BSB Mom Sues Aj

As if you needed another reason to avoid a Backstreet Boys concert, look what reportedly happened to Helene Bahn when she accompanied her teenage daughter to a show in Tampa. According to this lawsuit filed last month in Florida's Circuit Court, Bahn claims she was seriously injured when Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean peeled off his Tampa Bay Devil Rays jersey and tossed it into the crowd. Bahn says after catching the shirt she was bum-rushed by other concertgoers and, during the struggle for the jersey, the garment somehow became wrapped around her neck. The ensuing tug of war, Bahn's lawyer told TSG, left his client with a herniated disc that required surgery, and other injuries. Bahn's lawsuit alleges that A.J. (he's the punk with the Fu Manchu) should have known that "the throwing of an object such as a jersey would result in a melee breaking out." Though injured at a February 2000 show, Bahn waited two years to sue, her lawyer said, because she tried to privately settle her claim. Backstreet Boys lawyer Paul Karl Lukacs today (5/17) told TSG the Bahn lawsuit was "meritless."

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