Chapter Eighteen

People were scrambling around everywhere loading bags onto buses and equipment into vans that would carry N SYNC down to South Florida for the next few days. It was time for them to rehearse strenuously for their next tour and the only way they could find some peace and quiet from the constant buzz surrounding them was to get out of Orlando.

Joey and Chris were chasing each other around the bus while crew members stood by and watched, JC was quietly talking with Maitlyn and Lance, and Justin was busy loading his bags onto the bus.

He pushed his bags onto the bunk he had used during the last tour and his loud sigh echoed through the empty halls. So many things were running through his mind and every last one of them were making him want to go to bed and pull the covers over his head. Being who he was, was stressful enough for the most part, but lately he had felt the pressure even more with Carly.

Justin walked to the front of the bus and looked out the side window. It looked like a typical Saturday morning and he could imagine his family and friends waking up to start another normal day. But no days were normal for him. They were either busy or just plain horrendous.

With Carly on his brain he realized that he hadn’t seen her all morning and it was just about time for them to be leaving. How well she was going to handle things with him gone, he didn’t know. Over the past few weeks she had grown so attached to him and to be completely honest with himself, he had taken on the role as the protector. She was so small and so delicate that he felt he needed to keep her away from any harm.

Walking over to one of the couches Justin plopped down and stretched out. His long fingers rubbed up and down his face before settling to rub the tender spot between his eyes. The biggest worry he had right now was the feeling he was failing Carly in some way. It was impossible for him to stay in Orlando and she understood that, but the haunted look that came into her eyes when he told her he had to leave still replayed over and over in his mind.

“I just need to relax. Everything’s going to be fine, and she’s going to take care of herself. She needs to get used to it because when we go on tour in a few weeks she’s going to be left here all alone and then what?”

The commotion outside the bus continued as Justin lived his own inner turmoil inside the bus. The commotion was what Carly and Adrienne ran into when they arrived at the studio. It looked like a whole bunch of ants running around.

Adrienne turned the car off and unbuckled her seatbelt. “Now this is something you don’t see every day. Do you think any of these people actually know what’s going on? I mean come on; they’re only going away for four to five days. Carly?”

Carly was looking out the window dreamily. “Mmmhmm?”

Adrienne covered her own smile with a hand before continuing. “We’re here. Were you going to get out and talk to them or were you just planning on waving from the car as the bus pulls out? Kind of a whole ‘going to war’ type thing.”

Carly absently reached down and unbuckled the seatbelt before getting out of the car. “I’m going to get out, walk straight up to Justin, and assure him that I’ll be just fine without him here.”

Adrienne fell into step behind her and pushed her sunglasses higher on her nose. “Oh yeah…THAT was believable. Did you practice that look in the mirror last night? Because it’s a winner.”

Carly stopped walking and turned to face her. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Really…I think everything is going to be fine.”

“What is the brave act for? Or should I say WHO is the brave act for? You’re trembling so bad you’re teeth are almost chattering and it’s not even time for you to go into the studio yet. Justin is a very bright boy and even if he wasn’t he would see right through this front you’ve got going.”

Carly nervously bunched her hair together at her neck before letting the strands go. “I…I just don’t want him to worry. He’s got so much to worry about with the tour coming up and…and I just don’t want to be a bother. Can you please just back me up?”

Adrienne grinned and nodded her head. She knew that she wouldn’t have to back Carly up because the moment she was face to face with Justin everything would be blown. “Ok…fine…I’ll back you up.” They kept walking towards the crowd and Adrienne mumbled under her breath. “Why do I get the feeling that he’d worry about you even if you were only two inches away?”

“What was that?”

She coughed and shrugged. “Oh nothing. Just saying a short prayer for patience.”

Joey was the first person to spot them as he was making another lap around the bus. He put on the breaks and Chris slammed into him from behind. “Hey ladies! We were wondering where you were hiding.”

Adrienne looked at his flirty smile and winked. “Oh is he for real? I thought the flirting was an act at your party, but he really is this devilish. I like it.”

Carly put a hand on her arm and shook her head. “Don’t even think about it. I can only imagine what would happen if you two got together.”

Adrienne laughed loudly. “Not my type at all.” She turned to Joey again and pointed to the bus. “So is all this for you guys or are you just trying to impress us with your toys?”

