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An O-Town Fantasy
Webmistress: Mona Miller

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"I don't like Cindy, I love Cindy. I always thought she was cool. She was always so supportive of Dan and they looked so cool together and I was so unhappy when they broke up." -Mindy

Cindy seems like a sweetheart. She seems cool and not stuck on herself just cause she's dating Dan. You could tell she really had feelings for him and the fact that they hardly got to see each other really hurt her. She was probably my favorite out of all the guys' girlfriends just cause she seemed real. Peace :) -Michelle

I love Cindy so much. She stands by Dan in everything that he does, and she supports him 100%. Never once has she said "Well if Dan joins this group, he won't have time for ME." In fact, she said "The one thing that I will never do is to hold Danny back from anything." She's so caring and understanding. I can see why Dan says that Cindy is the one person that he can talk to about anything.-Mona(webmistress)

I love Cindy! She's adorable and she was sooooooo sweet to Dan. Dan was lucky to have her and I'm sad they broke up! :( -Chantelle

I liked Cindy because she seemed so sweet and she was also very pretty. I think she and Dan made a very cute couple and it's a shame they didn't make it through all the fame and stuff. I hope they get back together one day. They were perfect for each other! -Tara

Cindy seems to be the most real person. When her and Dan were together on the show, he completely changed. And the only reason they broke up was so Dan didn't have to leave her behind. You can tell he still has feelings for her. I like Cindy. She seems cool and real. -Beth

don't hate her just because she was going out with Dan, or because Dan likes her -Neely

i like Cindy, shes cool (just like the other otown girls). She realizes that Dan has been wanting this career for years and doesnt want to get in the way of it. They should have sayed together as they are a perfect match. She is pretty and seems like great fun. I hope that Dan realizes how mch she helps him and that she would be a true friend. -Shannon

To tell the truth, I barely remember seeing Janie on the show. But I read that's cause Jacob's so protective over her :) He talks about her all the time though, and from what he says she seems really cool. And you can tell just by reading the lyrics to "Take me under" that he's really into her, so she must be a cool person. Peace! -Michelle

I really like Janie. she is sooooo sweet and soooo cool she is so supportive of Jake's career and is always there for him and they make such a cute couple I hope they stay together 4 ever. -Kate

She just seems to...ugh! She looks like she can be a real snob! I HATE HER!-Beyonce

I don't really know much about Janie, but she seems nice enough. The one thing that I know is that Jacob loves her very much. He even said that to be away from her is a difficult task, and if he wasn't singing and doing music everyday, he'd fall apart. He also wrote the song, 'Take Me Under,' originally as a poem for her. Now that's love! They seem really happy with each other and seeing Jacob happy makes me happy. -Mona(webmistress)

Yes I like her. I think she is nice. -Heather

Janie seems like a cool girl and I am sure Jacob really likes her and she really likes Jacob. They both are really unique people and seem like a good fit. -Beth

don't hate her just because she is going out with Jacob, these girls/ and guys can do whatever they want in their own lives!! -Neely

I do like Janie but she doesnt seem very confident in herself which she should do as her boyfriend is the HOTTEST guy on earth! She seems as if she really does love Jacob but i dont think it would last. She would get lonely and doesnt seem the type to wait at home for weeks on end before she gets to see him. Today was the first time i had seen Janie as she was in MTB2 and she wasnt how i expected her to be. -Shannon

Hmmm Kelly's a tough one to judge. To be honest, the first impression I got of her I didn't like very much. She seemed sorta fake, and like she was only there so the everyone could see Trevor chasing after her on national TV. But I don't know, I could be wrong. I know it's tough being yourself on camera so she could have just been nervous. I don't know what happened behind the scenes and what not, but Trevor says she's a cool person, and he knows her better than any of us do, so I'm gonna take his word on it. I don't think he'd like some stuck up snob, so she must be a pretty cool person. Peace :) -Michelle

Kelly seems to be a really nice person and all, but I don't like the fact that she was leading Trevor on. At first, she said that when she was away from Trevor, she realized how much she missed him and that she really wanted to be with him, then she says that when other guys ask her out, she wants to say yes. Then when Trevor asks her to be his g/f she says "Well, that would mean that I can't date other guys right?" NO KIDDING!! I mean if you don't like him, that's fine, but don't pretend to like him just so you won't hurt his feelings because his feelings still end up hurt in the end. -Mona(webmistress)

I don't like Kelly because she broke Trevor's sweet precious heart and she was just sitting there at that table smiling like it was some kind of joke!!! -Yolanda

I didn't see much about Kelly, so I don't really have an opinion with her except that she did seem confused with her relationship with Trevor -Beth

She should not be getting crap because she turned down Trevor, only she could say when she was ready and it would be wrong to lead him on -Neely

No, I don't like her. She's too dependent and needy. -Jennifer

I dislike her ALOT. She whines to much and I don't like that.-Whitney

As much as I hate to admit it, I think Shelli's pretty cool. I feel bad for the stuff she has to deal with from Ashley fans. People just hate on her cause she's pretty and she has their dream guy. But jealously is not a good reason to hate on people. I think she's lucky and she seems like a really nice, decent person. She's always friendly to people. Come on, don't hate, congratulate!! Cause most haters just want to be like her :) Admit it!! LoL Peace! -Michelle

Well, I've met Shelli before, and she is actually a very friendly person. The thing that I did not like about her was that she was selfish in the beginning. She said "Why do you get to fulfill your dreams, and I have to put mine on hold?" and "Before I came before everything else, and now THIS does." I think she should have been more understanding and she should have supported Ashley in his decision. If she had shown her friendly side, more people would like her. -Mona(webmistress)

You know what I really really hate Shelli.Tell me how your gonna make such a perfect angel like Ashley cry and even throw up?What kind of an individual is she?See I thought she was cool cause she made Ashley happy and whatever makes him happy makes me happy.But once she changed completly and made Ash sick I could have killed her.I mean I wont now cause she is still Ashleys friend but I think he should'nt talk to her ne more cause she always put's him down and I hate that.Ash isn't my fav but Erik is and Ash is Erik's best friend so what concern's Erik concerns me and that right there is Ash.So if u agree or Disagree with me e-mail me k.Love Ya. -Mrs.Sylvia Estrada

Most people hate on Shelli, even I do sometimes. But I like her too in some ways. I mean she made Ashley really happy, which all girls want to do, right?? But she was really whiney and sometimes unsupportive, but she seems like a cool girl. Hey, I would pay to switch lives with her for a day... and I am sure millions of girls would too.. -Beth

I don't like Shelli because... even though her and Ashley dated for so many years... she just treated him like she didn't love him as much as he loved her. and every time she was on the show... all she did was make him cry. i mean... love hurts.. but she was just annoying and i think even though he was her first love... Ashley can do much better than that. -Tara

She should not be getting crap because she didn't want to be with Ashley at that time, it was her decision and she had the right to say no to him, we don't know the whole story, camera's are edited and she knew that Ashley could not have a girlfriend at this time in his life, they all are focusing on their careers. -Neely

Janie & Shelli
okay, now i have some words to say about these two chics. i dislike them to the fullest. they completley make me sick!! and its not b/c they are in any way involved with jacob and ashley. i just have a personal thing towards them.i feel that they are trying to be sum1 they arent (shelli) and just with that certain person for attention(janie). i just think that from watching episodes and just putting it all together you have to think? well until i meet either one of them and know their real personality and such then im going to keep these feelings . thank you for letting me speak my mind -Mandy

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