who will be the top 3:
1. Danielle White
2. Chantel Kohl
3. AJ Melendez

Hopefully Dani get's in! I know I'm sorta being biased, but hey Tay and Tor are already in! lol.

Also the shoutbox will back up soon, and Laura donated some screen caps that I will add to the new feature of the site! Can't wait!

Well I'm starting school tomorrow, so the updates will be getting farther and farther apart, hopefully weekly updates will still exist. g2gnow! God Bless
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 03:06 p.m.
American Rip-offs?!
09:16 p.m. Friday, August 8, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey guys! I have some news! I was surfing around and I found on SClubHeaven.Com a news article about if people think the American Juniors are ripping off S Club Juniors. Click here to read the article and tell what you think about this issue! Click here to listen to an exclusive clip of the Juniors singing "One Step Closer"! Make sure to give credit to Sclubheaven.Com if you use it. It would be nice if u gave credit to TSO if you found it out this way. :)

Personally I think that it's fine. It doesn't ruin S Club Juniors succes in America. I mean if people like them, nothing like that would stand in the way. But that's just my opinion.
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 09:16 p.m.
Not Much
06:31 p.m. Friday, August 8, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Not much going on. I just thought I should update a bit. Well I added a new gallery, Cheeseburgers For Me! Thanks Laura! And I fixed the "Sundown" lyrics. Umm... well if you want to contact me, my new email is And from now on I'm going to go by Jeffrey, no longer AJ because there is just so much confusion going on since AJ from American Juniors and I have the same name.

If you email me asking for a graphic or something like that. I will just reply and say I can't or no promises. Sry, but I'm really busy right now and I don't even have time to update much. Also please do not email me asking for Taylor or Tori's email or sn. I don't have it. I wish I did, lol! Well gotta fly! Gonna play soccer!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 06:31 p.m.
Let Me Get Some Things Straight
01:16 p.m. Thursday, August 7, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Ok, let me get some things straight because it's really really getting on my nerves. People are emailing asking me to give them Taylor or Tori's screename or email. I DO NOT KNOW! Some people are starting to call me a liar because I said or claimed to be AJ from American Juniors when I NEVER DID! I know some of you guys are just getting confused because we have the same names. But how could AJ from American Juniors be able to access my email? I don't think so. SO TO MAKE THINGS CLEAR, I HAVE NO CONNECTION WITH ANYONE IN AMERICAN JUNIORS, I AM JUST A FAN!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 01:16 p.m.
Finally Moved
12:32 p.m. Thursday, August 7, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey everyone! I finally moved to the new server! So the only way you can get to the site now that'll keep you updated is! But the bad thing is my former host deleted my account, and it wasnt even 2 weeks yet, and i didn't get to put a moved link. So what I'm asking those who are reading this, please spread the word about tso now being @! thanks! Also 3 new pics!

Make sure to check out AmericanJuniorsMusic.Com for the latest on the compliation CD by the top 10!

Also CHECK OUT THE NEW FORUMS! If you want to talk to me that'll be the only place! It's called Thompson Fans United and you have to check it out now!

Well that's it for now!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 12:32 p.m.
Change of Plans
05:03 p.m. Monday, August 4, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Ok well, as you know Marilynn from Crazy-Notion.Net was going to host us. But my great friend, Rebecca, said that she could host TSO since her domain offers unlimited space/bandwith, and i can upload all the pictures and audio I want. That's the key I needed. So Make sure to check out Rebecca's WONDERFUL stacie orrico domain @ Pure-Grace.Net!

To Marilynn, thank you so much for your offer. It means a lot because you volunteered.
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 05:03 p.m.
12:33 p.m. Monday, August 4, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey everyone! Marilynn @ Crazy-Notion.Net emailed me and said she wanted to host TSO!! I'm so happy she offered! Make sure to go check out her awesome Aaron Carter Domain, Crazy-Notion.Net! Love TSO, Love C-N.Net. lol ;) Well g2gnow!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 12:33 p.m.
07:00 p.m. Sunday, August 3, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - I know I said I wasn't going to update, but I got an email from my host saying that she has made it a policy to not host any "child stars" sites. So that means The Thompson Sisters Online will have to move it two weeks. At least I can put a "MOVED" link. From now on you must use to get to the site even though I get to put a moved link. So anyways TSO needs a new host. I have no idea about how I can do the audio/video for all of you guys. I tried once again to, but no response yet. But if you have extra space and enough bandwith to host TSO, please email me! Or I don't know...
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 07:00 p.m.
10:38 p.m. Friday, August 1, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - New layout everybody! Hope you guys like it! This was the one that was hard to code, but I sorta fixed it. But the left and right panels aren't aligned top when you go to the long pages (i.e. lyrics), but that's not a big of a deal! Anyways I did some MAJOR updating. And I mean MAJOR!