Joey held his arm out for her to take and walked her towards the bus. “Let me give you the grand tour sweet thing.”

Carly laughed as Adrienne lowered her sunglasses and winked back at her as they climbed onto the bus.

Chris stood in front of her with his hands in his pockets rocking back and forth on his heels. “It’s good to see you Carly. Justin was just here so I’m sure he’ll pop up any minute. Nervous about recording?”

She smiled slightly and even managed a slight giggle. “I think I’d feel better if I knew what to expect, but going into the unknown is a little worrisome. It will all be fine though. Justin wouldn’t give me anything he didn’t think I could handle.”

Chris reached out and squeezed her arm. “Good way of looking at it. And you’re right, Justin cares a lot and he wants you to do well. It’s killing him to leave you right now but he’ll be there in spirit. Just be tough and remember that all of us are behind you.”

At that moment Justin came down the steps of the bus and stood at the base of them stretching his back. When he straightened, his eyes roamed around and finally settled on Carly.

“It’s about time you got here. For a minute there I thought you were actually glad we were leaving.”

Chris saw this as his moment to leave so he quietly slipped away as Carly stared up at Justin. “I wouldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye.”

He looked at her face and studied it speculatively for a moment before frowning. “Why are we acting like I’m going to be gone for months? I’m going to be back in four days so I expect a full report on everything that happens.”

She was just about to answer him when Joey and Adrienne came out of the bus and walked over to them. Joey was practically jumping out of his skin with excitement. “This is going to be so cool. We’re going to be practicing and the show is going to be awesome and…”

Justin rolled his eyes, grabbed Joey by the shoulders and pointed him back towards the bus. “Why don’t you give Adrienne the full tour of the bus.”

Joey blinked a few times before answering. “She just saw it.”

“Then why don’t you show her the new DVD player we got.”

Adrienne laughed. “Actually I just spent the last five minutes learning how it worked.”

Justin ran a hand through his hair and sighed loudly. “You saw all the DVDs we have?”

They both nodded in unison and Carly thought Justin was going to pull his hair out right there. Joey wasn’t getting the hint at all.

“Well Joey, show her the bathroom fixtures for all I care. Just find SOMETHING she hasn’t seen on that bus and show it to her. Like now.”

Joey finally caught on to Justin’s hints and he slapped him on the back while laughing. “OH! I get ya now. Come on Adrienne I’ll show you a few things that I’m SURE you didn’t see the first time.”

Carly was about to say something when Justin craned his neck around her to yell at Joey. “Stay out of my bag Joey! I’m sorry Carly. I just wanted to talk to you alone for a second before we pulled out.”

He grabbed her hand and led her over to a nearby bench under a tree where they sat down in the shade. “Now is when you’re allowed to freak Carly. And don’t give me that ‘I’m going to be brave Justin’ look. I didn’t know it was possible for human eyes to be that wide.”

She stared down at her hands and played with a leaf. “I don’t want you to worry. I never thought you would be gone when I had to record. It was just all so amazing to me that I even made it this far, but not having you there isn’t something I never even considered.”

He leaned to the side, reached deep into his pocket, and waved his cell phone in front of her. “Today is Saturday, and I’m going to call you every hour on the hour while you’re recording on Monday so expect it. Take my phone Carly.”

She looked at it like it would bite her. “What’s the number?”

“Do you plan on calling yourself on it?”

She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Stupid question.”

Justin laughed and placed the phone in her hand. “Nervous question actually. So tell me what’s bothering you the most and maybe I’ll be able to ease your fears a little.”

She continued to stare at the leaf in her hand. “I’m ok…really Justin.”

He smiled at her to break the tension of the moment but she didn’t seem affected by his charm so he leaned in and nudged her with his elbow. “Come on Carly. What is it? Commmmeeee oooonnnnnn.”

He continued to nudge her with his elbow faster and faster until finally she broke down and let her fears fly. “I’m not going to know any of the people there.”

“You know Adrienne and she’ll be there.”

