A Change Of Heart

Capter 8


chapter 8-

Billie, as he told us to call him, had us sit down on the floor and made
both of us show our emotions.

“Perfect!  Perfect!  Ahh..I can see it now.  Ok Nick, now wrap your arms
around Summer, not too fast, yet not too slow.  Keep it a soft, gentle

I don’t know why, but I was a little nervous.  Why was I even wasting my
time getting all these butterflies in my stomach-it was Nick!?!

Nick wrapped his arms around me in the most perfect way imaginable.  I just
closed my eyes and let the feeling of his soft hands relax me a little.  I
couldn’t believe I was enjoying this!  Well..he is a great kisser.  You know
how magazines say Nick is perfect in every way?  Well I never thought I
would say this, but I am starting to believe they are a little right. 
Scary, I know.

He continued to come closer to me and so I closed my eyes and tried to soak
up each and every move he was making.

“That is great you two!  I think we got enough footage for today of you
guys, great work!” Billie said, pleased at what he just saw.

Whatttt????!!!??  We spend an hour playing with bubbles for that one scene,
and than we only spend 10 minutes on an actual intimate part?  Now I was
getting cranky.

“Just… just come here one moment, though.” He said.

Nick and kind of avoided each other a little, (I guess he felt a little
awkward, too), as we walked over to him.

“You and you,” he said pointing to Nick, than me. “You both had so much
chemistry out there, now listen to me-and I mean listen to me, Carter.” He
said, standing right in Nick’s face.  Guess I wasn’t the only one who loved
to call Nick ‘Carter’.  “You guys can NOT lose that for tomorrow’s final
shots.  So do whatever you can to keep what you had today. Got me?”

I nodded as Nick said, “Yes, sir.”

Wow, that guy sure wanted this video to come out great.  Unless…that is how
every director acts.

I went over to my stuff and started packing up, getting ready to leave.

“Well what are you doing over here, you heard the man!”  Nick said, coming
over to me.

“What?” I said, lost yet once again at another one of Nick’s comments.

“He said absolutely, positively, no doubts, no way, no how can we lose our
chemistry over night.”

“Well, yeah I guess he said SOMETHING like that, Nick” I said, giggling.

“Well whatever he said, that is exactly what he meant,” Nick said.

“Yeah, I heard what he said.  We can’t lose our chemistry overnight.  Blah,
blah, blah…”

Than Nick cut me off.

“Ok, I can see easing into trying to ask you out again is not going to work
that way.” Nick said, a little upset that him trying to be smooth by trying
to ‘ask me out’ from saying if we didn’t, our chemistry would fade by
tomorrow, didn’t work out.

“Ohhh….!” I laughed.  “Well, Nick you could have just said, ‘You want to
hang out tonight?’ instead of blah blah ‘we need to hang out to keep our
chemistry going for tomorrow’, or something like that.”

“So are you asking me out?” Nick said, with that grin of his.

“Only if you’re gonna say yes, Carter”

“Hmm…well….” Nick said, putting his finger on his head, trying to look like
he needed to think about it.

I opened my mouth in shock and hit him on the arm a little.
Than I said, “Oh no, no..it’s ok.”
I than pulled out my cell phone from my bag.
“I just know I have Aaron’s number in here somewhere, now where is it.” I
said, pushing all the buttons on my phone.

“Oh no way in hell are you going out with my little bro instead of me!” Nick

“Ohh what are you going to do, tickle me to death again so I won’t be able
to go out with him?” I asked, joking around.

I got ready to sprint from the fact that I thought he would actually tickle
me again.  I was even ready for a sarcastic comeback from him, but he just
stood there staring at the floor, shuffling his feet.

“Well,” he finally said.  “If it will lead to what happened the last time I
tickled you than….” He kind of dragged off.

Usually Nick would have said that in a funny tone, but no-he was dead
serious.  It was kind of freaking me out.  But freaking me out in a GOOD
way.  Definitely a good way!

“You never know with me…you’ll never know what I’ll do next.”  I said, not
knowing how to respond to what he just said.

“Well as long as it doesn’t involve my brother, I’ll be happy to figure out
what your next move is.” He said.

“Ok than…what am I going to do now?” I questioned him.

He stood there for a minute thinking, but I couldn’t resist.  I had to do

I set my cell phone down on my purse and took both my hands and grabbed his
face while pulling it in towards me.  I moved my lips towards him and kissed
him more passionately and forceful than before.  Normally I wouldn’t kiss a
guy on an occasion of just meeting him yesterday…I let them make the move. 
But I could tell Nick was asking for it.  And if he wasn’t- well than- I did
say Brian was the one I originally wanted, right?  I’m only kidding!

Nick finally let up on the kiss, feeling as out of breath as I was.

He looked at me with his eyes widened in shock.

“Did you expect that?” I said, slyly, but secretly hoping he wouldn’t be
disgusted or mad that I kissed him.

“Did I expect that?  Hell…. What is my brother going to think once I tell
him about this kiss?” he said, laughing.

That is one thing I find really weird about Nick.  He is serious at the
weirdest times, yet when it’s time to be serious- he is such a jokester.

“I don’t know why don’t you call him up and see,” I said picking up my cell
again. “I got him on speed dial.”

“Dude, that’s the sad thing.  You probably do!” Nick said, laughing.

“Just because you’re jealous your brother can have what you can’t doesn’t

“Whoaaaa….” Nick said, cutting me off once again, “Are you saying that kiss
didn’t make you fall head over heels for me?” he said seriously, but I knew
he was kidding.

“Well…you could have been a little better fr-“

Immediately after those words came from my mouth, Nick grabbed my face, with
his hands this time, and kissed me the best I have ever been kissed
before-which wasn’t a lot- but what does it matter because damn, damn, damn
did this boy have some great kissing skills!!!!!!

After he got done with his kiss, which obviously proved me wrong, I stood
there in shock and astonishment.

“What?  Never been kissed that great by such a stud before?” Nick said.

“I..I…I don’t even…I…uhh,”  This time, I was defineltly at a loss for words.

“Well, I know how much you want to share how unbelievably great I am in
every way, but I thought maybe we could still go out-ya know-while it’s
light out,” he told me, obviously getting to the point that he wanted to get
out of the studio now.

“Uhh…Yeah…umm sure..” Damn-the Summer I know was NEVER at a loss of words
for this long.

“Ok, let me grab my coat,” he said, running to get his coat.

I still just stood there with my fingers on my lips, re-playing the
unbelievable kiss we just had.

Hell- I finally think I am over Brian.  Nick watch out- I’m all yours now.

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