...With You

Chapter 22

A month later…

"I hate leaving you" Justin smiled.
"I know, baby." Madison smiled.
"Do you feel any better today?" he asked.
"Not really" Madison answered.
"Promise you're going to go to the doctor tomorrow?" Justin asked.
"Yeah, Carson said he'd go with me" she answered.
"Call me, alright. You're worrying me." He smiled.
"I'm sure it's nothing" Madison smiled.
"Alright. I better get going, my flight's in an hour." He said.
"Ok, I'll talk to you later." She smiled.
Their lips met in a sweet kiss. "Bye babe" he smiled.
"Bye J" she smiled, closing the door behind him.
She walked back into the apartment. For the past month Justin had been flying in on weekends, even if he only could spend one night with her and then leave the next morning. And even though she barely saw him, she had never been so happy. The second leg of the tour started in a little over a week. Madison looked forward to seeing more shows, but not necessarily to seeing JC. She hadn't seen him since the night he walked out of her apartment. Justin said he was alright, not bad to work with anyway. She was relieved that they worked out their differences where she was concerned.
::Ring, Ring::
Madison went over to answer the phone.
"Hello?" Madison answer.
"Madison… It's Tara." Tara said.
"Hey girl, what's up?" she smiled.
"Not much. Carson just wanted me to make sure that you to still had the doctor's appointment tomorrow." She asked.
"Yeah, early. Eight O'clock." Madison replied.
"Ok" Tara said. "You feeling any better?" she asked.
"Not really." Madison smiled. "But I'll live till tomorrow." She said.
"Ok, good. We gotta get together soon. Our girls' thing, alright?" Tara said.
"Sounds great" Madison smiled.
"Alright. Well, rest today. Carson'll be by in the morning." Tara said.
"I will. Thanks Tara." Madison said. "Talk to you later."
"Yep. Bye, Madd." She said.
Madison hung up the phone and smiled. The past month had been eventful. Carson had moved out of his apartment and moved into a new one with Tara. Madison loved Tara, but on the other hand, she also missed Carson being right across the hall. 'I'm still only a phone call away' Carson said to her on moving day. Still, Madison and Carson were close as ever, and Tara never got jealous or mad at Madison when Madison needed to steal her man. Work had been crazy in the last month and she was glad that she had the day off the next day. It was only eight o'clock at night, but Madison couldn't bear to keep her eyes open. Justin had gotten there early, early that morning. They'd gotten to spend a little over half a day together. It would have to do for awhile. Madison went into her room and laid down on the bed, falling into a deep sleep until the next morning.


"Wake up, sleeping beauty" Carson whispered into her ear.
Madison groggily turned over to her back. "Is it eight already?" she asked.
"No, it's seven. Come on, get up and get ready. Our appointment's in an hour." Carson smiled.
Our appointment?" Madison smiled.
"Sorry, you're appointment." He answered.
Madison got up out of bed and headed towards her bathroom. She turned back around smiling. "So, you still have a key, huh?" she said.
"Yeah. I'm not giving that up!" Carson smiled.
"Alright." She smiled. "I'll be out in a sec."
Carson went out to the kitchen to pour them each coffee before they had to head out. Just ask he took his first sip, Madison walked into the kitchen wearing jeans and white button down shirt.
"Coffee!" Madison smiled. "You're a god!" she said.
"So they tell me" he laughed.
Madison rolled her eyes and took a sip from the cup.
"Thanks for coming with me Cars" she smiled at him.
"Of course" he smiled.
"Well," she said, looking at the clock "should we go?"
"Yeah, probably." He said, taking their cups and setting them in the sink.


