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Yay! I finally met the girls! Thursday 29th May 2003 the girls did an album signing at HMV in Dudley. They also cut the ribbon for the official opening of the shop. Over 1200 fans came to see the girls but only the lucky 500 who had previously obtained wristbands could get to meet them.

I personally queued for 2 and a half hours but it was definitely worth it. The girls were sat around their table, Cheryl on one end, then Nadine, Nicola and Sarah along the back then Kim on the opposite end to Cheryl.

We got to Cheryl first and she was so nice! She and Nadine were talking to us and their accents are so wicked. Cheryl was blown away with the drawing I'd done of the band and Nadine said "You're so talented!". It was so amazing to be told that by someone as talented as Nadine. I asked if I could have a photo with them so I went round the back of the table and crouched between them. Everything seemed so surreal!

I also had a chat and a photo with Sarah and she asked me what my fave song on the album was. I thought about it and said "Don't Want You Back" and she said "Yeah, I like that one".

Unfortunately we didn't have very long with the girls and the security guards were ushering us away. We didn't mind though, I'd been able to meet them and I'd got the picture I'd drawn of them (which they absolutley loved) signed, a photo of them and their album signed. It was definatley one of the best days of my life. :)


Hi - I met Girls Aloud at Thorpe Park when they were promoting their new single. It was great... they were really friendly and I got to take pictures with a few of them and got all their autographs!

They went on a few rides like Tidal Wave and got totally soaked! I've got pictures of them when they just came off and are really wet and look pretty cute! :D


Hiya, I met Cheryl last week at the Newcastle friendly match. I would have emailed you sooner but I've only just come across your site! I think Cheryl is MINT. She's proud to be a geordie - just like me. She kicks ass!


Hiya, I'm Liz and I have been a Girls Aloud fan for AGES!! I had been waiting for ages to meet them by entering competitions and going to places where they were appearing but I never got the chance to meet them. But my day finally came on Friday the 15th of August! I was so excited. It was the Capital FM roadshow at Greenwich the Naval college. I got up at 7am and arrived at the place at 9am. I was all ready to see them, I was the first person to arive with my mum and sis.

I walked right up to the front of the stage and and made it MY place! I couldn't wait - I was SO excited. I knew they wouldn't be there until about 1.30pm but hey they're SO worth the wait! Unfortunately, Cheryl wasn't there :( and Cheryl is my fave!

I was well excited and nervous about seeing them on stage and I was up at the front! I held up a poster I took with me of lovely Cheryl and I wrote on it "WE LUV (heart) U!!". As I was at the front I could see Sarah and Nicola on the side of the stage and I cried my eyes out! I was screaming their names and they were waving back at me that was the best feeling ever. Then i saw Nadine and Kimberley! Then they walked on stage and we all screamed! It was such a good feeling it was the best day of my life seeing my fave band ever! I was SO excited i took LOADS of photos! Sarah noticed my poster of Cheryl and she went "Awwwww" and pointed at me and smiled! That made me the happiest gal ever! I was SO excited I can't put it into words.

They performed 2 songs: "Life Got Cold" and "Sound Of The Underground". They sang live and it was brill. After they performed Kimmi, Sarah, Nadine and Nicola came down to us and signed autographs! Only kimmi came down to the very front area where I was and she signed the poster I had of her and even posed fpr a pic with me! I was SO happy. I asked her if she could give my love to Cheryl and she said "Yeah, course I will" and smiled at me. I was on a total high the whole day! I love thinking about the day... they all waved at me and smiled. It was brill. I hope one day I get to meet them all again! That was the best day of my life!


I got to meet the girls for the second time this week when I went to see them perform at Butlins, Minehead. They were doing 2 performances; one in the afternoon and one in the evening. I went to the afternoon performance.

I couldn't wait to see them and got right at the very front. They came on stage and performed "Girls On Film". They then said hi to the crowd and went on to do "No Good Advice", "Life Got Cold", "Jump" and finally "Sound Of The Underground". Cheryl, Kim and Sarah all came over and touched mine and my friend's hands. We were so close it was amazing.

After the concert, we waited outside to see the girls. When they came out we ran up to them and they said they'd come back in a minute to speak to us and sign our stuff. We went to the door where the girls had gone for food and we asked a woman if she'd take our stuff in for them to sign. She took my picture along with some other people's stuff and gave it to the girls to sign. Cheryl wrote "This is MINT!!!" on my picture and I was SO happy!

