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  • Section 1: This organization shall be known as ®The Bottle Chapter, Inc., a Chapter of The Coca-Cola Collectors Club.

  • Section 2: The Chapter shall be governed by these by-laws, which may be amended as needed in accordance with the provisions herein.


  • Section 1: The Chapter will be a non-profit organization providing service to those interested in the history and memorabilia of The Coca-Cola Company.

  • Section 2: The Chapter will promote fellowship among those interested in the history and memorabilia of The Coca-Cola Company.

  • Section 3: The Chapter will encourage the preservation of the collectibles of The Coca-Cola Company, with particular emphasis being given to Coca-Cola bottles.

  • Section 4: The Chapter will strive to maintain good relations with The Coca-Cola Company and operate in harmony with their policies.


  • Section 1: Members of the Chapter must maintain membership in The Coca-Cola Collectors Club, the national organization.

  • Section 2: Members in good standing shall be those persons who maintain their status by prompt payment of dues and by conduct that will have no detrimental effect upon the Chapter, the members or The Coca-Cola Collectors Club.

  • Section 3: A member whose conduct reflects against the character of the Chapter, or violates common rules of courtesy and fairness concerning its members, may have his/her membership suspended following a hearing by the Chapter Executive Committee and at least a ¨ø affirmative vote of the Executive Committee.

  • Section 4: All members in good standing are eligible to vote in Chapter business; One vote per primary member (limited to two votes per family).


  • Section 1: Dues shall be $10.00 per family, yearly.

  • Section 2: Dues shall be payable upon joining and on January first of each subsequent year. New memberships shall be prorated as follows; $5.00 after July first.

  • Section 3: Annual dues are payable directly to the Chapter, and will be collected by the Treasurer, at a designated address.


  • Section 1: Signature authority for Chapter disbursements shall rest with the President, Vice President, and Treasurer. The signature of the Treasurer and either the President or Vice President will be required to authorize checks with no two signatures being from the same household.

  • Section 2: No part of the Chapter¡¯s net earnings may inure to the benefit of any person having a personal and private interest on the activities of the Chapter.


  • Section 1: The elected officers of the Chapter shall be the President, Vice President,Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster. (Note: In choosing officers, some offices may be eliminated or combined and others may be added.)

  • Section 2: Officers shall be nominated at the November meeting. Elections shall be held at the December meeting. Newly-elected officers shall assume office on the following January first.

  • Section 3: The term of office for all officers shall be for one year.

  • Section 4: The President shall preside at the business meetings, shall oversee and coordinate the activities of the various committees and shall carry out the intent of these by-laws.

  • Section 5: The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence, shall complete the President¡¯s term of office if the Presidency is vacated for any reason and shall arrange for the location and program of each Chapter meeting.

  • Section 6: The Secretary shall prepare the minutes of all actions taken at the business and Executive Committee meetings, maintain the official file of members in good standing, assist with the maintenance of Chapter records and conduct all necessary Chapter correspondence.

  • Section 7: The Treasurer shall receive dues from members, notify members delinquent in paying dues, maintain a separate account for Chapter funds from which the Chapter expenditures are to be financed, render to the Executive Committee and the membership a Treasurer¡¯s Report each business meeting and render a complete accounting of all Chapter receipts and expenditures for each year as of December 31st.

  • Section 8: The Newsletter Editor shall produce a newsletter for the Chapter at a frequency set by the Executive Committee. The newsletter shall at all times be in good taste and shall not violate any policies set by The Coca-Cola Collectors Club or by The Coca-Cola Company.

  • Section 9: Webmaster: The Webmaster shall create and maintain a website for the Chapter in accordance with all the rules and regulations governing websites that may be set by The Coca-Cola Collectors Club or The Coca-Cola Company.

  • Section 10: If any selected officer except the President is unable to complete his/her term of office, the remaining members of the Executive Committee will appoint another Chapter member, in good standing, to fill the unexpired term.


  • Section 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Webmaster and any other member appointed by the Executive Committee.

  • Section 2: The Executive Committee shall be the policy-determining body for the Chapter, operating within the provisions set forth in these by-laws. The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Chapter.

  • Section 3: The Executive Committee shall meet as appropriate between Chapter business meetings for the purpose of planning and carrying out the business of the Chapter.


  • Section 1: Chapter business meetings will be held on a monthly basis. The meeting day and time will be the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm. The location will be announced to the membership at least 30 days prior to the date of any given meeting.

  • Section 2: Special meetings may be called as necessary by a majority vote of the Executive Committee and upon at least one notice to the members.


  • Section 1: The by-laws may be amended by a ¨ø vote of Chapter members attending and voting at a regularly scheduled business meeting provided the amendment has been submitted in writing to the entire Chapter membership at least 21 days prior to the voting.

  • Section 2: A decision of the Executive Committee may be overridden only by a ¨ø vote of the Chapter membership attending and voting at one of the regularly scheduled Chapter business meetings.

  • Section 3: In the event of the dissolution of the Chapter, the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the Chapter, dispose of all assets of the Chapter in a manner acceptable to ¨ø of the Chapter members attending and voting at the dissolution meeting.


  • Section 1: The use of the Chapter name and/or logo without the expressed written consent of the Executive Committee and other trademark holders is prohibited.

    By-laws effective date: February 1, 2002

  • President: ___________________________ Joe Morales
  • Vice President: _______________________ Ken Cottrell
  • Secretary: ___________________________ Bruce Braverman
  • Treasurer: ___________________________ Ken Berg
  • Newsletter Editor: ____________________ Arlyne Feintuch
  • Webmaster: _________________________ David Bernard