Dream Street For Life [v2.0: Blue]
Dream Street For Life

Site Last Updated Monday, February 18, 2002

DarkCounter visitors since September 5, 2001.


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I was gone so long, but I had to do a major revamp of this site, which isn't so easy. I'm still updating and making changes so keep coming back! How do you like the new layout? I worked hard! I was going to go with frames but it was too hard and I'm lazy. If you have my page bookmarked, change the address to https://www.angelfire.com/pop2/dream_street1/main.html. If you have it bookmarked as http://www.dreamstreetforlife.dot.nu, you can keep it as that. Okay then, I'm done.


I added a brand new section! Please check it out and submit everything you can! There is technically a prize for this contest! What is it? Well, Dream Street will get to see your submissions! So please, send in whatever you want to dreamstreet_contest@hotmail.com. Check out the new Dream Street Mega Letter Contest in the Contests and Fun Stuff section.

Thank you to Alicia who gave me her award! She is WebMaster of Street of Dreams and she just gave me her award! She won my award a while ago so a link to her site is in the Win My Award section.

I added a new winner to the Win My Award section. The first winner for 2002! Her name is Laura and she runs Dream Street Loving Dorks. Check it out! Her site is funny yet informative. It has anything you could ask for in a site and more! If you have worked so hard on your site that you think you need a reward for your job well done, then go to my Award section right now! Who knows? Your site just might be worthy of the title. . . I added a couple of new funky award designs, so if you want to see them, go there!

I added a quiz to the Contests and Fun Stuff page. Go check it out! You better really know your Dream Street facts. . . I also added a Survey to the same page. Please fill it out!

I am currently making a new web site just for Chris. It's called Addicted To Trousie and the address is http://christrousdale.issexy.com. It is currently under construction but will be up shortly. Don't worry, I'm not abandoning this site! Addicted is just a side project.

Good news for those who hate long site addresses! I have a new address, http://www.dreamstreetforlife.dot.nu. It's fairly easy to remember. Just don't forget the word dot is in there, okay?

I added a new Caption picture and winner for the old one. Thanks to everyone who submitted and I'm sorry if your submission was not posted, but so many of you sent them in. It was very hard to pick a couple of great captions out of all of the contributions. But please try again this month!

I added a poem to the Poems page and two dreams to the Dreams page. I suggest you read them all, I think they're all excellent. If you had a dream about Dream Street that you think others would enjoy reading, please submit it! Tell me true and actual dreams and/or nightmares that you have had that involved Dream Street in one way or another. E-mail me your dreams, and I will post it as soon as I can. By the way, like I have said many times before, only appropriate dreams! If you had an, well, adult dream, please try to censor it a little (or I will be forced to do so!). I regret to inform you that if you don't follow this one simple rule, I won't be able to post it. So just think of that, okay?

I updated my Bio. It's pretty pathetic how much time I put into a page about myself.

I'm trying to create a PictureTrail account for my very own pictures of Dream Street, but my scanner has been busted for a while and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it. If any of you know how to fix scanners, please e-mail me!

I made a Tribute page. It's name pretty much explains it all. I'm working on a September 11th tribute and one for former Beatle George Harrison. So far I have Aaliyah. Please go to that section and tell me how you feel about it.

I added the Fan Fiction page (on the Poems and Fan Fictions page). So far I have no fan fictions on but I am working on it. As soon as I find some time I will post the fan fictions I have so far. But I suggest you see that page anyway because if you intend to submit a story, there are some rules you need to follow. Not many rules, just basic information.

I have part of the Lyrics done. If you need the lyrics for the following songs, they are currently finished, so you can see them: "Feel The Rain," "They Don't Understand," "It Happens Every Time," "Gotta Get The Girl," "Sugar Rush," "Jennifer Goodbye," "I Say Yeah," and "Dream On." But these are the songs from the album, not the Miscellaneous section. I'm still adding the lyrics for the other ten songs, and I hope to be done by some time in mid-January.

As for Bios, I have Chris's done and am still working on the others. Sorry, but I promise I'll finish some time in the next six years. Finally, please go see my Bio! I just put up a picture I made and I want to know what you people think of it!

I did it! I finally found a way to make my pictures show up in the albums! Congratulate me! Alright, so I didn't save the world, but my pictures of Chris are up and running! I know you guys want me to make other albums, so please, send me pictures of the guys! I was going to borrow them from Claudia's albums, but her old ones are gone now and her new albums don't let you use some pictures. And I feel wrong taking photos without her permission. After all, she took all the time to photograph the boys' hottness and then put it on her site. Give her some credit! Anyway, check out my album, please? Oh and I'm this close to finishing the Funny Pictures album.

Oh, wait, there's more! I want to start a seperate section of this site devoted to Claudia Swan, Dream Street's amazingly spectacular choreographer. She has done so much for the band and deserves credit. I mean, she teaches these boys to dance and takes pictures to put on her site, just for fans! If any of you have information about her or links to sites about her, please e-mail me!

One last thing. I'm trying my hardest to get an exclusive interview with Dream Street for this site! It's very hard, and I'm doing what I can. I really need people's help! Anybody who knows Dream Street or knows their exact schedule, please tell me if they will go back to California anytime soon! If you have any information about how to contact their management company, please let me know! If you donate even the tiniest bit of helpful information, I will give you a special shout-out and thank you on my Interview Page (not yet up). Also, in the subject line of your e-mail, please write DS Information so I know you want to help. If you want to submit a question for me to ask, write DS Question as the subject. I will ask them your question and tell them it is from you, and I will also post those answers on my site. (Please submit only one question because only one question per person will be asked.) But remember, all innapropriate themed questions will be rejected, so don't be icky! Note that I said I am trying to get an interview, so it is not a guarantee! You must realize they are extremely busy with their schedules, and I'm still not exactly sure how I will arrange an interview. . . But I am determined to, and when I put my heart into it, I always get my way!

Other Information:

I recently changed my e-mail address to dream_street_for_life@hotmail.com. Please, do not send any Dream Street related information to my old address! It will be deleted! I'm sorry but my mailbox is too full. If you have my old e-mail in your Address Book, please change it to the new one.

Important! Look at my Guestbook and see who signed it on Friday 11/09/2001 11:01:09pm! Holy monkey weasles! I'm proud of me. . . !

Don't forget, please vote for my site! Currently, (5:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday, January 7, 2002) my site has maintained the number six position with thirty eight votes on the "Top 50 Dream Street Sites!" This site's record high position was three. Please keep voting if you want to reach number one!

Yes, I know I keep telling you to e-mail me and you are thinking, "Right, but where is your e-mail address?" Well, you can go to the F.A.Q./Contact Information Page (which I suggest you read anyway) or you can simply click below! Or, if you go to a different section of this page, you can always click "Contact Me" in the menu!

Again, I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating, but I am trying! My schedule is really full as it is, and with a Web Site to keep up, I don't know how I'll manage! Keep checking back every day in case I do have time to update.

Thanks for visiting and keep checking back for updates!

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*Please, Vote For My Site On "The Top 50 Dream Street Sites!" They Reset The Statistics To Zero Every Month, So If You Want To Help Promote My Site, Please Vote As Much As You Can!*

KriSeLen.com Is An Absolutely Perfect Site If You Are Looking For Up To Date Information On And Exclusive Interviews With New Music Artists! Visit This Site As Soon And Often As You Can! Please, If You Have A Site Devoted To Dream Street, P. Y. T., Dream, Or Mandy Moore And Would Like This Banner Or One Like It, E-mail Me And I'll Send You The Code!

KriSeLen Entertainment

In case you're wondering what time it is. . .