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A in a circle Alembic Glass Industries, Bangalore, India
A (big) in center of italic GM Australian Glass Mfg. Co., Kilkenny, So. Australia
A. B. C. Albion Bottle Co. Ltd., Oldbury, Nr. Birmingham, England
A G B Co Albion Bottle Co., England;
trademark is found under Lea & Perrins, ca. 1880-1900
A.G.W. Alloa Glass Limited, Alloa, Scotland
AVH-A Van Hoboken & Co., Ltd, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1800-1898
B & Co. L Bagley & Co., Ltd, est. 1832, still operating (England)
Beaver Beaver Flint Glass Co., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ca. 1897-1920
Bottle in frame Veb Glassvoerk Drebkau, Drebkau, N.L., Germany
Crown w/figure of crown Excelsior Glass Co., St. Johns, Quebec,
and later Diamond Glass Co., Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
ca. 1879-1913
Crown w/three dots Crown Glass, Waterloo, N.S. Wales
CS & Co. Canninton, Shaw & Co., St. Helens, England, ca. 1872-1916
D in center of diamond Dominion Glass Co., Montreal, Quebec, Canada
D.B. In a book frame, Dale Brown & Co., Ltd.,
Mesborough, Yorks, England
Excelsior Excelsior Glass Co., St. John, Quebec, Canada, 1878-1883
Fish Veb Glasvoerk Stralau, Berlin
Hamilton Hamilton Glass Works,, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1865-1872
Hat Brougba, Bulgaria
HH Werk Hermannshutte, Czechoslovakia
Hunyadi Janos Andreas Saxlehner, Buda-Pesht, Austria-Hungary, ca. 1863-1900
IYGE all in a circle The Irish Glass Bottle, Ltd., Dublin
KH Kastrupog Holmeqaads, Copenhagen
L on a bell Lambert S. A., Belgium
LIP Lea & Perrins, London, England, 1880-1900
LS in a circle Lax & Shaw, Ltd., Leeds, York, England
M in a circle Cristales, Mexicanos, Monterey, Mexico
N in a diamond Tippon Glass Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
NAGC North American Glass Co., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1883-1890
PG Verreries De Puy De Dome, S.A. Paris
R Louis Freres & Co., France, ca. 1870-1890
S in a circle Vetreria Savonese. A. Voglienzone, S.A. Milano, Italy
S.A.V.A. all in a circle Asmara, Ethiopia
S & M Sykes & Macvey, Castleford, England, 1860-1888
T in a circle Tokyo Seibin Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
vFo Vidreria Ind. Figuerras Oliveiras, Brazil
VT Ve-Tri S.p.a., Vetrerie Triventa, Vicenza, Italy
VX Usine de Vauxrot, France
WECK in a frame Weck Glaswerk G.mb.H. ofligen, Bonn
Y in a circle Etairia Lipasmaton, Athens, Greece
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