CBS Morning Show Transcript ~ HOWIE

MARK: Hey, hey Brian. We got Howie D of the BSB. He’s on a personal tour these days promoting a star-studded concert to benefit the Dorough Lupus Foundation. An organization founded by Howie’s family in honor of the death of his sister Caroline. One of my favorite people; Howie, it’s always a pleasure.

HOWIE: Always a pleasure, thanks for taking the time.

MARK: Hey ladies, Howie D’s in the house!

(Audience cheers, Howie laughs and shines a bright smile.)

MARK: Okay, okay. Now let me ask you about this, we’re going to get back to your sister, Caroline, passing away from Lupus. Tell people about this disease, who aren’t familiar with it and how it affected your family.

HOWIE: It’s fairly a new disease. It has actually been around for a while, but I am learning more and more about it everyday. The basic gist of it is, it’s an auto-immune disease. It attacks the white blood cells and unfortunately makes too many white blood cells in your body. And your body can’t distinguish between good white blood cells and bad white blood cells. So a lot of people die from other aliments. Like my sister actually died from pulmonary hyper tension; not getting enough oxygen to the lungs and heart.

MARK: Well, what are you doing with the foundation? I mean, you’re getting money out to people, how do you do it?

HOWIE: We’re spreading a lot of awareness and doing a lot of different charity events. We have an annual cruise around Christmastime and we’re getting ready to do a golf tournament. As well as, my annual variety show that I do every year in Orlando.

MARK: Which was rockin’ last year.

HOWIE: Yeah!

MARK: Now, I know you don’t have the lineup set for this year, but when is it going to be?

HOWIE: It is going to be June 22nd, in Orlando, Florida at the Hard Rock Live. We’re excited about it.

MARK: What about a new album from the Backstreet Boys?

HOWIE: That’s coming, in the works. Actually, we’re in the studios now. We’ve been writing and recording and hopefully we’re shooting for something around August.

MARK: And will we see the BOYS back on tour?

HOWIE: Yes. We’ve planned hopefully for next year starting around January/February.

MARK: You can’t see it but, I say the Backstreet Boys and the girls behind us go, YEAH. All of a sudden it gets all electric. Now, tell me how keeping five guys together, going in the same direction. Tell me about that.

HOWIE: God Bless us. (With a huge smile) I’ll tell ya…nah, it’s all good. We’re like brothers, we have very good chemistry. We all compliment each other. We all have different personalities, we all keep it together. You know? We’re all there for each other. A couple of the guys are married now and enjoying a different part of their lives. We’re all growing.

MARK: Tell your mom, your sisters, I said “hi.” Tell the BOYS I said “hi.” How about a hand for Howie D everybody?

(Audience cheers.)

MARK/HOWIE: Thank you so much.

HOWIE: Appreciate it.

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