“You know what I mean Justin. It will all be strangers and they’ll be watching me, and listening to me, and wondering who I am.” When the dam finally broke inside Carly she couldn’t stop and Justin watched in awe as the fears came tumbling out of her. “What if they look at me like I don’t belong there? What if I really don’t belong there? What if they ask me questions I can’t answer? What if…”

Justin grabbed her shoulders, turned her to face him, and put a finger over her lips. “What if I go back to our deal and point out the fact that you’re heading straight down Interstate Negative at record speed?”

Carly’s eyes widened and she immediately looked up at him. When her eyes finally rested on his face she saw the confident grin, and Justin trying desperately to make her laugh by raising his eyebrows up and down mischievously.

“Uh…ok…you’re right. You’re always right Justin. I know I’m being stu…” He leaned forward and puckered out his lips, but she caught herself before the slip was made. “…I’m being silly, and everything is going to be great.”

He leaned forward quickly and brushed his lips over her forehead before standing up and helping her to rise. “Atta girl. You know the song, so that’s a bonus for us. At least it’s not new material yet.” They both started walking at a leisurely pace towards the people waiting for them. “You’re going to go into that studio and impress the hell out of them. So when I get back I’m going to get so many pats on the back it’s going to be embarrassing. Feel free to embarrass me Carly. I like it.”

Carly giggled for the first time and he put his arm around her shoulders. “I have something for you so you won’t feel so alone.”

She looked up at him curiously when he said that and waited anxiously as he reached into his pocked and slid a small box into her hand. “You can borrow these while I’m gone, but make sure you return them because they’re my good luck charms.”

Carly delicately opened the tiny box and found that she couldn’t think of what to say when she saw what was inside. “Are you sure?”

He started to respond, but before he could get the words out Adrienne walked up beside Carly and winked at Justin. Carly immediately closed the box and shoved it into her pocket before anyone would notice the contents. “I think they’re ready for you Justin. I’ve been hearing them curse the young’un for the last ten minutes and I can only think of one person who fits the description…or the need for cursing.”

Justin chuckled confidently and leaned in towards Adrienne. He lifted a hand and wagged a finger at her to come closer. She leaned in close to him and he whispered. “Take good care of her Adrienne, or you’ll have me to deal with when I get back.”

Adrienne leaned in a little closer and grinned evilly. “Should I start trembling now, or should I wait until you tell me it’s ok?”

Carly grabbed her arm and jerked her away from Justin as he started laughing and walking away. “He’s going to get you one day Adrienne.”

Both of the girls watched his retreating form and Adrienne whistled softly through her teeth. “And tell me again why that would be a bad thing. Damn look at the way that boy walks. God is STILL spending time on creating that. A walk that fine should be illegal. Buns of steel my dear Carly…buns of steel!”

Adrienne started laughing when Carly continued to watch Justin as he walked away, and smiled knowingly when Justin turned at the last minute to wink at Carly. Things were definitely different between the two of them, and it was a best friend’s job to make sure things continued to get interesting.

The weekend flew by and that was mainly because Carly didn’t want Monday to come. Adrienne tried her best to keep Carly’s thoughts occupied but nothing was going to make her forget the fact that she was going into the studio Monday to record the first single off her first album.

Justin had kept his promise and had called her a few times on Sunday. She wondered if he really would call her every hour on the hour while she was recording. It was nine o’clock in the morning, she wasn’t expected at the studio until ten, and there hadn’t been a call from him yet.

She sat down at her dresser and stared at her reflection in the mirror. “Nothing special, nothing extraordinary, but there IS something about me that is…well…interesting. I wonder if anyone else sees it. I wonder if Ju…”

A knock sounded on her door and she walked over to answer it. Adrienne stood there with her hair up and dark sunglasses on. She was leaning casually against the doorway and grinning brightly. “I know I look good Carly but you don’t have to stare at me that way.”

A grin spread across Carly’s face when she heard the words. “I take it you’re here to pick me up. I’ll grab my bag and we can go.”

She picked her bag up off the bed in a hurry and all the contents spilled out onto the floor. Carly immediately sat down and picked the items up in a hurry. “I’m so sorry about that Adrienne. I didn’t mean to knock it over but it will only take me a second to clean this up…and I…I really can’t believe I did this. Just hang on a second because I need to let Ariel know that I’m leaving and get her lunch set out so she can take it to daycare…and then I need to…oh my God what time is it?”

Adrienne kneeled down beside Carly and put her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Carly…stop for a second and relax.”

