Transcript Of Aj and Jo-Jo on KIIS FM In Los Angeles, CA

The transcript and audio of Alex's call to JoJo, confirming the engagement etc:

JoJo: This totally was not planned out, but what a cool deal...a guy I totally respect and love. And the guy has massive talent. And you’re gonna freak...from the Backstreet Boys...AJ, what’s up, dude?

Alex: What’s up Jay-Jay?

JoJo: Dude! Man, by the way, the Christmas party the other night...what an awesome time, dude. And the songs you played me in your little private studio there...I been bragging on it, man. I think you guys have...or at least, I’ve only heard the stuff you’re planning on kinda contributing to the Backstreet album...but I think you guys have, I have to say like a new ‘Millennium’ or another ‘Millennium’ type impact album coming up in the future. At least, based on what I’ve heard so far.

Alex: I hope so. I mean, we’re gonna go back into the studio in February and start busting out some new songs. And working with some new producers and stuff like that. So ahh, with a whole new clear mind and a whole new open mind, ya know....we’re not gonna turn away anybody, we’re gonna just try and do a bunch of new stuff and just see what comes out. So ahh, it’s gonna be awesome.

JoJo: Are you having fun playing your...what are you playing? Xbox? You playing Playstation II?

Alex: I’m playing Xbox right now, at my house in LA. I am playing some dirt motor cross thing...I don’t know what it is. I’m jumping over buses right now. I just finished working on a track for my fiancée.

JoJo: Oh yeah?

Alex: Yes, I...I...

JoJo: A new track for Sarah?

Alex: Yep, Sarah...I just popped the question...

JoJo: By the way, lets go and set this up for guys may have caught wind of this on some chat rooms. And I didn’t want to say this on the radio until I got word from AJ himself...and he said “JoJo, I would rather go on myself and say the news”. So AJ, pump for you, dude...just say what you wanna say, dude. It’s all on you AJ.

Alex: I just wanna, you know, let everybody know that, you know, the Backstreet Boys are, you know, not ones to hide anything. I mean obviously, especially with me going into rehab - I came out and told everybody the truth and told everybody that I had a problem and I went and fixed it. And I've got 5 ½ months sober. And I just got a whole new life ahead of me. And I'm ready to stop being a 'playa', as everyone calls 'em. And I'm ready to grow up and move on. And I've found the woman of my dreams. She makes me very happy. And her name is Sarah Martin. And she's also in the business, she also sings. And I popped the question on her Monday night, as soon as I flew back in from Orlando. I was back in Orlando spending time with my Grandfather and my family, getting ready for the holidays. And I picked up a ring. And I was kinda going back and forth in my head whether I was gonna wait and do it on New Year's Eve or whatnot. But I popped the question. I was real nervous. I was all sweaty and clammy...I freaked out. But I did it...I rushed it, but I did it. And it's been wonderful. I just want all of our fans to be supportive and be happy like they were with Brian and with Leighanne...and Kevin and Kristin. And I'm sure that they will. We have the most wonderful fans in the world and they've been so supportive. Especially with me and with my situation. And I just wanna be happy. And she makes me happy. And she keeps me sober. And it's just, you know, awesome. We're just a great couple together so...and you know, you’ve met her – so you know.

JoJo: Dude, she’s an absolute sweetheart...even though she scared the crap outta me the other day, dude. I called her up and I said “Sarah, what’s happening, what’s up with the Christmas party...gimme the news”. And she goes “JoJo, I should let you know that me and AJ are not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore”. And I was just like, you know, my jaw dropped. The only thing that came outta my mouth was “Are you ok?”. And she was like “No, we’re fiancée now”. And I was like“Oh my God, I’m gonna kill you”.

Alex laughs

JoJo: But it scared that crap outta me, dude. What, gimme the story...I thought it was kinda funny...I think alot of the ladies will get a real big charge outta this. When you actually went down on one knee to present the ring to Sarah...which by the way was about five pounds worth of ring...gimme that story about how she went on one knee we well with you. And that whole situation.

