Nick In Sweden

The rumors about the Backstreet Boys splitting up have been many. But the members have always been denying them.Aftonbladet could reveal last night that Nick Carter is planning to stay in Stockholm for a week to work on his solo project. Yesterday a happy and very talkative superstar landed in Stockholm. He was in an extremly good mood."It feels great to be back" Nick Carter says. Unlike most celebrities he chose to leave the airport thru the regular exit way.

"I like it so much here in Sweden! I'm gonna stay for the whole week and just enjoy myself in every way possible!"

And the work on your solo album? "Yeah, we're in the middle of recording it"

With whom? ¿ Con quienes? "A whole bunch of people. Thats all I can say for now"

Is it near the end for the Backstreet Boys? "We're going thru a difficult time right now. There's a lot of things going on, and everybody wants to have a say. Only fate can tell what's gonna happen in the future" Nick Carter tells Aftonbladet.

Nick and his bodyguards headed off to Sheraton Hotel in a black Chrysler Voyager. After an hour of resting in the hotel room, he quickly made an appearance in the lobby and from there went to the exclusive and popular restaurant (for celebs) called 'East' to have dinner with his long time friend, the mega producer and pub-owner; Max Martin. There they had sushi and coke. It's still unclear whether Max Martin is supposed to work on Carter's solo project.

Later at night Nick Carter went off to the alltime favorite night club, Café Opera. One of the celebs he partied with were Miss Sweden 2002, Malou Hansson."This is my favorite place!" Nick says. "Denniz PoP brought me here for the first time when I was 15. He was like a father to me. This is one of the few places [Sweden] that feels like home to me"

Wanna Leave?

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