AJ Interview Transcript - XL 106.7 - Orlando

AJ:just trying to plan my wedding with my fiancee, we're both losing our minds trying to get it ready and you're definitely invited my friend, even though it's on the west coast, you're going to have to hop on a plane.

Kid Cruz: dude, that is not a problem, seriously, do you, when is the date?

AJ: it's on Valentine's Day Man

Kid Cruz: I knew that, how stupid, I knew that man, I heard that before...(AJ laughing)...I will so be there...

AJ: you gotta be there man, it's going to be a wedding to remember, it's going to be a production, it's not going to be anything like a normal wedding believe me, it's not going to be boring, believe me, it's going to be so much fun....

Kid Cruz: dude is anything boring when you are involve...

AJ: well no, usually it's not...

Kid: AJ, where are you right now?

AJ: I am sitting outside with my fiancee, getting a quick eat, getting my car washed in Malibu and getting ready to go and take care of some business...

Kid: Look at you, I'm getting my car wash in malibu, sitting around having some lunch...

AJ: yes I am..

Kid: I want the old Osceola boy back, you've gone Hollywood on us AJ

AJ: I know, I've gone Hollywood but actually i'm still the Osceola boy, I'm not hollywood, malibu is so, is so peaceful out here and it's a wonderful place to live to help my recovery so things are going good..I've got 10 months now, I'm almost to the year point...

Kid: well I've talked to you a couple of times this year and you seem incredible happy and happier than you've been in a long time,

AJ: yes i'm incredibly happy, very happy yes...

Kid: so, you here to tell us what's going on with the Lisa Merlin's house

AJ: yes, the lisa merlin house basically what that is, in case people don't know what that is, it's a long-term housing facility for teenage girls from like 16 and up, that has drugs and alcohol and substance abuse problems and also homeless and it's an amazing place...and my foundation, which everyone knows is the JNN foundation, which actually specifically, does juvenile diabetes research, is actually getting heavily involve with the lisa merlin house because of my whole bout with alcoholism and with you know drugs, I think it would be awesome because I got so much experience now with it and I think it would be a cool to get involve and maybe take sometime out to go sit and talk with some of the girls and if they have any questions, you know, it's all about working the program

Kid: So it's saturday AJ, the 1st annual Lisa Merlin's fashionable dinner with the stars, saturday the Orlando marriott downtown, tickets are $75, it's going to be a great event for the tickets you can call the lisa merlin's house at 407-292-0109 and there going to be an annoucement regarding your JNN foundation right?

AJ: yeah, basically we are going to actually have a little surprise announcement that I don't want to tell anybody yet but it's going to be a really cool thing that we are going do, and hopefully it's going to make all the girls at the lisa merlin's house very happy and make everybody have a whole better positive outlook on life and give these girls some hope, so it's going to be a really, really cool thing, it's going to be great, it's going to be really, really great, it's a really good surprise that we are going to do and it's something that I think is going to put a smile on everyone's face, including mine, and it's also something good that going to help my recovery as well

Kid: Fantastic, how many days, are you still counting the days..

AJ: I kinda lost track on the days but I am at 10 months, that's all I know..

Kid: Sweet

AJ: so however many days that is, I'm not quite sure..

Kid: The lisa merlin's house, the first annual fashionable dinner with the stars, and it's going to be on Saturday, at the Orlando Marriott downtown, and they have the cast of surviors africa, including some of the Orlando people, there's gonna be a couple of people down there, and of course the special announcement made with the conjuntion with what you're doing, which we cannot talk about cause it's going to happen on Saturday

AJ: it's a big hush hush(laughing)

Kid: (laughing) exactly, it's the big hush hush but in the meantime, how is work treating you..things are going....

AJ: works been good, we've been working in the studio, we just got back from Georgia working with JD, and we also did some work with Glenn Ballard who did alot of stuff with Alanis Morrisette, and hopefully we going be starting to work with Linda Perry, who did some stuff with Pink, from 4 non blondes, and hopefully work with Peter Gabriel, brandon obrien, a touch of jazz, jimmy jam and terry lewis, you name it, we're gonna try to work with them, we're not going to spread ourself thin, we're going to work with anybody who is anybody and just try get a large clum of sounds and really try to go in all different directions and we're really gonna to push the envelope on this next record

Kid: dude, it's going to be sweet..so have you guys setup a timeline as to when you going to try to get it release .

AJ: actually we're going to release it whenever it is done, we're going to take our time with this one, we have as much time as we can possibly do, so... Kid: that's the way to do it dude, you know, not so much pressure....

AJ: you know, nsync is going to be, they are going to take some down time, and we're going to have a big opening gap, just kinda, place ourself right back in, hopefully in the number one spot, keep my fingers crossed.

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