Camp was the awesomest!! Both of them were!! The first camp I went to was Summit in 2001!! That one was okay, but Blaze 2002 was awesome!! I met so many new people!! Lori and Joe were the awesomest ever!! Here are some pictures of them!!This is my Buddy Joe!!
I don't have any of lori on my computer right now, but i will after i get my pics of bliz developed. Now at Blaze we were put into teams for team competitions. Now my team SHOULD have won, but we had Dean as a offence Dean..but every time Dean is a leader his team loses!! Oh well, no biggy. We had a movie night the last night, and we watched the worst movie ever. We watched The Time Machine. I made Joe stay and watch it even though he had already seen it. The last night my cabin was suppose to sneak out, but I didn't want to so I went to sleep instead. The last day was depressing cuz we had to go back home..but camp was something i'll remember forever. That's just a short description of Blaze.
Bliz '03 was on March 21st to March 23rd. We went up to Musoka Woods Sports Resort. We left sunny London to go play in the snow. Well our bus drivers got lost, so it took a little longer than expected. Than there were the bumps..those bus drivers were crazy..they went over huge bumps at like 100km/h. They were trying to kill us. Anyways when we arrived at camp we went to the hall for a performance from the band! Well then we went up the hill..and up the hill..the hill was high..but we got there!! We found our cabins and dropped off the stuff that we had on the bus. Than we headed to the truck to get our other stuff!! That was a lot of waiting!! When we were all settled in and everything, we headed back down the hill to the dining hall for a snack..then we went back to the Hall for a session before bed.
DAY TWO- Well we got up around 7 a.m. and headed to the dining hall for breakfast! Then at 9:30a.m. we had our second session. Then we got put into teams for team competitions. The first team competiton was making up a cheer and flag for our team. My team was we called our team Burnt Sunfish!!(For those of you who have no idea what this's the real colour of a school bus) Now our cheer was as follows:
We're sunfish,
and we're here to say,
We got burnt,
By the sun today!
We're sunfish,
And we're here to say,
We got burnt
By the sun today
We're on fire!
That was our cheer!! We won first place with that!! It was so awesome!! After lunch, we had a gym riot!! We played soccer and did a bunch of obstacle courses for team points!!We had our third session, then a whole bunch of free time to work on anything to were doing in the talent show. At the Talent show my cabin(well some of it anyways) sang the song off of Sharon, Louis and Bram!! Lori played her guitar.
DAY THREE- We had to wake up and clean our cabin! Now our cabin had done most of it during freetime the day before so we had extra time to sleep! We went to Breakfast, then to our final session. At the final session Dean and Joe showed up with my wallet and everything in it! That was their prank on me! At 1:30p.m. we had to leave! We were on a different bus so that this time we wouldn't hit the bumps that hard! On the way back a whole bunch of people on my bus were mooning the people passing. That's not something anyone really wants to see. That was Bliz!!
Well Summit 2003 was cool! It wasn't as good as other camps, but it was still good!! We left on August 24th at 2p.m. I had to sit beside my sister the whole way there!! Talk about boring!! LOL! Well when we got there, me and Caitlin had to take our 600 bags to our cabin. That was a pain!! We really didn't do much the first day! We got to explore, then we had supper, then we had a session, then we went to bed! The first night, a couple people in my cabin snuck out to go scare their friends.
Day 2- Well this day was a little more eventful then the day we got there was. My cabin was up at around

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