Carly plopped down Indian style on the floor and covered her face with her hands. “I think I’m going to lose it Adrienne. I honestly think I’m going insane. Even when I auditioned for JIVE I wasn’t this nervous. I knew I could do it, I knew it was going to happen, I knew…”

Adrienne interrupted softly. “You knew Justin was there.”

Carly’s startled eyes met hers. “He brings me so much strength Aidee. He is the first guy I’ve met who looks at me like I can do anything, like I could conquer the world if I wanted to.” She paused for a moment to gain courage. “Like I’m really something special to him.”

Adrienne reached out and squeezed Carly’s hand. “I’ve seen him with you and I honestly don’t know why that guy Mike hangs around you because Justin looks like he would tackle anyone who dared to come close to you. The boy is enthralled by you Carly, but for some reason he hasn’t figured that out yet. I think you need to look inside your heart and figure out if you want him in your life other than as a friend because he’s going to wake up one day Carly, and you’ll have one hell of a decision on your hands.”

Carly shook her head and was quick to comment on those words. “You’re wrong…there’s no way…I’ve been around him and he just looks at me as a friend…really Adrienne there’s nothing else…I mean…well…he’s Justin Timberlake.”

Adrienne stood up and put her hand on her hip. “So being Justin Timberlake means he can’t have crushes or even fall in love?”

Carly pushed herself up and huffed at Adrienne’s statement. “Oh come on. Of course he can fall in love and have crushes, but with me? That’s really too funny Adrienne. In fact that’s so silly I’m not going to spend my time thinking about it. Can we go so I’m not late? I just want to get this day over with.”

They drove to the studio and neither one of them spoke one word to the other all the way there. Adrienne felt that Carly needed to think about what she had just said to her and Carly was too busy chewing on her fingers to say much anyway. It was probably best that nothing was said because they were both in the mood to start an argument; Carly over nerves, and Adrienne over trying to prove a point.

They got past the security gates and Adrienne parked right in front of the affiliate JIVE studio. They both sat in silence for a moment before they both tried to speak at once.

“Carly I…”

“Adrienne I’m sorry.”

“Why are you saying you’re sorry? I’m your best friend Carly and you’re nervous enough without me adding more stress by bringing up something with Justin. You are so terrific and so amazing and I just know today is going to be magical.”

Carly looked out the window as she spoke. “You truly think so?”

“I know so. By the way, where did you get your outfit? That is probably the cutest outfit I’ve ever seen you wear.”

They got out of the car and Carly looked down at her new clothes proudly. “I got it from the GAP. It’s comfortable and I wanted SOMETHING to be comfortable today.”

Adrienne started walking down the sidewalk towards the front door. “Well you look great and I just want you to know that you’re going to sound great too. I’ve got a feeling about today. Something is going to happen today…something special.”

Carly stopped in her tracks and stared at Adrienne curiously. “Something special? The whole day is special. What more could there possibly be?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Not sure, but I feel something is up.” She looked at Carly’s face closely before reaching out to touch her ears. “Where did the earrings come from? You never wear earrings.”

Carly touched her ears worriedly and blushed. “They are actually…now don’t you start anything or even hint at anything because they’re not mine, but Justin let me borrow them while he’s away.”

Adrienne grinned slyly and raised her eyebrows. “So Justin left you his earrings while he’s away, and that’s to remind you that he’s thinking about you huh?”

When it was said that way, Carly understood what Adrienne had been talking about. She still didn’t believe it, but she understood. “Stop right there. I know exactly what you’re hinting at and there’s really nothing behind this except kindness. I think it’s very sweet that he wanted me to know he’s thinking about me…um…that he’s worried about me…that still sounds bad…that he…”

Adrienne opened the door and motioned for Carly to enter. “That he cares about you. No need to get all worked up about it.” Once Carly was inside and out of earshot Adrienne mumbled under her breath. “I guess she just thinks that all guys do things like that. Well she’s in for a rude awakening.”

A secretary buzzed them into the back part of the studio and they ran into Mr. Stephens on the way back. “Hello there Carly. It’s so great to see you again. Are you excited about today?”

“Yes sir.”