It was two hours later and they were both sitting in the doctor's office waiting for test results to come back.
"What the hell is taking so long?" Madison asked, not directly at Carson.
"Settle down, Madd. These things take time." He said, grabbing her hand.
A few minutes later the doctor walked into the office and smiled.
"Hello, Miss Wilkes. Hello, Mr. Daly." Dr. Intel said.
"Hello, Doctor." Madison smiled nervously.
"Well, we got results back from the tests that we took…." She started, looking at the two questionably.
"Doc, what's wrong?" Madison said, anxiously. "Am I ok?"
The doctor smiled to clam Madison down. "Miss Wilkes, you're fine. What you're going through is nothing out of the ordinary. Madison… you're pregnant."
Madison stared at the doctor, not realizing what she had just said. She looked towards Carson who looked just as shocked.
"Are you sure?" she managed to get out.
"Well, nothing is one-hundred percent, but with our tests they're usually ninety-eight percent accurate. Now, first of all. Congratulations to the two of you…"
"Whoa! No, no, no." Madison smiled, interrupting her.
"Not me" Carson smiled.
"Oh, I see." The doctor corrected herself. "Well, then…"
"He's out of town right now" Madison explained, leaning forward.
"Ok, well, Miss Wilkes you can take as much time with this as you need to, but I do suggest the two of you come in to speak with me as soon as possible." Dr. Intel said.
"Of course" Madison said nervously.
"Now, as we see it. You're about a month into your term, which would explain your feelings of nausea and fatigue. It is normal, and we can give you something to control it, but you must take it easy from time to time. It's crucial for you to stay healthy so we have a healthy baby in about eight months. Now, I'm not going to go into specifics now, I know you're a little over-whelmed. Whether it's with or without the father, please make an appointment within the next week to see me." She said.
"Thank you, Dr. Intel" Madison said smiling.
"Please, call me Patricia" she smiled. "You take it easy and call soon. And you," she said, turning to Carson. "Make sure she doesn't over do it."
"Don't worry about that" Carson smiled.
Carson and Madison walked out of the office still in shock.
"You ok, Madd?" Carson asked, walking out to the car.
Madison looked over to him and forced a smile. "I just wanna go home Carson, I just wanna go home."


Madison and Carson walked into her apartment. Madison hadn't spoken a word since they left the office. She sat down on the couch and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she saw Carson standing over her with a glass of water. He smiled.
"I thought you might need something…" he said.
Madison smiled. "Thanks Cars, for everything." She said. "I don't think I would've been able to walk outta there if I would've went alone."
"That's what I'm here for" he smiled. "So, what are you going to do?" he asked.
"First? Call J." she said.
"Madd, I don't think this is something you can tell him over the phone." Carson said, sitting next to her.
"I know" she said. "I just hope he can get here. He did just leave, I feel bad for calling him back."
"Under the circumstances, I'd just worry about getting him here, not about feeling guilty." Carson said. He looked at his watch and looked back up at Madison. "Carson, I know you gotta go" she smiled. "Just go… I need to be alone for awhile anyway."
"You sure?" he asked.
"Positive." She answered.
"Alright, but if you need anything, anything at all, please call." He said.
"I will" she smiled as she got up to walk Carson out.
"Rest!" he said, kissing her lightly on the cheek as he walked out the door.


Madison fluttered her eyes open and found herself laying on the couch with Jacey by her side. She was full with loyalty, and was always there for Madison… funny how a dog was the greatest stability in her life.
"Well, Jace. I guess it's about time to call him." She said, sitting up on the couch. Jacey hoped onto the couch next to her and laid her head into her lap. Madison sat there a few minutes just scratching Jacey's ears. She reached for the phone on the end table and dialed Justin's cell, praying that he wasn't in the middle of something.

::Ring, Ring:: ::Ring, Ring::
"Hello?" his voice rang over the line.
Madison smiled at the sound of his voice. "Justin… it's me." she said.
"Hey baby!" he exclaimed.
Madison closed her eyes. If he only knew.
"What's up?" he continued. "How did your appointment go?"
"That's sort of why I'm calling" she said.
"Madd, you sound funny. Are you alright?" he asked, worried.
"I know you just left, but what's the possibly of you coming back?" she asked.
"You serious?" he asked.
"Yeah. We need to talk." She said.
"Madd, you are really worrying me! What's going on?" he said.
"Can you please just get here?!" she said, pleading.
Justin sighed. "Of course. I'll be there as soon as I can." He said.
"Thank you." Madison sighed. "I love you."
"I love you, too" he smiled.
Madison smiled, cut the connection, and walked back over to the couch where Jacey still laid.
"Move over, girl" she said pushing her outta the way. "It's my turn."


