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Ayumi Hamasaki Wallpaper 

 Wallpaper of the month of JUNE
  Rating: 10 
Source:   4

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Wallpaper ( available in 1024 x 768 unless stated)


ayu wpp2.jpg (64094 bytes)Source: Ayu_Evo ClubŪ
Another wallpaper from the club with Ayumi , however background pink too bright.
                                                                                                                                                                 Rating: 10 
( 800x600 ) Source: D.H.A  Ayumi Hamasaki
This wallpaper is good with all different emotional faces of Ayumi!!!
                                                                                                                                                                 Rating: 10 
Source: pure Japan
Just look at her claws!!!  Don't  wanna mess with her don't we?
                                                                                                                                                                 Rating: 10 
Ayu whitewall.jpg (124925 bytes)Source: unknown
Another  Favorite with Ayu poise.
( 800x600 ) Source: Ayu Mix  Album Cover
Used the cover of Ayumix as Wallpaper. Too complicated
  ( 800x600 )Source: Ayu Mix  Album Cover
Used the cover of Ayumix as Wallpaper. Too complicated
                                                                                                                                                                 Rating: 10 
Source: unknown
A  Favorite of mine. Clear Cut nice and beautiful "Recommended"
                                                                                                                                                                 Rating: 10 
Ayumi Hamasaki wallpaper 1 ( 800x600 ) Source:
This is the same wallpaper showed early in  800x600  resolution


All the wall paper that  are good will only be listed on the site. 

All wallpaper are copyright of their respected owners.

Ayu_Evo Club reserves the right to uphold any wallpaper on the site.

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