He noticed her uncertainty and moved to reassure her. “I know it all seems a little overwhelming to you now, but as soon as you meet everyone and go through a few songs you’ll feel right at home.” He turned to Adrienne and held out his hand. “I notice you’re not Justin so I’ll introduce myself.”

Introductions were made between Adrienne and Mr. Stephens and they continued down the hallway to the studio. “Carly, this is studio five and this is where we’re going to record your first single. Once we get that laid out and recorded, we’ll work on some of the other songs you picked out and make your debut album. How does that sound?”


He put his arm around her and squeezed. “Everyone says that. I think I should stop asking that question. Your first single will be released and promoted on the airwaves and you’ll be rehearsing your performances and recording your album on your off time. It’s all a pretty simple strategy. We’ll release the first single and make people want more so when your album comes out people will be demanding it.”

Carly and Adrienne stood there watching him with dull expression on their faces. Mr. Stephens laughed and opened the door for them. “I know it all seems a little crazy now, but you’ll see soon. I’m sure if you have any questions Justin will be able to answer them.”

Carly’s face dropped the moment Justin’s name was mentioned. Adrienne picked up on it and pulled her aside. “You’re standing in the middle of millions of people’s dream and you’re sulking. Stop it Carly! Nobody is worth all that.”

She shook her head and closed her eyes for a moment before speaking. “You’re right. Justin doesn’t have to be here for me to prove myself. I need to do this for myself.”

Adrienne hugged her and kissed her cheek. “That’s right sister friend. Now go in there and kick some ass. Figuratively speaking of course.”

A young intern led Carly into the sound booth where he introduced her to a wave of people and showed her where all the headphones and equipment were. When he finished giving her instructions he stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him with a thud. The room was completely silent at that point and she was all alone inside.

Swallowing hard, she put the headphones on and listened to the sound of herself breathing for a few seconds. When a voice came on inside the headphones she jumped and looked up through the glass for the first time. In the control booth stood Mr. Stephens and about fifteen other people all pushing buttons and running around.

“Are you doing ok in there Carly? We’re going to get started in just a few seconds and I wanted to make sure you could hear me. Just speak into the microphone because we can all hear everything you say."

Her eyes widened even more and she leaned forward to speak into the mic. “Yes I can hear you.”

Adrienne walked up to the glass and stared at Carly. She could see her trembling and there was nothing she could do but lend her support.

Mr. Stephens’ voice continued in her headphones. “The music will start and all you have to do is sing your heart out. We’ll stop you when we feel you need to sing something over and that will happen a lot at first so don’t get down about that. Expect to be recording this song for a few days so don’t get discouraged if the first day isn’t brilliant. Are you ready for take one?”

Carly took a few deep breaths and stared at the fifteen or so people watching her anxiously. “I…I…I think so. Yes I’m ready.”

She saw Mr. Stephens nod to a man beside him and Carly heard the first few notes of the song begin. Never had she felt so watched or under so much scrutiny. They all had hopeful faces but Carly knew they were all anxiously waiting to see if their decision and faith in her was worthwhile and just.

Thirty minutes later Adrienne was sitting on the sofa in the lobby watching Carly attempt to sing the same part over for the millionth time when a cell phone sounded in Carly’s bag. She leaned over and dug around until she found the phone. “Since when does she have a phone? Hello?”

Justin’s voice came over the line. “Hello? This isn’t a good signal. Carly?”

Adrienne smiled brightly when she recognized his voice. “I’m sorry, Carly isn’t available right now but leave a message and I’m sure she’ll get back with you.”

“Really funny Adrienne. I think I should let you know that you’re holding my phone in your hand and I can always scream THEFT any time I want to. How is Carly holding up?”

Adrienne’s eyes slid over to where Carly was rubbing her forehead and shaking her head. “She’s doing about as well as expected under the circumstances.”

“Cut the crap Adrienne. I can hear it in your voice.”

“Ok ok. Damn…how can someone as blind as you be this perceptive? She’s not doing too well. For the last hour she’s been singing the same part of the song over and over. I’m no musician, but that can’t be good.”

She heard Justin sigh loudly. “This is a nightmare. Let her know that I’m thinking about her and I’ll call back a little later.”

“Honestly Justin I think mentioning you called would be the worst thing for her right now, but I will tell her you’ll call her later. I’ll try to see what’s going on.”