We went back to the exit of the concert place after they'd done their evening performance and waved them off as they got into their cars. It was such a class trip - one I'll never forget :)


Lau (SarahHarding(dot)TK) and I queued from about 11:30am outside HMV in Cardiff and we were so shocked that there were only about 10 people infront of us. Anyway, Jase and Zoe from Reddragon FM were there and were asking questions and you could win goody bags. They said "What was Girls Aloud's first single?" So I shouted out "Sound of the Underground!" and I got a goody bag from Zoe (which comprised of HMV wallet, pen, notebook and bag!)

Anyway, the girls came out at 12:30pm ish to cut the ribbon at the front of the store to officially open it. I was right next to them and got some awesome pics. Lau was shouting "SARAHHHHH!" and Sarah goes "Hiya you alright?" and I waved at Chez and she waved back and she looked like she recognised me which was cool!

They then went back into the store and sat at the table. As we were so close to the front we only waited like 5 mins then we were at the table. The security man took our ISBY single covers off us and put them on the table. They'd said earlier that you were only allowed to have the singles signed which I was gutted about as I'd brought a picture that I'd drawn.

Chez was closest to us, then next to her was Kim then Nic then Nadine then Sarah on the other end. I said "Cheryl will you sign this?" and handed her my pic. I was thinking "haha f*#k you Mr. security guard" because he kept saying "No, you're only allowed singles" but I knew that if the girls saw it then they'd sign it.

Anyway when Chez saw it she goes "Oh my God! That's AMAZING!" then she showed it to Kim and Kim said "Wow, look at that! Look at all the detail and everything!" They looked up and I was just beaming! They passed it on to Nic and she said "Did you trace that?" and I said "Noooo I drew it!". We'd also taken a press photo to have signed but the guy wouldn't let us give it to them. Chez looked at him and did puppy dog eyes but he still said no. Knob. Anyway, Nadine and Nic said "Can we have a look at that?" so we handed it to them. It was the one of them on a white background - a promo shot for ISBY. Anyway they were like "Aw we haven't seen this before!" My pic was now by Sarah and she said "That's the one from Top of the Pops magazine isn't it?" and I said that it was and she said "Wow you've made me look a lot better there than I did in the actual shoot!"

Lau was taking pics and she gave a birthday card to Sarah and Kim. Cheryl saw that she had a photo of Sarah in her hand (which she'd wanted her to sign but wasn't allowed) and Cheryl said "Is Sarah your fave?" and Lau said that she was. Kim and Cheryl said "Aw look at her she's shaking!" then Cheryl said "Give her a cuddle Sarah!" so Sarah got up and gave Lau a hug and a kiss on the cheek! She was SO lovely!

We picked up our singles and my pic and said goodbye to the girls before getting ushered away by the effing security guards. But oh my God, what a day! It was amazing!


I met the girls again yesterday (04/12/04) at CD:UK! Laura (SarahHarding(dot)TK) and I went up to the CD:UK studios where we met other Girls Aloud fans (from the offical forum) who had kindly said they'd give us tickets to get in! So thanks to Beth and Emily we met the girls for the fourth time!

We went into the studios about an hour before the show went out live on air. After handing in our bags and coats we queued outside the studio doors and went in at about 11am. We were shocked at how small the studio was in real life. There were 2 stages - one had instruments on and the other didn't so we headed for the one without instuments because that's where we thought the girls would be coming on.

Natasha Bedingfield came on the other stage to do a sound check and as we were looking at her, Girls Aloud walked on the stage behind us! Cheryl recognised us and waved and Emily told Nadine she'd written a letter for her, so Nadine came over and took it and put it in her pocket. Laura shouted "Sarah!" and Sarah said, "Hiya love!" to us. She looked again and said "Aw you gave me that card didn't you?" (The birthday card Lau had given her at the HMV signing in Cardiff). We nodded and she said "Aw thanks it was lovely... I couldn't write back, I'll speak to you outside. I've been on your websites!" Laura and I were so chuffed! The girls were standing on stage waiting to go live and Nadine mouthed to us and Emily "I don't know this dance!" She's SO cute!

The girls were the first to perform. The opening credits came on then "Here We Go" started. The girls went into their dance routine, very focused, but Nadine smiled at us a few times during the performance. The crowd were jumping up and down in the chorus - it was brilliant!

When they'd finished, they went off stage. The group of us huddled together as Natasha Bedingfield came on and we were wondering whether that was all the girls were doing. We asked and the woman said that was it for them. We decided to go outside so we could see them so the 10 of us rushed past the security guard saying we were desperate for the toilet! We got our bags and went outside.

