Backstreet Boy To Sing Before Offshore Race

Teen heartthrob Nick Carter of pop music's Backstreet Boys will introduce his new 43-foot offshore racing powerboat -- with two 750 horsepower engines -- at next Sunday's offshore powerboat race along the beach.

Carter, 22, won't actually be in the boat racing in American Power Boat Association's Super Vee class. The 130 mph boat will be piloted by his father, Bob Carter. Nonetheless, the whole Carter family will be in Daytona Beach and Nick Carter will sing the national anthem on race day.

"One of the main reasons I am getting into this is my father," he said when the team was announced. "It's a dream come true for him."

The race along the beach next Sunday features a course four miles long, in an area roughly between Silver Beach and Seabreeze boulevards.

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