Deborah Gibson - 'Out Of The Blue'

[Deb shot]


From DGIF 6.3

Q: What direction are you heading with SBK?
A: Back to basics. SBK believes in me as a songwriter, pianist, and producer. This album will lean more towards ballads.

Q: Do you regret any career decision you ever made?
A: Everything I've done has been from the heart. I have no regrets.

Q: Will your next album say your preferred name? (Deborah)
A: I'll stick to Debbie for a while.

Q: I noticed your albums have become more "hi-tech". Will your next album be more like that?
A: The next album will focus more on songs, less on production. I've been there, tried it, and all that sampling and programming stuff isn't for me.

From Hello (April 16, 1994)

"Grease" has been such and overwhelming success, yet you've decided to quit the show after just nine months?

Has playing the role of Sandy lived up to your expectations?

Do you sometimes feel you've metamorphosed into Sandy - on and off stage?

Having played to an ecstatic crowd for some 300 performances won't you suffer a terrific anti-climax when the curtain comes down on April 9?

What will you miss most?

Is there anyone in the cast more important than the others?

You seem to have a very good rapport on stage with Craig McLachlan (Danny). That must make the part even more entertaining and fun?

Has your successful run on the West End stage led to a plethora of other offers?

You have also been invited to tour South Vietnam at the end of the year - isn't this quite an unusual invitation?

Are you nervous about old emotions being stirred?

At just 23 years old, you've produced three albums, two number one hits, a string of top tens, played Broadway and the West End - is there anything left to aspire to?

You recently signed a lucrative recording contract with EMI - what does that entail?

What was the very first piece of music you wrote?

Through all your obvious hard work and determination, have you now achieved millionaire status?

Do you have any particular weakness when it comes to spending money?

Apart from shopping, what are your other hobbies?

To date what do you believe has been your greatest achievement?

And what of the future - do you see yourself touring ad infinitum or do you think you'll settle down?

From Newsday (June 24, 1994)

(about playing Sandy in the London production of Grease)

(about how she's not a "city person")

(about her father, Joseph, who spent a large portion of his childhood at the St. Mary's facility)

[Deb shot]
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"Out Of The Blue"