It wasn't long before the girls came out. Cheryl and Kim came first and I rushed over to Cheryl with the picture I'd drawn. She was busy signing stuff so I passed it over people's heads and she took it and went "Wow!" but then someone else shoved something infront of her to sign so she kind of wandered away with my pic! I ran after her and passed her a pen and said "Cheryl will you sign the purple one for me?" as the pic was in her hand. She took the pen and signed it and passed it back before getting in the car.

While I was persuing Cheryl (lol) Laura had been speaking to Sarah. She'd come out and kind of gone over to Lau and Lau handed her a photo to sign. She signed it and said to Laura "I'll send you another photo babe, that one you sent me [in the birthday card] was awful!" Sarah was ushered into the car and Lau shouted "Thanks Sarah!". She also managed to get a few great pics which you can see HERE.

A woman had come out behind the girls saying "We SO haven't got time to stop, they've got to get to Record Of The Year!" so the girls were only in the street for a short time. Emily gave Nadine a photo to sign and the woman said "Nadine don't you DARE stop [to sign the photo]" but Nadine did stop and sign it, which was lovely of her. I didn't really see Kim and Nicola came out with food in her hands and went straight into the car.

The car pulled off and the girls all waved. It was brilliant. And thanks so much to everyone we met - Beth, Emily, Cheraine, Steveweiser, Rhod, Tasha (sorry if I've missed anoyone out!) you were all lovely - we had a really fab time :)


I went 2c Girls Aloud in Belfast’s Waterfront Hall & it was totally fab so I’m gonna give u all a review of my day!!!! Me and my M8 queued from half 9 in the morning so as we would be at the front of the standing area and it was totally worth it!!! I was the first person into the arena and went straight to the front row centre and made sure I stayed there 4da whole show. The first act on was some guy and god love him but he was pants! His dancing was hilarious bless! Kute were on next and then cookie they were both ok but I don’t think either of them will ever make it as big as Girls Aloud! When the lights went out I nearly died the excitement was too much lol! The Girls came on looking fab and burst into an amazing rendition of "the show". From then on things kept getting better! We had a banner that said "Nadine’s r number one girl" and we showed it to her and when one of the other girls was talking Nadine was mouthing at us that it was soo nice and she loved it! When I shouted I love u she was like aww I love u 2 and she was looking at me and my mate because she was nearly crying at being home and she was just completely amazed everyone loved her soo much! Bless her! Cola kept looking at us and smiling and Cheryl was amazing. I again shouted that I loved her and she was like awww thanks I love u too! And my m8 blew her a kiss and she blew one back and my other m8 Reached out and she touched his hand cos the gap between the barrier and the stage was like a foot and a half at most! They paid us sooooooooo much attention and they all looked fab!!!!!After the show me and my m8 ran round the back and waited for like 20mins when Nadine and Nicola came out and got on the bus! But we all kept shouting for Nadine and she came off the bus and signed stuff for everyone who was there (only bout 9 of us Unfortunately I had taken all my pictures and had no more film left but my m8 got a photo of her on her fone!!!!!!I nearly died with excitement! She is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NICE! She was talking to everybody when signing there stuff! We asked her had she seen our banner and she asked what it had said and we told her we were the girls in the front row and that the banner said "Nadine’s r number one girl!" She was like aww yes I seen it how could I miss it, it was lovely thanks soo much for coming and bringing it!!!! It was totally amazing to meet her as she is my fave girl and she is so so nice! Wasn’t even annoyed that Nicola got on the bus because I met NADZ!!!!I don’t know if the other girls were on the bus too but if so we must of missed them or else they were still inside! We had to go though cos my mum was w8n to take us home! But it was such a fab night especially meeting Nadine!

Oh 4got to mention that during the day some lady was coming out of the arena door were we were queuing and we were talking to her and I told her we had been queuing from half 9 she was amazed! She went away and came back a few minutes later and asked if I wanted to be interviewed for the documentary "BEING GIRLS ALOUD" I was like totally so me and some mates from school went out and she asked us questions and stuff but she kept telling me I was the main one and I had to speak the most I felt dead wick but its pretty cool! So I deffo can’t wait for the show to be aired (does neone know when it is?)Wahoo! Everyone make sure you look out for me!!!!!But all I can say is it’s a fab show and I wish I could do it all again!!!


I met the girls at the oval cricket ground on the 30th july 2005 at the twenty20 cup final! They performed in front of about 25,000 people and the crowd went wild, it lit up my night that's for sure.

They performed four songs-long hot summer, wake me up, love machine and i'll stand by you.

when you watch them on tv you don't actually realise how small they are, they're like dolls and i just wanted to grab hold of them!!!!