+ Added 3 new videos! Sundown, It's Still Rock and Roll To Me, and Audtion.
+ Added 3 new galleries! Sundown, Love The One You're With Results, and July 29.
+ Added 3 new lyrics! Sundown, Bring The House Down, and Cheeseburgers For Me.
+ Added 6 new affliates!

Well, this is going to be my last update on the site for a while, not unless I got the playground done. I might update on Wednesday about the show and blah blah. I really need to enjoy the last week of my vacation. I'll still be checking my email though. Also check out Jess's Lil Corner Reviews and check out our review by ally here! We got 102/100! That's great!

Also, please vote for us in the top american juniors sites and the top 100 sites! I would be putting up pop-ups, but I know that is very annoying, so I don't do it. The link to those are on the splash page, please just vote once a day so we get into one of the top spots!

Well g2gnow! I'll try to start on the Playground. Any work I don't finish tonight, won't be finished till next week. God Bless!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 10:38 p.m.
06:47 p.m. Friday, August 1, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Gosh Im so mad! I made such a great layout, it was green too and now I can't put it up cause its so freakin' hard to code! lol. So I'll be making a new layout, a very simple one, im getting tired of this one now. So check back soon!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 06:47 p.m.
05:16 p.m. Friday, August 1, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Im sorry guys, but im having some difficulty coding the layout. And right now something came up and I can't work on the site. I don't know when I can though. I'll try to get it up when I come back home. I'm really sorry guys! If it still doesnt work out, the layout will have to be on hold again.
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 05:16 p.m.
Major Updates Coming Tonight!
01:37 p.m. Friday, August 1, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - First of all thank you so much for your really really nice comments about my sound clip! Thanks Rosalie, Kirsten, and everyone else! It means so much! Second, MAJOR media updates are coming soon! Probably later tonight. Danielle and Constance have donated pics and videos to the site! Make sure to go thank them because all their donations make the site what it is. All of YOUR donations make the site what it is. If I didn't have your donations, I don't know, lol! But later tonight, I'll be working my but off with the updates. and maybe a new layout.

Tonight will probably be my last update on the site for a while. I need to enjoy my last week of vacation hanging out with my friends and stuff. So if you guys could understand my situation, it would be great. Tuesday/Wednesday's shows will probably be the only update I'll do.
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 01:37 p.m.
04:59 p.m. Thursday, July 31, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - lol, yeah I'm going to be an American Junior next season! rofl! I wish! Well anyways, I'm gonna let you guys hear me sing! Remember I'm only 12 and my voice isn't well I dunno, but you get the point, rofl! I'll be posting some more songs of me.

Title: Get Here
Sung By: ME!!!
Download: Here (Down)
Make sure to do "Save Target As." or it work! And please don't be TOO harsh, rofl! Some constructive critism would be okay, just don't go overboard! rofl! Hope you like my voice! And who knows, I could be on the next season of American Juniors. You never know...
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 04:59 p.m.
Bring The House Down Video!
02:16 p.m. Thursday, July 31, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey everyone! Thanks to Constance @ BrandonHenschel.Com, you can now download the Bring The House Down video! Click the link below! Make sure to check out her fab site!


