Chapter 7

Bridget and JC walked into the darkened apartment. Even before Bridget closed the door, JC spun her around and kissed her. At first a soft kiss. JC closed the door behind him without letting go of Bridget. His kisses became more and more passionate. Bridget's hands touched the back of JC's neck. Yep, the necklace was still there. JC finally released Bridget.
She smiled, blushing. "You still have the necklace I gave you."
"Of course, Bridge. I haven't taken it off since you put it on two years ago." JC confessed.
"Wow" Bridget smiled again. No matter how she tried, she just couldn't stop smiling.
"What's with you?" JC laughed "You happy or something?" "Yeah - I guess you could say that!" Bridget said as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
JC gently pulled her closer to him. He never wanted this moment to end. "I love you so much Bridget. This is easily one of the happiest days of my life." he said.
"Josh, I feel exactly the same way. You have made me so happy" Bridget said, "besides, this is only the beginning."
JC smiled and kissed Bridget more passionately than he had kissed anyone before.

** Ring, Ring **

JC released Bridget long enough to realize that the phone was ringing.
"Hold that thought" Bridget smiled.
JC shook his head. What was coming over him? He never wanted to let her go.
"Hello?" Bridget answered the phone.
"Hey - you said you were going to call!" Taylor yelled.
"Yeah, um, I would have, but the night's not over." Bridget said.
"Oh my God - did you tell him? Is he there?" Taylor questioned.
JC made his way over to Bridget and she whispered that it was Taylor. Just then JC grabbed the phone away from Bridget.
"TAYLOR!" JC yelled.
"Oh my God! Josh? Is that you?" Taylor exclaimed.
"Yeah, it's me? What's up?" JC asked.
"That's what I'd like to know!" Taylor asked.
"Well, ya know, I'd like to tell you, really I would. But I think my girlfriend would like to tell you all about it!" JC answered smiling slyly while handing the phone over to Bridget. He kissed her softly on the forehead and took a seat on the sofa.
Bridget smiled and returned back to the phone with Taylor already screaming for an explanation.
"Hey Taylor, TAYLOR - I'm here!" Bridget yelled over her. "So - it's true? You're seeing him, for real?" Taylor asked.
"Yeah, I am. Things couldn't possibly get any better right now." Bridget said.
"Well, of course I want details, but they can wait. Call me when you get a free second?" Taylor asked.
"Of course I will!" Bridget said.
With that Bridget and Taylor said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.
Bridget smiled and joined JC on the couch.
"Everything ok?" JC asked.
"Everything's perfect." Bridget answered, smiling.
JC turned and kissed Bridget lightly on her soft lips.
Bridget smiled. "So. Do you have to go back to the hotel tonight?" she whispered.
"Do you want me to stay?" JC asked.
Bridget nodded.
"Ok. Then I'm staying."
Bridget smiled, and then instead of saying a word, she touched his cheeked and kissed him with a passion she'd never shared with any other man before.

Chapter 8