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Have you ever wondered WHY, exactly.....

Why in the HELL does Nick always grab his crotch?? No, seriously, I want to know. Is he checking to make sure its still there? Is it really that BIG that he has to rearrange it all the time? And what the hell is up with him pitching a tent all the time?? I mean, no complaints here, I'm just wondering.

How old is he now? 21? Thats what I thought. I thought guys grew out the phase where their penis's have a mind of their own, when they were like 17 or something. Maybe I'm wrong, after all I am a girl. I'm not all that familiar with that region of their body.

And another thing, whats with the pic below, does he have to pee?? Look at him, he looks really, really, really uncomfortable.... I dunno...maybe he pitched a tent, and is trying to cover it up......(he he)

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