You will need Windows Media Player to play it! Enjoy!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 02:16 p.m.
11:31 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - As you know I'm also a very big supporter of Lucy (duh! if you've read the post below) and I've talked to Lauren @ LHO and we're going to do something about. But it's gonna be a surprise though! lol. Also thanks to Nikki and Danielle's Twin for agreeing with me!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 11:31 p.m.
10:38 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - I'm sorry to everyone, but I'm am really getting sick of people hating on Lucy.Why can't you guys just be happy for her? I mean saying you disagree with what happened is one thing, but saying it to the WHOLE online community and letting be read by others who are fans of who you are ragging on is way different. I mean you are entitled to your opinion, but I mean cursing Lucy out is just wrong. I mean I'm a big Lucy fan, my fav after Tori and Taylor, but no matter what level of a fanatic you are, you shouldn't be cursing them, calling them bad names, that's just plain wrong. Lucy worked hard to get in the group and I thought she deserved. I even saw a sign saying that "America's F***ing stupid." I'm sorry but I don't curse and I find this very hurtful if I were Lucy. I mean don't you people care how Lucy might feel? I'm so disappointed at people who are doing this. You can say what you want to say to me after reading this, I don't care if you curse me out, but I'm still going to say what I want to. I'm just sick of people ragging on Lucy. How mean can you be? I mean yeah Lucy's voice is powerful, that's why America voted for her. I just can't see why people just can't be happy. I mean what's done is done, how do you think it's going to change by saying rude things? That's just gonna make you look like a FOOL! Yes a FOOL! I mean I can handle people who say "Uhh! Why did Lucy get in? I wanted ____ to get in!" but saying "Lucy's a b***h!" I'm not going to stand for that. You can say whatever you want to say on the shoutbox or guestbook. You can even send me hate mail and hate entries in my guestbook. But I'm not going to do anything because I think what I'm doing is right. I'm standing up for Lucy because no one should be treated that way. I'd even do the same thing if it were Jordan or Morgan even though I'm not big fans of them. Sure I may dis some of the contestants but I'm not going to post signs go on shoutboxes saying "I hate ____, she/he's a _____". That just makes me feel so bad. I don't care if you stop going to this site because of what I've said, and I'm not going to regret it either. Hope the ones who have posted signs and cursed Lucy out can sleep after reading this. Have a nice night :)
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 10:38 p.m.
09:50 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Well, I've recieved more news about Taylor and Tori's clothes (look below):

Marilynn tells me that you can find Tori's shirt at Gadzooks. She says "I don’t remember if its EXACTLY like it, but Its VERY simular if not the same shirt."

And thanks to, the link to Taylor's shirt at is Id=10002&categoryId=10096&pageNumber=3&sortBy=0!

To people who think we are making a big deal, we're not. We (The people who have donated info and I) are just trying to help you guys out if you ever wanted to buy those shirts.
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 09:50 p.m.
Congrats To Lucy!
09:29 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Congratulations to Lucy! She really deserved to win tonight! I loved her performance! I really didn't see the episode tonight because I thought it was going to be at 8:30, but instead they changed it again and made it 8:00. So I taped King of the Hill instead of American Juniors. lol! Well expect the playground's opening to be delayed! I really need to catch up w/ my summer assignment. Gosh I'm such a procrastinator!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 09:29 p.m.
Small Updates
05:23 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey everyone! I did some small updates today. I added 2 new affliates, fixed an error in the wallpapers, and approved some fanlisting members. Also @, we are now number 8 on the top hostees! Let's make it all the way to number 1! lol.

To those who have kept asking me where I got the picture in the layout, IT'S IN THE WALLPAPER SECTION UNDER "FANATICS"! Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at you guys, hey the pic looks great! But I keep saying it in the blog, but I've been as maybe 10-20 times.

On a lighter note, Dee from has agreed to host the playground! Give some love at her AWESOME Stacie Orrico fansite, So Fan-tastic!

I don't think I'll be able to post the results of tonight's show right away, I'll be at my leauge, but I'll be taping it!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 05:23 p.m.
More Info On Taylor's "JOE" Shirt
11:54 a.m. Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Thanks to Marilynn, we have some more info on Taylor's "JOE" shirt. She says that the back says "MAMA". It's a Paul Frank Shirt and you can also buy it at PACSUN! With this info you'll be stylin' like Taylor! I'll try to get some info on Tori's shirt :)
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 11:54 a.m.
American Juniors
09:26 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hope you guys see American Juniors tonight! I just saw it since im on eastern time! I think this was one of the greatest shows other than when Taylor performed "Proud Mary"! I really liked Katelyn and Lucy's performances. And did you see the video with Taylor, Tori, and Chauncey? I'll try to get caps and audio from tonight's show!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 09:26 p.m.
Taylor "JOE" Shirt
09:22 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - To those who like Taylor's Joe shirt (look in update below), you can buy it! Thanks to Abby, you can get it at Delias.Com! For the direct link to the page where you can order the "Joe" shirt, click here! Thanks again Abby!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 09:22 p.m.
NEW Pics!
05:27 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey everyone! I just noticed that AmericanJuniors.Com added some new pics! The pictures of Taylor and Tori look great! Check them out below!

