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Found @ eBay
October 2002 ~ Page Three
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(From October 2002)

SwanBeverages.JPG (18501 bytes) LimeCola.jpg (7719 bytes) OrangeDelight.JPG (13363 bytes)
Swan Beverages from from Swan Bottling Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania @ $50.00, but reserve not met. Lindy. Property of Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Boone, Iowa @ $32.00 Embossed Lime Cola, Property of Lime Cola Bottling Co. of South Carolina @ $30.95 Orange Delight ACL from Vermont Beverage Co., Montpelier @ $20.00
Orange-Crush_sign.jpg (24737 bytes) Papoose_closeup.jpg (13001 bytes) ClarionRB.JPG (21996 bytes) Hires_dispenserbottom.jpg (20952 bytes)
1938 Orange Crush tin sign @ $300.00 Pa-Poose Root Beer from New Orleans @ $46.45 Amber Clarion Root Beer ACL @ $38.37 Drink Hire's ceramic dispenser bottom @ $180.50
ElephantHutch.jpg (5275 bytes) PolkaDot_5bottles.jpg (27490 bytes) Nehi_seltzer.jpg (11550 bytes)
Elephant Bottling Works Hutch from Birmingham, for $17.50 (won by me) Clicquot Club stopper bottle for $7.50 (won by me) Five Polka Dot ACL from Paris TX @ $34.33 Nehi seltzer bottle 
@ $87.65
Cudworth_blobtop.jpg (5892 bytes) Bigelow_blobtop.jpg (10103 bytes) JohnSeedorffCharlestonSCbllobtop.JPG (5997 bytes) JohnRyan_blobtop.jpg (5736 bytes)
A.W. Cudworth San Francisco Soda @ $103.50 E. Bigelow & Co, Springfield, Mass blob top @ $280.00 John Seedorff, Charleston, SC cobalt blob-top bottle @ $202.52 John Ryan 1866 Savannah GA amber blob-top bottle @ $255.01
Rummy_sign.jpg (20628 bytes) SunDropSign.jpg (22356 bytes) OrangeCrush_sign.jpg (29183 bytes) RedWingGrapePhosphate_sign.jpg (75600 bytes)
Rummy cardboard easel back sign @ $158.50 Sundrop "bottlecap" sign @ $177.50 Orange Crush tin sign made $182.50, but reserve not met Red Wing Phosphate tin sign @ $316.00

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