“Thank you. Talk to you later.”

Adrienne clicked the phone closed and walked up to the glass. Carly looked over at her and Adrienne could already see the stress lines on her face. She smiled reassuringly at her and held up a thumb. She knew it wouldn’t help her out at all, but right now it was all she could think to do.

“Come on Carly…show everyone you have what it takes.”

After lunch the recording began again and Carly’s nerves were still frazzled. She wasn’t able to eat much during lunch and although Mr. Stephens had assured her that it was pretty normal for a first recording to have the problems she was having, it was still disappointing and disheartening.

Adrienne had done her best to pep talk Carly but she saw right away that Carly was overloaded and frustrated. She sat back down on the sofa and checked her watch. Hopefully things would change soon. She prayed they would change soon because she really wasn’t sure how much more Carly could take before giving up.

She closed her eyes and listened to the commotion going on inside the booth. A few seconds later a hand touched her arm and she opened her eyes when she heard an all too familiar voice.

“Things can’t be all THAT bad.”

Adrienne’s eyes raised upwards slowly until she saw the confident grin and curly hair. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me. She’s going to hit the floor when she sees you. What are you doing here?”

Justin put a finger to his lips and grinned. “I wasn’t being much help down there so the guys let me go early.”

Adrienne looked around Justin and saw Lance standing there. “And what’s your story?”

Lance flashed a smile and pointed at Justin. “He needs a chaperone wherever he goes. JC was busy so I got stuck with the job.”

“Poor guy but great eyes.”

Lance and Adrienne watched as Justin cautiously walked up to the glass and stared at Carly. She was so worked up and completely focused on the microphone in front of her that he didn’t see him standing there.

The music paused for a moment while they checked the replay and she took off her headphones. Justin smiled tenderly when he saw her glance up at the lights with a look of desperation in her eyes. The main thing that caught his eye, and his heart, was the way she reached up with one hand to gently rub one of the earrings he had loaned her and that were now gracing her small ears.

“Ok Carly let’s try that section one more time. You’ve almost got it.”

Justin watched as she put the headphones back on, cleared her voice, and tried that part of the song again. He could tell immediately that she was holding back so he wandered into the control booth and smiled confidently when everyone in the room looked at him with shock clearly shown on their faces.

Carly still hadn’t opened her eyes but she sighed loudly when the music stopped once again. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that I’m having problems with that one part but…”

Justin’s smooth voice sounded in her headphones. “Don’t apologize to anyone blossom, it’s all my fault for not being here.”

Her head jerked up and for the first time all day a light shined in her eyes. “Justin? What…I mean how…I mean…I thought you were in South Florida.”

“Change of plans sweetheart. I want you to take a deep breath, open your mouth, and sing the hell out of this song. These people have been waiting all day to see you do that. Now I’ve heard you do it, you’ve heard yourself do it, and now you’re going to show the whole world what a truly remarkable talent you have. Right?”

She nodded her head and straightened her headset. “Can I have a second to collect my thoughts…and nerves?”

About a minute later she looked back up at Justin and he was satisfied with her new look of determination. “Ok…I’m ready to do this. I can do this.”

The music started again and instead of Carly closing her eyes to shut out the faces in front of her, she met Justin’s stare head on. In fact, she was hypnotized by it. The longer his eyes remained on hers, the more addicted she became. It was magical and inspiring, and just plain male heat that made up the core of Justin Timberlake.

Adrienne and Lance watched what was going on and shook their heads in amazement.

Lance was the first to comment. “Have you ever seen anything like that before?”

“Never. What do you think it means?”

He took one last look at Carly before turning to stare at Adrienne. “I think it means that those two have more between them than just music.”

Adrienne laughed and put her arm through Lance’s. “I don’t know you that well Lance Bass, but I like you already.”

The day ended and Carly was too worn out to do much else besides go home and go to sleep. Justin had completely turned her day around and she was still baffled by the effect he had on her lately. She wasn’t usually such a dependent person, but lately she found herself clinging to Justin in a way she didn’t quite understand yet. He was almost like her lifeline.

He had assured her and praised her yesterday enough to make her sugar level rise, but the words meant more to her than anything else she could imagine. He had come all the way back to Orlando for her…to be WITH HER and that was something she would remember for a long time.

