Deborah Gibson - 'Out Of The Blue'

[Deb shot]


From the Associated Press (March 2001)

(about upcoming VH1 movie "Teen Queens")

(The title track to "M.Y.O.B." starts with kids singing and clapping. A nod to her teen-star status?)

(Why did she choose "M.Y.O.B." as the title?)

(What does she think about the new teen stars?)

(The teen stars today dress sexier - what's changed?)

(What does she think when she looks back on her career?)

From (March 2001)

(though she's been busy in theater, people will see "M.Y.O.B." as a comeback - how does Deborah feel about it?)

(as a former teen pop star, how does Deborah feel about turning thirty?)

(looking back now, was it difficult having so much success so young?)

(what does Deborah think of the emergence of all the new teen-pop queens in the last couple years?)

(does Deborah have any favorites among the new teen-pop queens?)

(does Deborah have any advice for the new teen-pop queens on how to manage their careers?)

(was there a rivalry with Tiffany "back in the day"?)

(do people still call her Debbie sometimes?)

From an chat (April 6, 2001)

(what are Deborah's hopes for the "M.Y.O.B." album?)

(is Deborah going the MTV route?)

(will Deborah be doing a concert tour to promote "M.Y.O.B."?)

(any idea where Deborah will be touring?)

(would Deborah like to be in "Cabaret"?)

(what was it like being in "Cinderella"?)

(a lot of people make a big deal about Deborah's "name change" -- why does she think people are so fixated on it?)

(what are Deborah's thoughts on the international scene?)

(now that Deborah's older, how would she define "sexy"?)

(why didn't Deborah put as much energy into promoting her last few albums as she has this one?)

(what are Deborah's thoughts on the current pop scene?)

(just when it seems like Deborah is on the brink of mainstream success, another musical comes along. What is
Deborah's plan to bring her music back to the mainstream?)

(what are the advantages and disadvantages of releasing material on her own label, any why did she change the
name of her record label?)

(does Deborah write songs for other artists, or would she be willing to?)

(what is Deborah going to sing on the "Today" show?)

(what does Deborah do in her free time)

(where would one find songs like "The Most Beautiful Love Song" and "Without You"?)

From (May 2001)

(why did Deborah decide to go back to pop music now?)

(was any of her "squeaky clean" teen image with the teddy bears, hats, etc. exaggerated or invented?)

(what does Deborah think of the teen idols out today?)

(if VH-1 did a "Behind the Music" on Deborah, what secrets would she reveal?)

(what pressures did Deborah face during her heyday?)

(is it true that Deborah dated Howie Dorough of the Backstreet Boys?)

(did Deborah have any specfic things she asked for backstage?)

(looking back, is there anything Deborah wishes she had done differently?)

(interviewer mentions she turned down "Playboy")

(how does Deborah cope with criticism?)

(interviewer notes that Deborah performed with her nieces on the "Today" show - do they have showbiz aspirations?)

(does Deborah have any projects coming up?)

From's "Top 40/Pop: UK" area (July 6, 2001)

(any plans to tour the UK or Europe in the near future?)

(what does she think when she performs her 80's hits in concert?)

(what made her branch out into musicals?)

(what does she remember from her time in London? Do she and Craig McLachlan keep in touch?)

(it was reported she was doing another musical - details?)

(why does she think her music's a hit with the gay community?)

(why did she release "M.Y.O.B." on her own label?)

(does she plan to release another artists on her label?)

(has she visited any of the fan sites devoted to her?)

(what is her opinion on MP3 sharing and Napster?)

(how much input does she have on her own website?)

(what does she see as the focus for her web presence?)

(what would Deborah like to achieve?)

From (July 2001)

From HX Magazine (July 2001)

(about "Teen Queens")

(advice for the young pop stars: find a manager who sees things from an emotional standpoint, not just a business one)

(Advice to young pop stars: expose yourself to different audiences)

(Advice for young pop stars: don't take the criticism or praise too seriously)

(Advice for young pop stars: be self-sufficient)

(Advice for young pop stars: a little practice never hurt anyone, even if you're already famous)

From Billboard (August 18, 2001)

(about the current crop of young female singers)

(about her initial one-single deal for "Only In My Dreams")

(about the change in musical style in the early '90's)

(about going into theatre after "Body Mind Soul")

(Deborah's concerns for the new crop of teen female singers)

(Deborah's advice for the new crop of teen female singers)

From chat (August 23, 2001)

(the difference between '80s kids and modern teenagers)

(about Britney Spears)

(about Christina Aguilera)

(about not having a sexual image)

From (November 2001)

(about Deborah's busy schedule)

(about "Skirts" and "Teen Queens")

(about approaching major labels for "M.Y.O.B.")

(how did she get Tony Orlando to do "Knock Three Times"?)

(about hooking up with Chynna Phillips)

(about "Down That Road")

(about writing by herself or collaborating)

(about refusing to be victimized by the September 11 attacks)

(how some in the music industry can't see past her MTV image)

From (in late 2001)

(when did Deborah first become aware of gay issues?)

(if Deborah were to star in a same-sex love story, who would she visualize as her romantic co-star?)

(if Deborah were to write/direct a same-sex love story, who would she visualize as the leads?)

(if Deborah were going to be a lesbian for just one weekend, who would she want to go out on a date with?)

(what's Deborah's current favorite CD?)

(what's Deborah's current favorite book?)

(who is Deborah's favorite songwriter?)

(what is Deborah's favorite movie?)

(who is Deborah's favorite Village Person?)

(who is Deborah's favorite Angel?)

(who is Deborah's favorite Brady?)

(who is Deborah's favorite Backstreet Boy?)

(what is Deborah's soap opera name (her middle name plus the street she grew up on)?)

(Deborah is the _____ of her generation)

(what was the most important event in Deborah's life this past year?)

(Deborah always has ______ in her refrigerator)

(who inspires Deborah the most?)

(what is something nobody knows about Deborah?)

(Deborah describes her ideal mate)

(what does Deborah consider the most groundbreaking concept or idea of the last year?)

(two words)

(who was Deborah's first celebrity crush?)

(what pushes Deborah's buttons?)

(squelch, confirm, or start a rumor about herself)

(the last movie Deborah laughed or cried at)

(what is Deborah's biggest guilty pleasure?)

(would Deborah appear nude in a movie?)

(who is Deborah's favorite designer?)

(what is Deborah's favorite/least favorite feature of her body?)

(In high school, Deborah was ________)

(what's Deborah's favorite getaway?)

[Deb shot]
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Deborah Gibson -
"Out Of The Blue"