I added those to the "Publicity" section and I added a new gallery "Group"! Go check all the pics out!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 05:27 p.m.
03:15 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey everyone! I've done some MAJOR updates on the site! First of all new splash and I colorized all the banners on the splash page to match! Here's what I updated:

New Section: Lyrics
Updated Audio/Video
New Poll
Added a TON of new pictures
Added over 40 fans to the fanlisting!
Changed way of joining fanlisting by using PHPfanbase
New Wallpaper
Added some affliates and fixed some links

Whew! That was A LOT of updating! Expect a lot more updates like this before school starts! I go back to school on August 11 (how early is that?) so I'll be updating a lot of stuff so I don't have to do as much during school. I'll be updating some minor audio/video stuff tonite and tomorrow. But expect another update like this maybe Friday. I still have to do my summer reading assignment!

I also made a logo for the site. It'll be on all the caps/exclusive stuff on the site. Here it is:

Well g2gnow, I've been on the computer since noon, I'm pooped! God Bless!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 03:15 p.m.
Major Updates Coming Later Today
12:26 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey everyone! Well the new layout will be on HOLD! I'm not that tired of this layout just yet. But later on today I will be doing some MAJOR updating on the site! I'll give you a clue to what they'll be.

HINT #1: Say Cheese
HINT #2: Sign Here

I just got cable speed since we split the cable internet between the 2 computers so more media will be on the site since I don't have to wait anymore to use the family computer!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 12:26 p.m.
What's Up With The Site?
03:15 p.m. Monday, July 28, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey everyone! Well right now I'm in the process of making a new layout and adding A LOT of content to the site! When I get the layout up the site will have a bunch more pictures, more avatars, some new goodies and more info on the girls and their parents! Hopefully I can get it up by tomorrow because that's the only time I can work on the site. And I need to update the Playground too. So make sure to check back to the site everyday so you can see if it's up!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 03:15 p.m.
Great news!
03:30 p.m. Saturday, July 26, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Great news! I forgot who, but someone signed in my gbook and said if i did merge the sites, that they would never come back again. And I thought to myself, "That's exactly what I would do". So what I'm going to do is keep TSO the way it is but close my other 2 sites! (I know you guys must be happy) and just add little sections of other artists that I like! And a blog! too! Tell me in the shoutbox or gbook about what you think!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 03:30 p.m.
Blah Blah
08:43 p.m. Saturday, July 26, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey everyone! Right now im working on the interactive zone which I and the webmasters of Taylor Thompson Online will be running. Right now I don't know where I'll upload it, so if you have some extra space please email me @! We'd really appreciate it because I absolutely do not like angelfire or geocities. lol.

Wow! It's only been i think 3 days since I updated interactions and I already have 89! I better update later tonite before it gets to 100!

For some reason, a lot of people come to the site, but not many people use the tagboard/shoutbox. I mean i know a lot of people have been posting on it, and thank for those who have. But I really would like it if you guys could use it as maybe a chatroom? Or if you guys want, I'll put a chatroom up!

Make sure to go to Taylor Thompson Online to check out Taylor's Burger King ad, "Cheeseburgers For Me"! Also check out this Jamie Spears site, Jamie Lynn Star!

I'm thinking of closing all my sites and just keeping TSO up. What do you think instead of me merging my sites together. Because I'm afraid if I do that, that people will stop coming for some reason lol. I mean if I do merge all my sites, all the Thompson content will still be there and all the interaction stuff will be in the interactive zone. So i dunno. Please sign the gbook or tagboard or even email me about it!

Also make sure to check out Taylor Thompson Online Forums!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 08:43 p.m.
American Juniors Theme Song
11:21 a.m. Friday, July 25, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Most of you know, if you don't, now you do! The American Juniors Theme Song is by S Club 8 A.K.A (S Club Juniors) called One Step Closer! Also soem of you know that that song was used for auditioning the contestants! Want to listen to it? Make sure to right-click and select "Save Target As.". CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD S CLUB JUNIORS (8) - ONE STEP CLOSER!

Also the total hits from yesterday was 923!!! Thanks everyone!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 11:21 a.m.
12:30 a.m. Friday, July 25, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Oh my word! We've had almost 900 hits today! Thank you so much everyone who has come to the site! You've just inspired me to work so much harder! I guess today is a busy day for a lot of taylor and tori sites! I just went to TTO, and saw that they got 500 hits!