The next morning was to be spent at a photo shoot before going into the studio for the afternoon to work on the song. Photo shoots were something that Carly felt even more self-conscious about. Singing was becoming easier and easier for her to handle, but getting dressed up in different outfits while people stared at you and photographed you was another matter altogether.

At six in the morning Justin picked her up and drove her to the studio where she was having the prints made. Carly had never seen Justin so early in the morning and Adrienne’s words popped into her head.

Does he look that good in the morning?

Carly’s curious eyes roamed over his profile as he drove down the interstate and she had to admit to herself that he looked pretty damn good for someone who had gotten up before the sun had even appeared for the day.

“Is there some reason you are staring at me like that?”

Carly immediately turned her eyes back to the window and mentally cursed herself for being so stupid. “I wasn’t staring. I thought I saw something.”

His teeth flashed in a grin and he chuckled softly. “I know you did. You saw me and kept right on seeing me.”

She couldn’t help smiling at his playfulness and she relaxed down into the seat as they continued down the highway.

When they arrived at the photography studio Justin had to pretty much drag Carly out of the car. She stood there staring at the place like it was haunted so he walked around the car, grabbed her by the hand, and pulled her inside.

“Don’t start this now Carly. You did this last time and you know as well as I do that you had a great time. Just pretend that this is dress up time and you’re playing make believe. That’s really all this is about.”

She continued to allow herself to be dragged towards the front door. “You do realize that I don’t believe you at all. Why am I doing more photographs? I just had pictures done for the portfolio.”

“These are publicity shots Carly. You might as well get used to them because you’re going to be doing a lot between now and the end of your career.”

When they stepped through the doors Carly looked around at the massive photography studio. There was every imaginable setup and she found herself intrigued by it all. Scared, but intrigued.

“My little angel! It’s been so long that I nearly forgot what you looked like. Give me a big hug angel face!”

Justin stepped forward quickly and hugged Jacob before he got to Carly. Carly laughed until her sides hurt when she saw the expression on Jacob’s face.

“Get away from me you curly spawn of Satan. I was referring to Carly. I hear you have finally made it big.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I wouldn’t call it that, but I’ve definitely moved up in the world.”

“You’re big enough to where they have called in the best to photograph you for promotion.”

Justin looked around the room. “Oh yeah? Who is the photographer today?”

Jacob grabbed Carly’s hand and walked across the room with her. “We’re going to ignore all of Justin’s negativity. From this point on his voice no longer exists in our happy little realm. Come along angel there is much to be seen and accomplished. There is beauty to be found.”

Justin watched them go and felt a sense of pride he hadn’t felt in a long time. Carly was going to be fine once she got more confidence in her. In fact, she was pretty funny in an impish kind of way.

His attention was diverted from her when his cell phone rang. “Yeah?”

“I just want to tell you that I’ve always had a thing for tall eighteen year olds who can’t shave yet.”

Justin grinned mischievously when he recognized the voice. “Oh yeah? Well I’ll see if Lance is anywhere around here because you’ve got the wrong stud. But let me put you on speakerphone Maitlyn while I look and you can breathe heavy for everyone to hear. You know I like it when you breathe heavy baby.”

“Ha ha. You are pretty funny superstar. How is everything going?”

Justin looked over to where Carly was looking through racks of clothes and leaned his hip against a nearby table. “It’s going ok I guess. She had some problems yesterday in the studio but everything seemed to work out. Right now we’re at Jacob’s and she’s getting promo shots done.”

“Be easy on her Justin. Not everyone is as addicted to the spotlight as you are. I know…I know before you say it. You’re not addicted right? But I swear to God I’m going to punch you the next time I see you for all the times you’ve been interrupting JC in interviews lately. Such a greedy boy you are.”

He giggled at her while stretching his legs out. “You know you love me spicy. I need to get going and help Carly out. I think the shots today are going to be a little more…adult if you will…and I know she’s about to freak. Talk to you later.”

“Be nice and keep me updated.”

Justin clicked off the phone and wandered over to where they were getting Carly ready for her shots. It was amazing to him how fast hair and makeup people could work. They already had her prepped and ready to go for the first few shots.

