Chapter 11

"Hi Justin, this is a surprise." Bridget stammered.
"Yeah, I'll say." JC said, standing up and coming to the door.
"Well, we were all bored so I decided to get some fresh air and take a walk. Then it occurred to me that I haven't seen your place so I walked over here" Just said while trying to peer inside.
"Well, come on in." Bridget said.
"Thanks," said Justin, walking into the apartment. "Wow. This is really nice."
"Thanks. Can I get you anything?" Bridget asked.
"Ah...water, if you don't mind" Justin said.
"Sure." Bridget said.
"I got it." JC said walking into the kitchen.
All that ran through his head were questions of why Justin here. JC knew he was being selfish, but he wanted to be alone with Bridget, not share her with Justin.
"Here J" said JC, handing Justin the bottle of water.
"Hey, thanks man" Justin replied smiling.
JC took a seat on the couch next to Bridget while Justin settled into the over-sized arm chair opposite to them.
'They look really happy' Justin thought to himself. Maybe he shouldn't have come here.
"So Justin, what are you doing here?" JC asked, almost harshly. "What's the matter, JC? I interrupt something?" Justin asked, smiling devilishly.
"That's not really any of your --"
JC's words got cut short by Bridget.
"Guys! Enough!" Bridget yelled.
Both men just glared at each other without saying a word.
"Well. I see that I'm not wanted here. Excuse me -- I wanted to see how my 'best friend' and his girlfriend were doing. I guess that was my first mistake."
Just got up and walked toward the door.
"Thank you Bridget." Justin said, smiling at her. Bridget got up and walked toward Justin.
"You know he didn't mean that" Bridget whispered to Justin.
Justin just shook hi head.
"JC always means what he says. Do me a favor Bridge?"
"Yeah, what?" she asked softly.
"Don't start making excuses for him already - I don't want you to get hurt" Justin said.
"Justin, I may be out of line here. But, I know what Josh would never hurt me. What ever I do or say, is because I love him." She said back at him.
Justin smiled. "I know you do." He said. "I'll see you later."
"Alright, bye Justin" she said, closing the door behind him.
Bridget turned around and saw JC on the couch with his head in his hands. Bridget went over and lifted his face.
"Josh? You alright?" she asked.
"Yeah. I'll be alright" he answered. "He just pissed me off."
"Don't let him get to you" Bridget said.
JC smiled and put his arms around Bridget.
"What did I ever do to deserve you?" he said. Bridget laughed.
"I don't know, but keep doing it cause I like this." She said.
Bridget raised her mouth to his, kissing him lightly.
"Why does everything seem so much better now?" he said smiling.
"I don't know, why is that?" she said smiling.
JC stopped and stared at her for a moment. He had never felt so much love for any woman in his life. Any girl he'd met in the past two years he compared to her. That, of course, wasn't fair. No one could compare to her. No one else could even come close. Finally. Finally, she knew the truth. As he and Bridget cuddled on the couch, his mind wondered to his argument with Justin. He hated fighting with him, and over such stupid stuff. Yeah well, things would settle over a while. Right now he just wanted to hold his girl and slip into a world where nothing else mattered.

Chapter 12