Alex: Yeah, soon as I...I basically set it up where I, you know, told her that our relationship's over. Kinda like breaking up with her in a weird kinda way. She had this freaked out look on her face. And I told her to close her eyes, and I got down on one knee. And I said “Open your eyes” and I said “Sarah Jo Martin, will you be my wife?” And she muddled what sounded like 'yes' and she started crying. And she just, her knees buckled! And she came down, and we're both on two knees now, sitting there hugging each other. And I'm like “Well wait! Say it again...make sure I heard you right. Please tell me that you said yes!” And she did. So ya know, it was awesome, man. It's such a beautiful experience. Kevin's very supportive. Kevin and Kristin came to the Christmas party, which you know. Brian and Leighanne are very supportive. Nick and Howie, everybody. It’s just, you know, it’s just an awesome thing, man. It really is. I see how happy Brian and Kevin are, and you know, it's just, it’s my turn. Kevin and Nick...ahh Kevin and Nick? Sorry, Howie and Nick, it's not their turn yet...I know that for a fact. But you know...for me, it's definitely my turn. And it's just it's awesome, dude.

JoJo: AJ man, I think the world of you, brother. And what a sweetheart girl you’ve got, dude. And what a great way to end 2001 and what an awesome way to begin ever thought about that?

Alex: Yeah, it is, man. That why I was hoping to wait for damn New Year’s. But I freakin' rushed it! I couldn’t wait.

JoJo: Well you know what? Some things you just can’t wait on, you know. I mean, like you’re sweating...beads of sweat pouring off your forehead, off you nose, and off your cheeks. And there you go.

Alex: I know, man. But you know what? I’m just so damn premature, it’s just terrible. My mom said I was premature, you know...that's why I'm all messed up in the head, you know what I mean. I can't do anything when I say I'm gonna do it. I always rush it. And just do it on the spur of the moment. But this is something that I didn't rush it...I definitely put a lot of thought into it. And I've been thinking about it for like the past month. I was gonna do it in Tokyo while we were over there. But I didn't have the ring yet, so...

JoJo: Isn’t it crazy how times have changed. You went through a rough period with the whole rehab situation. And now, I mean, talk about a 3...well, is it a 360? No, a 180 degree turn...whatever the phrase is...

Alex: I’d say about a 360.

JoJo: About a 360?

Alex: Cause I went from the gutters of being depressed and bummed out about the loss of my Grandmother and just a whole bunch of other crap. And it just turned around. I mean, going to like rehab totally just opened my eyes, opened my heart, opened everything inside me just to really come out and be a whole new person. And just be the person that my Mom loves, and my Mom knew when I was a kid, and that the fellas knew when the group started, and that all of our fans knew when the group started. Cause I was a prick, dude. I was a complete ass. Now, I still have no ass...but at least I'm a nice guy, you know.

JoJo: Well dude, tell your Mom Denise “hello” and of course, Sarah “congratulations” as well. And I’ll talk to you next year. And dude, you gotta come into the studio and hang out. We’ll just have a blast and play whatever you wanna play and whatever.

Alex: As soon as I get back, man...I’ll be up at the studio harassing you and all. So...

JoJo: Hell yeah, dude.

Alex: I’ll go on air...and I’ll bring my turn tables.

JoJo: Dude, will you really do that? But you guys can hear some of the tracks that AJ has. And some of the tracks I’m sure will go onto the next Backstreet album. Some of the tracks may go on other projects AJ is working on. He’s got some stuff...and I sat there and listened to this particular track in his home studio. And when he was playing it, I said “Who is that singing that?” And he said “That’s me”. And I couldn’t believe that one that was you, cause it sounded nothing like you. And man, this next album is taking some direction and some new heights that you’ve hit some pretty high heights before...but man, I think you guys may reach some new levels. So man, AJ I’m looking forward to 2002, dude.

Alex: So am I, man.

JoJo: Alright brother, go play your Xbox...I’ll leave you alone, ok man.

Alex: Alright, buddy.

JoJo: That’s AJ...and of course, his new fiancée Sarah. We’ll talk to them soon. It’s JoJo on the radio...102.7 KIIS FM. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, AJ.

Alex: Same to you. And to everyone out there...Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

JoJo: You got it.

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