Transcript of Nick on BBC's The Saturday Show

Nick appeared live on BBC 1’s The Saturday Show on 21st September in the UK to answer questions, surprise fans and sing a live world exclusive of ‘Help Me’.

Nick’s welcomed to the studio and the presenters Fearne & Simon ask him about his new solo project and if it meant the end of the Backstreet Boys.

Nick explained that he’d been with the Boys since he was 12 and wanted to try something new and also added, “It’s just one of those moments in time where you really wanna do something very passionate and that’s what this is to me. It’s not the end of it, no. And for future references, ya know…I wanna be doing some more records with them and stuff, like maybe next year sometime, start recording. But right now I’m just gonna do this.”

Fan question: Nick what’s your least favourite haircut you’ve ever had?

Nick: “What’s my least favourite haircut I’ve ever had? *Laughs* I had this really really jacked up one where…um…it was like, it looked like somebody put a bowl on top of my head and just cut it all the way around. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

By now Nick & the presenters are all laughing.

Simon: “I think I did too…everybody had one of them.”

Nick: “Everybody has had a bowl cut.”

Simon: “A what actually?” *I don’t think he really knew what Nick was talking about

Nick: “A bowl cut. Just a bowl…*pointing to a bowl across the studio* …like that bowl right there on top of your head.”

Fan question: Nick, your brother Aaron, what’s he up to these days and are you guys gonna be working together?

Nick: “Um…I mean right now he’s on tour in America. He’s touring all over the place. I would love to do some stuff with him, I mean that’s my little brother, I’ve done stuff with him in the past. But right now I’m kinda…*does that lovely Nick smile* …like joining his boat now. He’s been a solo artist for awhile and I’m trying to do as good as my little brother has done ya know?” *starts laughing*

Fan question: Are there any lucky charms you never leave home without?

Nick: “Actually there is…I have one. And I brought it with me.”

Fearne: “You have?”

Nick: “Yes I did. It’s a surprise”

Nick pulls out a doll from behind one of the cushions.

Nick: “This is a special doll that I bring…her names Cherry…I bring Cherry all the time with me. Everywhere I go…I always have Cherry.”

He seems to be getting a bit carried away now, lol. But the doll actually belonged to a Nick fan who was in the audience. It was a surprise for her and bless, she looked so happy…she got to go down to the stage with Nick and he hugged her and gave her a kiss. Awww! And don’t worry…he gave the doll back, lol.

Later on in the show they got Nick to play ‘Saturday Morning Fever’ which was where he had to dance against a fan so she could win prizes. It was just like those Bust-A-Move arcade games. Fearne explained to him that if the girl won she’d get the prizes and if he won they’d be given to the audience, so he made this face and was like, “Ooo, a lotta pressure!”

The girl then danced a little at the start to show some moves and when it was Nick’s turn, he refused! Lol he acted quite shy for once….but then he just did some stupid but cute lil moves of his own. He’s crazy!

Anyway, Nick actually lost 32 – 46 but he was like, “ I did try!” and then hugged the fan.

Fearne: *Jokingly* “Nick you should be ashamed really.”

Nick: “I got lost in like the middle of this…too many colours.”

Then they played a really old cheesy song which is well known in the UK and everybody was doing the dance to it and Nick was standing there looking totally lost. He tried to copy them but then he just gave up and made up his own lil weird dance, which was so funny!

Toward the end of the show Nick was the first artist to sing on Top of the Pops Saturday and he did an amazing live performance of ‘Help Me’. He looked great and sounded great.

Simon: “Can you confirm to us that this was sung live?”

Nick: *out of breath* “Very live!”

Simon: “Now how do you feel without the other boys? AJ & Brian?”

Nick: “I missed ‘em ya know? But I love doing this. This is so much fun.”

Simon then asked Nick to do a drum solo and he did! As he was playing, his stick bounced off one of the drums and flew over them and onto the stage. He was trying to get Simon to pick it up by constantly yelling, “Grab that stick!” But he pretended not to hear him because they had to get on with the show, hehe. So anyway, Nick just carried on playing with one stick. That’s our Nick!

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