
Bridget walked into her office and crashed in the chair behind her desk. She sat there and looked at the diamond ring on her left hand. She smile in spite of herself, smiling at the thought of her and Josh spending the rest of their lives together. Forever. That word had a whole new meaning for her. It was over a year since 'forever' seemed impossible, as she lay in the hospital bed trying to recover from the almost fatal shooting. The man was caught a few weeks later and put to trial. Bridget felt much safer knowing that he was behind bars with no chance of getting out any time soon. Now it was time to get on with her life, her life with JC.
"Daydreaming again?" a voice said from the doorway.
Bridget looked up and smiled at the figure in the doorway.
"Carson! How ya doing?" she said.
"I'm good. But not as good as you, it would seem." He smiled.
Bridget looked down once more at the ring on her finger.
"Yeah, I'm a little happy, I guess." She smiled.
"You ready for the news to be out to the public?" Carson asked.
Bridget shrugged. "I guess. I just don't want it to come between me and Josh." She answered.
"I don't think it will. JC loves you very much, you're been through a lot within the past year." Carson said.
"Yeah, I know. Then again, we've been through a lot in the four years we've known each other. We can get through anything, as far as I concerned." She smiled.
Still, Bridget worried about the public finding out about their engagement. JC and her had never kept their relationship a secret, and the fans seemed to accept Bridget, but this was a whole new ball game. It had been a month since Josh proposed, and since then Bridget had probably seen him a total of two days. Touring had him constantly on the road with the guys. He was out there, doing what he did best, making people happy.


"So, how does it feel to be twenty-three, Bridge?" JC asked, smiling.
"Old." She answered.
"Shit. What does that make me then?" JC smiled.
"Oh, stop. You're a whole two years older." Bridget smiled.
JC smiled over at Bridget. The older he got the more he realized that he wanted to spend the rest of his life making this women, standing right in front of him, happy for the rest of their lives. He fingered the black velvet box in his pocket. His thoughts were interrupted.
"Hey Bridge, great party" Justin came walked over to the two of them.
"Thanks J" she smiled.
JC looked around him. About a hundred of Bridget's friends and family gathered around to celebrate. The were trying to make up for the birthday last year that Bridget spent in the hospital bed. This was also a party to celebrate the fact that Evan Berk, the asshole that almost took Bridget away from him, was behind bars. JC looked up and saw Bridget smiling and talking to her cousin in the corner. He knew there was no time like the present. He walked over to the DJ's booth and borrowed the microphone as the DJ took his clue and lowered the music.
"Can I have everybody's attention, please?" he said.
Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked up towards the dance floor at JC. Bridget stopped talking to her cousin and looked on like everyone else and JC continued. "As you all know, this is a very special birthday for Bridge. It was a year ago when we were praying by her hospital bed for her to come back to us. But that all over and done with" he smiled. "Bridget and I have been friends for four years now, and I'm glad to say that now, even though we're more than 'just friends' she's still my best friend." he glanced over at Bridget to see her smiling face, beaming. "Babe, can you come over here for a second?" he asked. Bridget made her way over to the center of the floor where JC was standing and the rest of the guests had all focused their attention. JC looked from Bridget and then back into the rest of the crowd and continued with his little monologue. "I love this woman with everything that I have inside of me, and probably more. I could never imagine my life without her, and I never want to have to. Which is why… " he paused and turned towards Bridget before dropping to one knee.
Bridget covered her mouth briefly with shock then pulled it away to reveal a smile the spread from ear to ear.
He set the microphone next to him as he pulled out the ring from his pocket. "Bridget, I don't know what I would ever do without you in my life. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you right next to me…. Will you marry me?" he asked.
Bridget smiled and didn't feel as though she could say a word. "Yes. Yes, Josh. I will marry you!" she smiled.
He placed the ring on her finger and rose to his feet, enveloping her in his arms. He pulled away and touched her lips tenderly with his own.
The on-lookers applauded and approached the couple to congratulate them as the DJ smiled and played "God Must Have Spent…". Bridget and JC stayed in their embrace, oblivious to the onlookers and anything else going on around them.


Bridget walked to the control room. TRL would be starting in a few minutes. It wouldn't be long now before the music world knew about the engagement.
"Alright Carson….you're on in five" Bridget said into his in-ear.
"Thanks Bridge" He said back.
"Have a good show everyone" Bridget said to everyone and setting into action.


"Ok, ok." Carson smiled. "That was our number four video of the day for Friday's TRL. Now we have my man, Brian with news. I hear we have big *Nsync news. Is that true?" he asked.
"Oh, Carson. I wouldn't lie to you… we do have big *Nsync news." Brian smiled as the crowd went wild. Bridget sat in the studio and watched for reactions. This should be good.
"Ok, ok" Brian started. " *Nsync member, JC Chasez, has announced his engagement to his girlfriend Bridget Cariac. When we caught up with the guys earlier this month, JC let us in on a few details.


"JC, we here you're officially off the market?"
"Yes." JC smiled. "Bridget and I got engaged last week, so it's official now." He said.
"Are you worried at all about fans' reactions?"
"Our [Nsync's] fans have been very supportive of Bridget and I, and I would hope that they would continue to be true. We love each other, and we want to be together for the rest of our lives."

…End of Clip

"So there you have it" Brian said.
"Wow" Carson smiled. "Another one bites the dust!"
Brian laughed and turned towards Carson. "At least the man has taste. Bridget's a great woman." He smiled.
"Yes she is" Carson affirmed. "We wish them nothing more than a lifetime of love and happiness."

Bridget smiled as she sat in her chair, watching Carson from the control room. Their news was out to the world. Now everyone knew that her and JC were going to be together now, forever and always.

The End

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