Also we've gotten guestbook entries by "Taylor" and "Tori". I'm sorta thinking that it's really them because when Tori signed, she put for email, "sorry no can do" and thats what a real celeb would do. So if that was you Taylor and Tori, thank you so much for coming to the site and commenting!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 12:30 a.m.
More Info
04:15 p.m. Thursday, July 24, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Ok, since I was having problems on the DNS, Gertie said it's okay if I use this account! So you won't really have to change all your URL's because the new site will just be in a new directory on the /thompsons/ url.

Also, today has been the busiest day of TSO history! The last time I checked, we were at 430 visitors just today! I think that was 20 min ago! Thanks to everyone who is coming to the site!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 04:15 p.m.
Congrats to Chauncey!
09:38 p.m. Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - If you guys just watched the show, congrats to Chauncey for making the group! This really surprised me because I thought the top 3 would be dif. Mine would've been Lucy, Katelyn, and Danielle, but it proved me wrong.

Hope you guys caught Tay-Tay's and Tor's video of "Bring The House Down" by S Club! I'll try to get some caps of that soon, if you could make some and would be willing to donate them to the site, email me!

Well, I'm having some DNS problems with the new domain, so I'm not sure how long it's gonna take because, I can't really work on the site till the domain is set. But I promise you guys won't be disappointed!!!!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 09:38 p.m.
New Layout!
09:34 p.m. Monday, July 21, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Yup! New layout! I had to do one for Tori before I merge the site. Yup! Ya like? Well sign the gbook or tagboard and tell me what you think! Well my plans for the mega site is that I will be having a seperate layout for each section. That means, the Thompson Sisters section will have its own layout and it'll be just like how it is now! Well g2gnow!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 09:34 p.m.
More on Integration and Interaction Updates
01:16 p.m. Monday, July 21, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Hey everyone! I just got accepted to for my combo site! Thanks GertieBeth! She is the greatest! Anyways, about the combo site, TSO will be merging with it! Don't fret, ALL the content will still be on the site and a bunch more bonuses!!!! I cleaned out 41 emails in my inbox! Whew! Talk about updating!

Added winners to "Which Thompson Is This?"
Updated "Taylor or Tori?" and "What If?"
Added fans to the fanlisting!
Added one affliate!
Added people to the 2 Hour Promise
Added a new wallpaper!

On a different subject, if you're coming to this site to send me interaction emails saying that you don't like Taylor or Tori or that you "Hate" them, well don't waste your time. I'll just be sending them straight to the Trash Can! This is a FANsite!

On a happier note, make sure to check back for the link to the new site! I'll be forwarding and to it also! God Bless to everyone!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 01:16 p.m.
A bunch of this and that!
06:03 p.m. Saturday, July 19, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article - Great news, the webmaster of Taylor Thompson Online and I are making an interactive zone for all you fans! Make sure to look forward to that!

Also I've been through so much mix-ups with getting my new domain. And for some reason I got! So you can now get to the site using THOMPSONSISTERS.COM. And now Im stuck with no use for one of the domains and I have to work to pay of the 21 dollars I spent! uhh... Well make sure to look forward for my combo site and the interactive zone!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 06:03 p.m.
10:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
Congrats to Tori for making the group! Also to AJ and Chauncey! Thanks to everyone who voted for them, we did some great work!

Look everyone, I know I really haven't done any real updating. Please be patient w/ me. The site I'm making will be colided w/ this site so I can handle it all a little more easily. I was going to work hard tonite, but I'm going through some really hard problems. I really hope you guys understand. Life's tough, but you gotta deal with it.
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 10:00 p.m.
C-Aiken.Net For Sale!
05:59 p.m. Tuesday, July 15, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
Hey everyone! I know this is off the topic of the site but if you want a Clay Aiken Domain, my C-Aiken.Net domain is for sale! You don't have to pay for it, all you have to do is buy me a new one. The registration is up to next year @ June! Please email me if you are interested! You'll have all the features of a domain too!

