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Diamond TutorialTake this

Transparent Bg

to Image Magick & resize to 249x349!
Click draw.
Choose line.
Use these coordnates:
120,5 20,180
Change these:
Fill Box:None
Stroke Color:White or Color of choice
Stroke Width:5
Click draw.
Now you have your 1st line.
For next line:
Click draw.
Choose line.
Change coordinates to:
120,5 230,180
Leave everything else the same.

Now to turn your image around to do the next 2 lines.
Click transform
Rotate right
Repeat this step again
Now your lines will be on the bottom of image
Now click draw.
Choose line.
Change coordinates to:
125,5 23,170
Leave everything else the same.
Now click draw again.
Choose line
Change oordinates to:
125,5 15,170
Leave all else the same
Click draw
Now you should have your diamond.