Howie D's Interview Transcript About BSB Album and Lupus

Can you give us an update about what is going on with Backstreet?

Howie: Well, we're actually right now in the studio, recording for the next album. Each of us are just doing a lot of our own charity work right now for their different foundations. The guys are very supportive of them down here and very excited for me. That's about it, like I said we're just in the studio writing and recording for a new album.

We had some fans write in asking, "Are you single, or did you find that special someone in your life?"

Howie: I am dating someone, yeah. I'm very happy about it, I always very happy that the fans are very supportive of all of us and our different life endeavors, whether it's charity work, whether it's family, whether it's getting married, whether it's eventually having kids for all of us. I'm very happy that the fans are very supporting and understanding and realizing that we do have normal lives.

The album you are recording right now, did you write any special songs that might possibly make it on the album?

Howie: I actually was in L.A. in February for the whole month and I wrote about 20 different songs, and I think out of that I might hopefully be pretty lucky and get a couple that might go for the next album that I'm very excited about. I don't want to say which songs it is in case it doesn't get that one, I feel like a dork later on. It looks like the group has been writing a lot. We've written about ten songs already and out of that we are hoping to have at least four or five that will be the creditability. We're just experimenting right now, writing with a bunch of different writers, just working on it.

We hear the acting bug has hit you. Would you like to pursue an acting career more while Backstreet is on hiatus?

Howie: Uh-huh, sure. Probably, we've all talked about, each of us have said we want to give each other the space to do individual stuff, especially during the down time of the group. I mean the group has to come first, before everything, before our own individual stuff foundation-wise, everything. But, during the down time, we do give each other the space to do individual endeavors, whether it's acting, singing, dancing, producing, whatever it is, or even just having normal lives, we give each other the space. So, actually, I think during my down time here, probably after the next album, if we do take a break, I'll probably definitely start getting into doing some acting.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping and have you been caught?

Howie: [LAUGHS] Nope, I have never gone skinny dipping so since then I can't say I've ever gotten caught.

Are you going to be doing any private shows with Backstreet to do with the Lupus Foundation or anything else?

Howie: What we've been talking about, trying to put some stuff together, whether it's a golf tournament, or possibly next tour doing a couple of charity shows where the money goes to our foundations. Last year, each ticket that was sold, 25 cents went to our foundations, as well as we had different things we sold out there for merchandise. I did a bear, Brian had healthy heart T-shirts and stuff like that. We know that the fans are very supportive of our foundations, so we like to do credible stuff that makes them feel like they can hang out with us, at the same time give to a good cause.

Have you thought about changing the event to a different state?

Howie: Not so much about changing to another state, but we're talking about possibly adding it to some other states. That's all up in the works. To put together something like this is a lot of work, it takes a lot of time and it takes a lot of effort to try to get artists to give up their time, to fly into another town, give up their days off. But we are definitely talking about the idea of possibly taking it to another state as well.

Is there one thing that you have not done in your lifetime that you still want to do?

Howie: Hmmm...

Get married?

Howie: Eventually get married, eventually, not anytime soon. I'm, uh, actually, I'm enjoying life the way it is right now, with me and the group and I just feel like marriage is a matter of timing. I think marriage and having a family, starting a family, is definitely something that to me I believe is you definitely have to make sure it's the right timing for you. I think right now with the busy schedule for the group and everything, it's just not the right time. It wouldn't be fair to my loved one or to if I had kids, it wouldn't be fair to put them through all this craziness.

Finish the sentence: I get scared when I...?

Howie: I get scared when I have to take shots.

If I can't sleep I...?

Howie: If I can't sleep I make myself sleep because I don't have a problem, knock on wood.

The most funniest thing I've ever done was...?

Howie: The most funniest thing that I've ever done was, good lordy, a lot of things I don't think are funny, a lot of other people think are funny, on a daily occurrence. But, I think it was maybe when I was younger with my sister Angie, we were over my neighbors in Indiana. A friend of ours told us that the traditions is to run out in your long johns in the hallway. For what reason I don't know why and I don't know why I was stupid enough to believe him, but I did it. And I ran from one room into the next room. I thought it was pretty funny, I didn't think it was that funny actually, but when I thought about it. Now that I look at it, I definitely don't think it was that funny.

I want everyone to know about...?

Howie: My Dorough Lupus Foundation.

And when I look into the sky, I think of...?

Howie: Peace, God, and my sister Caroline.

Do you think that DLF has a hard enough profile that if you suddenly or unexpectedly leave the foundation, that it could continue to be successful without you?
Howie: I hope so. I hope the Foundation carries on a life of it's own. I at least try to dedicate as much time as I can to it, but unfortunately, I'm only one person and that's why I thank God it's a family foundation, it's not the "Howie" foundation, that's why I have my sister, all my family works for the foundation. That's why I'm very thankful that we have a lot of fans our there that create a lot of events to bring awareness to the foundation on it's own.

I, myself, have a sister with Lupus in the family. My older sister suffers from Lupus and I had an uncle that died suddenly without any warning that he had Lupus. Do you have any advice for friends and family who are learning to understand the disease?

Howie: I would just tell them to try to educate themselves as much as possible about it. Talk to your doctor. There is definitely several doctors that specialize in Lupus. There are a lot of great doctors that we work out in the West Coast. There is actually books out there on Lupus. Try to take care of yourself. If you do have Lupus, definitely take your medications. Make sure you protect yourself when going out in the sun. Do what you can.

Have you changed in any way due to the 9-11 attacks, and what has changed about you?

Howie: I definitely have changed by now having to go to the airport definitely early. Being on time, that's for sure, I can't no longer just go the airport. In the past I'd be there fifteen minutes before the plane takes off and hurry up and get on it. I think I've learned as well, I've changed...I don't know. You know, we lost a member of our crew that was on the plane.

It makes you more nervous to get on the plane?

Howie: It definitely makes me more nervous now, but I think now our airports are the safest they've ever been, because there is heightened security. I can't even go with fingernail clippers in my bags anymore. So, I think, I'm not as scared, but you never know.

Do you have a message for the fans?

Howie: Just once again, thank you for all the support, especially with my foundation. It's definitely been brought all around the world, making them aware, as well as they have been making other people aware of the disease. Once again, thanks for all the support with the Backstreet Boys as well. I'm definitely looking forward to them hearing our new album, which will be out hopefully sometime before the end of this year. And just KEEP THE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE!

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