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Dream Street Games

All About Dream Street Game

If you love dreamstreet then you must no a lot about them. This game needs 2 or more people to play-this is how you play Have any amount of players you want as long as it is 2 or more. Cut out pieces of paper and on 10 of them write-Jesse. On another 10 write-Chris. On another 10 write Matt. On another 10 write Frankie, and on another 10 write Greg. Mix them up and throw them into a bag, hat, bowl etc. (any thing really) Pick 1 person who will not play the game so they can keep score. The first person to go will pick a name out of the bag and will have to recite 1 fact about the person (Say if you picked out Frankie you would have to say a fact about Frankie for example his birthday is January 24,1985 so you would say 1 fact about Frankie is that his birthday is Jan. 24, 1985) The first player to not know a fact for 3 times loses. Keep on playing untill there is 1 person left


*Dream Street Future Game*

--this game is to see how you and your favorite guy will end up like in your future like: being happily married, just friends, or strangers here's how it goes....

1. Write Your Favorite guy from DS on the first line

2. Then write your name underneath that.

3. underneath your name write the letters (A E I O U) and write the numbers (1 2 3 4 5) underneath that and write those numbers again underneath that.

4. Now count up the A's E's I's O's U's that u and ur guy have incommon. and write those underneath the numbers i gave u.

5. When you are finshed add up your numbers and the 2ND ROW OF numbers i gave u 2gether. Cross out any doubles triples (you noe the rest! lolz)

6. If you have more than one digit left over add them together like say:




1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 1 0 0


2 4 4 4 5 (CROSS OUT THE 4's and add 2+5)



If your answer is 1: You and your guy will never meet

If your answer is 2: Your guy will point at you at a concert

If your answer is 3: Your guy will smile at you

If your answer is 4: Your guy will pull you on stage at a concert

If your answer is 5: Your guy and you will become friends

If your answer is 6: You and your guy will end up in a serious relationship but will break up

If your answer is 7 and up: you and your guy will live happily ever after in a nice house with 3 children! hehe i love this game!

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