Nick And Aaron Interview Transcript At Zootopia

Sandy (StarShine Magazine): Nick, when's your solo album coming out?

Nick Carter: When's the solo album coming out? When's it coming out Aaron?

Aaron Carter: Shut up. (pushes Nick) Uh, I don't know. (bangs into the microphone) Oww. When is your solo album coming out?

Nick Carter: When is it coming out? Now you're asking the questions--no uh, well I've been in the studio. I've got like over thirty songs recorded and we're thinking about a single in a couple of months and the album later this year, maybe like late September.

Sandy (StarShine Magazine): Aaron, do you have any advice for Nick as a solo artist?

Aaron Carter: Uh, now that you're not in a boy group...(laughs) No, the best advice for him would be--I don't know, I mean he knows what he's doing.

Nick Carter: No, I need advice!

Aaron Carter: Well the best advice to be a solo artist would be to stay focused on what you're doing. Don't let other distractions you know take you off of what you're doing.

Nick Carter: Wow. He's serious.

Aaron Carter: Like when you're onstage...girls...girls, they can be a big distraction...

Nick Carter: Girls?

Aaron Carter: Just take your's a lot harder being solo because when you're in a boy group, you know you get to take turns with lines and stuff, but I have to sing the whole song and I mean I have to sing the whole song and dance at the same time and keep on doing it over and over and over again. So that's why technically it's easier for you on tour than it is for me...

Nick Carter: Okay. <> Words of wisdom from my little brother.

Aaron Carter: But you can open up for me on tour. <> I'm just messing with you.

Sandy (StarShine Magazine): Nick, can I clear up any rumors about the Backstreet Boys breaking up?

Nick: Clear up? We're not breaking up...

Sandy (StarShine Magazine): Okay.

Nick: So I mean everybody's all worried 'oh Nick's doing this and the Backstreet Boys are over'. You know I've been in the group for ten years you know, since I was tweleve so I mean I'm twenty-two now and I really want to try something new and that's basically what I'm doing. You know sometimes you can't make everybody happy, that's one thing I've learned in life. You know the guys are supporting me, so that's good.

Later on Nick said this to add to the question... Nick: One thing I forgot to know basically, I've been recording for a while now and that's why it's more further along and now the Boys' album is further along, so I'm recording both and that's what we're doing.

Sandy (StarShine Magazine): So Aaron, tell us about your coming album?

Aaron: Oh it's going good...

Tiffany (StarShine Magazine): Aaron, are you going to do more ballads because "I'm All About You" was a real hit so...

Aaron: Yeah, actually we just did a song for the album called "Do You Remember?" and it was originally an up-tempo song, but they uh, they slowed it down and we've been working on a lot of songs. We've got...

Nick: Keep going.

Aaron: He's crazy <> We have almost ten songs for the album...

Nick: <> Ahh...

Aaron: <> And uh it's basically like the old one, but it's just like a little more rock-y.

Nick: <> This feels good.

Tiffany (StarShine Magazine): Any tentative names for both of your albums?

Nick: Ummmm...

Aaron: For yours?

Nick: No yours.

Aaron: No yours. <> I don't know, what would I name mine? Um, know what we should do? Like put it in a magazine and see what the fans think...

Nick: Yeah, that would be cool.

Aaron: Let the fans decide.

Nick: If there's a...

Another reporter asked Aaron about any acting in the future...Aaron has been cast in the role of Peter Pan for a movie, but he chose to go on tour this summer instead and put the movie off until next year...Tiffany followed that question.

Tiffany (StarShine Magazine): How did you like performing in "Seussical"?

Aaron: It was cool. I really loved it. Seussical was really cool, but it was, it like got kind of hard being away from home and not like ever seeing my family for like two months and it was just...but it was really cool. I met a lot of new people out there and it was really fun.

Sandy (StarShine Magazine): Now that you're on mainstream radio, how do you think the older audience is responding?

Aaron: How do I think they respond? Um--

Nick: <> Ask me.

Sandy (StarShine Magazine): <> Nick?

Aaron: <> What do you mean?

Nick: I'm your older audience. <>

Aaron: What?

Nick: All right, I'll tell you...

Aaron: She's not asking about you, she's asking about MY older audience. <> Well I think the older audience--Nick what do you think?

Nick: What do I think? <> Well as the older audience...

Aaron: Anyway...Nick, what do you think?

We never did get a resonse because they only had time for one more question...but I think we all know the answer, older audiences are already starting to take notice of the younger Carter brother!

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