"Shit!" Justin said, after cutting the connection.
"What?" JC said, standing next to him.
Justin looked over at JC.
"That was Madison. She wants me to come back to New York… " he said trailing off. "Is she ok?" JC asked.
"I don't know, she wouldn't tell me anything." He said, frustrated.
"Well… then you gotta go man." JC said, looking over at him.
"Will you guys be alright?" Justin asked.
"We'll manage." JC shrugged.
The other guys walked in and Justin caught them up on the recent events.
"Just go, man" Joey said. "We'll take care of things down here. Tour only starts in eight days, we know what's goin' on."
"You guys sure" Justin asked once more.
They all nodded.
"Ok, thanks" he said, grabbing his stuff and heading out the door and off to the airport, to catch the next flight out.


::Knock, Knock::
Madison didn't yet get to close her eyes when someone knocked on her front door. She scrambled off the couch and opened the door.
"Tara!" she said surprised.
"Hey girl" she said. "I hope you don't mind, Carson called me and told me the news."
Madison smiled and allowed Tara to pass through.
"Of course I don't mind." She said.
"Anyway… I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing" Tara said.
Madison sighed. "Well, I just got off the phone with Justin. He said he'll be here as soon as he can but who knows when that'll be." She said.
"Do you know how you're going to tell him yet?" Tara asked.
"Have no clue" Madison smiled.
"Madd, I know this goes without saying. But Carson and I are both here for you, one hundred percent. Do not hesitate to call me with anything, ok?" Tara said.
Madison smiled and looked at her friend. "Thank you. I know that, but hearing it makes me feel even better." She smiled.
"Carson said the doctor thought it was his at first.." Tara said.
Madison laughed. "Yeah… don't worry, we ended that quickly." She said.
"It's weird. I always forget that the world doesn't know about you and Justin. I mean, they know you exist in the form of Justin's girlfriend, but no one knows its you." She said.
"I know" Madison said. "It's better for right now, especially with this news. I can't imagine what reactions will be to this."
"Madison, Justin loves you. He won't let anything come between the two of you, last month was proof of that." Tara smiled.
"I know" Madison smiled. "But right now, I'm not worried about the public. I'm just worried about 'us'."


Madison awoke and found herself on the couch, once again. After Tara left she took a permanent spot on it, watching TRL and then falling asleep. Even seeing Carson on TV made her feel better. 'A special hello to my best friend, who's no doubt watching right now.' he had said, smiling and winking into the camera. He always knew the way to make her smile.
::Knock, Knock::
Madison scrambled to her feet and headed towards the door. Five o'clock. Most likely it was Carson, checking up on her. She smiled, and opened the door. When she realized who was on the other side, shock over-whelmed her.
"Justin!" she exclaimed, jumping into his now open arms.
"Hey baby" he said worriedly. "You sound surprised to see me."
"Well, I am." She smiled. "I mean I'm happy of course but I didn't expect you this soon."
"You call, I run" he said, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear and smiling.
Madison smiled and gently pushed her lips to his. As they parted she looked up and smiled nervously. How on earth was she going to tell him this?
"Now, not that I mind seeing you two days in a row… but you're worrying me to death, Madd." He said while still looking into her eyes.
"I know. I'm sorry for being so dramatic on the phone." She smiled.
"You? Dramatic?" he smiled.
She looked away and laughed.
"So, are you going to tell me what went on at the doctor's this morning?" he asked.
She looked back into his worried eyes. "Yeah. Let's go sit." She said.
The two made their way over to the couch and faced each other. Justin's face still hurt with worry and she felt horrible knowing that she put it there.
"Alright." She started. "I'm just going to talk this through, so just listen. First, I want to let you know that I'm fine. I'm not sick or anything and what I've been going through the past few days will go away sooner or later." She smiled.
Justin nodded, not wanting to interrupt her.
"But she did tell me something that I need to tell you. And since I don't know exactly how to say this so I'm just gonna say it. Justin… I'm…" she paused. "I'm pregnant."

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