Jacob’s voice rang out through the studio. “Ok angel I want you to have a wistful look on your face. Like you’ve been away from home, you can’t wait to get back there, and you’re thinking of the ones left behind.”

Justin sat down in a nearby chair and watched the action. He had honestly never seen Carly look as beautiful as she did right now. Her hair was down and blowing around her face, a pale green dress showed off her trim figure, and most importantly she had a glow of life in her eyes. He found that those brown eyes of hers intrigued him more and more each day.

He was so lost in watching Carly that he didn’t notice that Jacob was having a hard time getting her to give the look he wanted. It wasn’t until she had a helpless look on her face that Justin realized something was wrong. He walked over beside Jacob and listened closely.

“Carly I need you to look like you’re in love. This shot is supposed to be all warm and fuzzy. Look at the camera like it’s a picture that will be sent to your sweetheart.”

She looked over at Justin and he widened his eyes and urged her on. “Ok…I’m not really sure what you mean but I’ll try.”

A few snaps of the lens later and Jacob still couldn’t get it out of her. “I don’t know what else to say to you Carly. Aha…I think I have it. Remember what it’s like to kiss for the first time the one you adore? You’ve had a crush on this special someone for ages and finally he has leaned down and kissed you breathless. That is the look I’m looking for. The innocence, the magic, the passion, the LOOK Carly.”

Carly’s eyes seem to plead even more and Justin noticed a hint of embarrassment. “But I don’t know what…I’ve never felt…”

Justin stepped forward a little. “Come on Carly. Out of all the looks imaginable this one isn’t that hard. I think you’re making a bigger deal out of it than it really is. Just use your imagination and go with it.”

She looked down at her hands and shook her head. “But I can’t do that look because…”

“He’s not asking you to be sexy. He’s just asking for a very romantic look.”

“I know, but Justin I’m not sure I can because…”

Justin turned to Jacob and interrupted her. “Maybe you should go for another look. She’s a little too nervous to do this one right now.”

Carly jerked her head up and pleaded. “No you don’t have to do that. I just wanted to say that I don’t know that look because I’ve never had anyone…I’ve never been…”

Justin suddenly stepped forward, put a hand on either side of Carly’s face, and brought his mouth down to hers.

Carly’s whole world exploded in a big bright light when his soft lips connected with hers. It wasn’t a kiss of passion, but it was everything Carly had ever dreamed his lips would be like. They were soft, delicate, skilled, and most importantly they were touching her own.

He continued to kiss her a little while longer before pulling back to place another soft kiss on her now parted lips. His face remained hovered over hers as he opened his eyes and caressed her cheek with his thumb. He watched her breathe in deeply and sway a little towards him as he pulled away.

He smiled a little and whispered to her. “Open your eyes sweetheart and look at me.”

Justin stepped back and walked over to where Jacob was standing with his mouth open. In fact, everyone in the building was frozen in place and staring wide eyed at Justin. They couldn’t believe the intensity and passion of what just happened.

Carly opened her eyes and looked directly at Justin as he walked away. When he made his way behind Jacob she looked at the camera and noticed Jacob clicking away.

“This is beautiful Carly…absolutely beautiful little angel. This is the innocent passion I’ve been looking for in you. This is phenomenal.”

The last shot was taken and Jacob motioned to his staff to get Carly ready for the next setup. He found Justin sitting quietly in a chair off by himself. “Quite a source of inspiration there Justin. Can I borrow you whenever I need that particular shot pulled off?”

“Very funny Jacob. I was just trying to help her out. She was having problems with the shot and I helped her out the only way I knew how. It worked right?”

Jacob watched him closely and grinned. “Are you sure that’s all it was…inspiration?”

Justin rubbed his eyes and stood up. “I’m completely sure that’s all it was. We’re friends and business partners…nothing more.”

Justin walked outside and looked up at the morning sun. For the last half-hour he had been telling himself over and over that the kiss meant nothing and that he was just doing her a favor. It bothered him that that one act was staying in his mind this long.

The thing that bothered him the most was the fact that he could still smell her, could still feel how good her body had felt against him, and could still feel how her shocked but delicate lips had fit so perfectly against his.

He ran a hand through his hair and started back inside. “You’re being stupid Timberlake. Really really stupid.”

- Chapter Nineteen -

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