Later: Okay my dad said he would buy me a new domain. But if you still wanna buy it, or have it, just email me for details!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 05:59 p.m.
08:24 p.m. Monday, July 14, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
Hey guys so sorry for not updating! I do have pics, wallpaper, and interaction updates to do. But I'm gonna TRY to wait till I open the combo site. I applied for hosting @ (better hosting, check it out if you'd like!) thanks to Katelyn Tarver Online's link! Well g2gnow! I think I can get most of the site done tonite and tomorrow!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 08:24 p.m.
Changes In Plans
09:00 p.m. Saturday, July 12, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
Ok, I have some changes. Someone on the tagboard said that my site is like every other one on the net. I'm actually not mad at that person, but thanks so much for the person who stood up for me. :) See that message made me realize how much I wanted to improve the site. So the whole integrating my sites together may help it. If I get accepted @, then I will combine them. If I don't well I'll be working my "arze" off on making this site the most original one you will ever see! lol. So thanks for the constructive critism! I'll be working real hard on the new integrated site!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 09:00 p.m.
For Now
12:16 a.m. Saturday, July 12, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
This is going to be the layout for now!! I really hope you like it cause I do!! In the next 2-3 weeks I will be merging all my sites! Just wait, you guys will be so amazed!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 12:16 a.m.
New Layout Already ?!
09:13 p.m. Friday, July 11, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
Yeah yeah, a new layout is coming maybe tomorrow! I really really like it! I tried something new and I think I did a good job. The reason I had to make a new layout was because I already got a name up for the site (read on the last entry) and I really needed to impress the host ( that I would be a great hostee). When that site is up, ALL YOU FANS OUT THERE WILL BE ABLE TO GO A SITE W/ A BUNCH OF INTERACTION/MEDIA! And maybe, yes maybe pictures! lol. You'll get to even get stuff on other artists and get to know a personal side of me w/ my blog. I'm really excited, aren't you?
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 09:13 p.m.
05:05 p.m. Friday, July 11, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
First off let's just start w/ the updates.

Added a fan to the fanlisting.
Updated Taylor or Tori?
Added a winner to "Which Thompson Is This?"

Ok now here's the point I want to get across today. See I want to make so many fansites for all the artists I like. See I'm very diversed when it comes to music. I like Contemporary Christian Music, Pop, R&B, Dance, and practically everything, except anything with cursing. But I already have 3 sites and a blog. So I thought that I could maybe merge all my sites now, (AlliRogers.Org, C-Aiken.Net) and my blog along with all the other artists I like into ONE HUGE SUPERSITE. Personally I think it'll be less time consuming after I have everything set and a lot more visitors will come since I'm better at handling one huge site than a lot of more smaller sites. Please, I beg of you to tell me what you think by emailing me, signing the guestbook or tagboard! Or else I might do it w/o notice.
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 05:05 p.m.
12:09 p.m. Friday, July 11, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
Hey everyone! I'm hearing from different American Junior fansites that someone new the results of the show last Tuesday. The rumor was that Tori got in! Which I think was great! And that AJ and Chauncey were the other 2 in the top 3. Believe what you want, but I still don't think it's true till I see the show.
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 12:09 p.m.
Interaction Updates
11:55 p.m. Thursday, July 10, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
Hey everyone! First of all let's start w/ the updates!

Added an affliate.
Updated Taylor or Tori?
Added winners to Which Thompson Is This?

Thanks for all the great comments I have received on the new layout! I'm really glad you like it :) On the other hand, please, PLEASE I beg of you guys who come to the site to vote for us in the American Juniors Top 20 sites! The link is on the INDEX/SPLASH/ENTER page! Just click it once a day or everytime you come and vote for the site! It's slowly going down and down on the top 20! It would mean SO MUCH to me if we could get it into maybe the top 3 or top 5.

Other than that, remember that American Juniors will be airing next Wednesday with the results and God Bless!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 11:55 p.m.
Taylor Video
12:16 a.m. Thursday, July 10, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
Thanks to Kayles for submitting the following news!

There is a small video of Taylor answering questions submitted by other fans. To access the video you must the AOL keyword: KO AJ Clip!

I'll try to get a transcript of the video!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 12:16 a.m.
New layout, New Host, New Everything!
10:09 p.m. Wednesday, July 9, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
Finally the launch of the new Thompson Sisters Online! Hope you like the new layout! I updated all the interaction sections and I added 2 new sections in there! I added a new "Fanatics" section and everything! Make sure to check out the new site and all the stuff on the side panel! I added a BUNCH of affliates! Make sure to comment in the guestbook and/or guestbook! Also thanks to Gertie Beth of Fan-Sites.Org for hosting us!
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 10:09 p.m.
07:01 p.m. Wednesday, July 9, 2003 - Contact - Discuss This Article -
AJ of The Thompson Sisters Online kept you updated @ 07:01 p.m.